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This is a "Wonderful Dream" I experienced.
It concerns my Beloved Grandfather, whom I called "Daddy Reynolds".
My Grandfather was a Rancher, and raised what we in East Texas call, White Face Cattle. He was a wonderful man and no one could've been blessed with a better Grandaddy than me.
I was his first grandchild and me and my Mom lived with my Grandparents for about 3 years while my Father was overseas. All of my memories of Daddy Reynolds are loving and positive.
(He's been gone for many years, but remains dear to my heart)


"The Dream"

I was back in East Texas, in the middle of a beautiful green pasture..there were Cattle grazing here and there.
Then I saw him
It was my Grandfather..Daddy Reynolds.
He looked Beautiful!
He was robust and strong, all dressed in a White Suit and White Hat
(just the way he used to look when he dressed for church, only in "White")
He even had his Pocket Watch
And he was bathed in a Glorius White Light!
He opened his arms to me and I rushed towards him!
He embraced me. I felt such warmth, love, & protection.
He told me, I Will Always Be Here If You Need Me..Just Call Me
And then he was gone.
I woke up..it seems...instantly...still feeling the warmth from his embrace..and feeling so good, just like I did as a little girl, when he would hold me in his arms and rock me in his old wood rocker.
I cherish this Dream and I don't know if it means anything or not,
and I don't care.
All I know is when I think about it,
I get the same warm feeling I had in the dream,
Just like when Daddy Reynolds was alive.


(An unusual note to this:)
Sometime after my Grandfather's death...wayyy before I had this dream,
My Paternal Grandfather, Daddy Myers,
(whom I loved but was not as close to as Daddy Reynolds)
was visiting us and told me,
"You Know (My Name) You Will Always Be Protected.
(This was shortly before his, Daddy Myers, death)
I looked at him and wondered why he would say such a thing, just right out of the blue, to me.
His explanation was, that I was the Grand Daughter and Daughter of Generations of Masons.
And that is why I would always be protected and if a time arose when I needed anything..It would always be there for me.
Shortly thereafter..Daddy Myers passed away.

I still, to this day, don't understand what he meant?

Maybe One Day I Will



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