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Has This Ever Happened To You?
(It did to me)

In or around 1986 a very unusual thing happened to me.
We were not living in our present house at the time..I had just put the baby down for a nap and decided to take one myself.
I was just drifting off when I felt someone was watching me.
I opened my eyes and to my horror there was a man standing at the foot of my bed.
He was slender and dressed in what seemed to be a Black Trenchcoat and Black Hat..his hands were in his pockets..and I could not make out any kind of a face.(It was like his face was shadowed by the hat..kind of like he was a total shadow..but he looked solid.
It is really hard to explain.
He never moved..just stood there.
I tried to scream...but nothing would come out..I tried to move but I was paralyzed.
I continued struggling but I couldn't move a muscle.
All he did was stand there looking at me and me at him.
This is all I remember..nothing else happened(I guess).
I never told anyone about this until recently and it has never happened again.
Was I dreaming?
Or was it Reality?

What I Saw


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