It is I, the *fabulous* Don Karnage. The Iron Vulture

Last updated 20 Oct 2006

Comic Scans back online, now with new comics! This time I'm trying SaveFile, in hopes of alleviating our chronic case of Living Dead Servers, but in case the links go dead, EMAIL ME, and I will send you any/all the ones you ask for. I'd like to get the Merchandise section back up again eventually...but until then, interested parties can drop me a line and I'll either fix the links or send you the .ZIP files myself. Same goes for all the other sections - if the link's busted and you want the booty, give a shout an' I'll lob the file(s) your way. (To that end, should anyone out there maintain a TaleSpin image archive and wish to take the burden of Screen Grabs off my back, drop me a line and I'll send you the files.) What I need is a free server with LOTS of disk space. 50-100MB would just ROCK my digital world... Sorry for the downtime. LET ME KNOW if you find broken links or missing images, I'd love to hear from you! Wallflowers can also reach me via my weblog, for those that like to remain anonymous.
Comments / suggestions on improvements? Email me. I value your opinions, spinners. Honest!

Comic Scans - An Ongoing Archive of Complete Scans of Tale Spin Comics Misc. Images - A Collection of Tale Spin Images Screen Grabs - Sorted by Episode
Coloring Book Pages - Black & White (and some computer-colored) scans of Tale Spin Coloring Book Pages Tale Spin Merchandise - An Archive of Various Tale Spin Memorabilia (Currently Out of Order) Tale Spin Links - Links to Other Tale Spin Sites

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Don Karnage
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as Karnage says, "My door is always open sometimes."

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Disclaimer: I don't own TaleSpin (Sniff! Why is life so *cruel*?!?) or any of its characters. They are the legal property of Disney, who seems content to let this wonderful series wither and die in vaults and the hard-to-get Toon Disney station. The Almighty Mouse is no longer selling any TaleSpin-related paraphernilia whatsoever, so I'm not taking any profits away from anybody. I'm just a poor college student anyway, so suing me ain't worth it. So are we agreed? No steal, no suits, no profit, no problem.