About Section 31

The images above are from the episode "Inquisition".

Section 31 is a secret Starfleet sanction that can be compared to the Romulan Tal Shiar or the former Cardassian Obsidian Order. Section 31, which has been operating independently since the creation of the Federation Charter, seeks out and identifies potential threats to the Federation. Only a very few members of Starfleet have knowledge of this secretive group. After Dr. Bashir's short abduction by Section 31 member Commander Sloan, Starfleet Command neither denied nor confirmed its existence. They just said that they would look into it. Shortly after, Dr. Bashir and Captain Sisko started making plans to infiltrate Section 31.

In 2375, Bashir was recruited by Section 31. Bashir pretended to join, but he was secretly working for Captain Sisko. The Doctor traveled to Romulus for a conference. While he was there, he gathered information on the Romulan government. When Bashir learned that Sloan, the head of Section 31, was planning to assassinate the head of the Tal Shiar, he turned to Senator Cretak for help. Both Bashir and Cretak were caught while trying to find evidence to prove that a member of the Romulan council was secretly giving tactical information to Section 31. Koval told the council that there was no Section 31, and that Sloan was just a former Starfleet Intelligence officer trying to murder him. The council believed Koval, and Senator Cretak was found guilty of treason, even though she was really innocent. Bashir was returned to DS9, and he found out that Admiral Ross had worked with Sloan to get Cretak out of the running for one of the open seats on the Romulan council. Since Koval was actually a member of Section 31 and supported the Federation/Romulan Alliance, Starfleet wouldn't have to worry about the Romulans signing another treaty with the Dominion.

The images above are from the episode "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges".

In late 2375, Doctor Bashir and Miles O'Brien discovered that Section 31 was responsible for the disease that was killing Odo and the Founders. In order to get a cure, Bashir sent a message to Starfleet medical saying that he had found the cure. This concerned Section 31, who feared that the cure might fall into the hands of the Founders. They sent Sloan to DS9 to destroy it, but when he arrived, he was captured by Bashir. Bashir told him that there was no cure. He then used Romulan mind probes to get the cure from Sloan. However, Sloan tried to kill himself, and Bashir and O'Brien were forced to go into his mind to get the cure. They were successful, and they managed to cure Odo. Sloan ended up dying. Before he did, Bashir managed to discover many things about Section 31, but he wasn't able to gather enough information to destroy the organization.

The images above are from the episode "Extreme Measures".

"We search and identify potential dangers to the Federation."

"And once identified?"

"We deal with them."

Deputy Director Sloan and Dr. Julian Bashir

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