DS9 Series Review

Best Musical Scores

"Whispers" -- Season 2 -- music by Dennis McCarthy

"The Visitor" -- Season 4 -- music by Dennis McCarthy

"The Siege of AR - 558" -- Season 7 -- music by Paul Baillargeon

"What You Leave Behind" -- Season 7 -- music by Dennis McCarthy

Best Special Effects

"The Way of the Warrior" -- Season 4

"Sacrifice of Angels" -- Season 6

"Tears of the Prophets" -- Season 6

"What You Leave Behind" -- Season 7

Fifteen Best Episodes

"Dax" -- Season 1

"Whispers" -- Season 2

"The Maquis Part 2" -- Season 2

"The Jem' Hadar" -- Season 2

"Equilibrium" -- Season 3

"Destiny" -- Season 3

"The Visitor" -- Season 4

"Accession" -- Season 4

"The Darkness and the Light" -- Season 5

"Business as Usual" -- Season 5

"Children of Time" -- Season 5

"Rocks and Shoals" -- Season 6

"In the Pale Moonlight" -- Season 6

"Field of Fire" -- Season 7

"Tacking Into the Wind" -- Season 7

Five Worst Episodes

"The Search Part 2" -- Season 3

"Resurrection" -- Season 6

"Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night" -- Season 6

"Profit and Lace" -- Season 6

"The Emperor's New Cloak" -- Season 7

Three Best Seasons

Season 1

Season 2

Season 5

Best Characters

Miles O'Brien

Kira Nerys

Jadzia Dax

Benjamin Sisko

Jake Sisko





Ezri Dax

Vic Fontaine

Kilana, the Vorta from "The Ship"

Senator Cretak

Julian Bashir

Kai Opaka

Sloan, a Section 31 operative

Serena, Julian's genetically engineered friend


Keiko O'Brien


Sakona, the Vulcan from "The Maquis"


Enabrin Tain

Kellin, an officer at AR - 558


Molly O'Brien

Worst Characters


Keevan, the Vorta from "Rocks and Shoals"

Admiral Leyton

Solok, the Vulcan from "Take Me Out to the Holosuite"

the Vorta from "One Little Ship"

Vargus, an officer at AR - 558

the Vorta from "The Search Part 2"

Mirror Ezri

Mirror Kira

every Jem' Hadar from "One Little Ship"

Mirror Bashir

every member of Red Squad

the changeling from "The Adversary"

Best Lines

"Constable, why are you talking to your beverage?" -- Worf -- "The Begotten"

"I do not smirk, but if I did, this would be a good opportunity." -- Worf -- "The Darkness and the Light"

"It's like I said. The more things change, the more they stay the same." -- Quark -- "What You Leave Behind"

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