Star Trek: The Motion Picture:At the end of the movie, Spock and McCoy chat with Kirk on the bridge. Spock wears a coat with an orange armband and McCoy wears one with a green armband. In the next camera shot their bands are reversed, Spocks is now green and McCoy's orange.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan:At the beginning of the movie, Savvik is taking the Kobayashi Maru test. The shots of her in the captain's chair show a view of the turbolift doors behind her. A piece of paper, looking like a stencil to make the markings, hangs on the doors. Moments later, a similar shot shows the paper has been removed and the markings are there.
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock:After the Enterprise entersspace dock, sensors detect a break-in in Spock's quarters. When Kirk leaves the bridge a close-up shows a layout of the ship and a square indicates the location of the intruder. The graphics come from the blueprints of the original Enterprise and on those prints the section is labled "Brig."
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier:At the beinning of the movie Spock catches Kirk just before he hits the ground after falling while climbing the mountain. Instead of attaching a suspenion wire to Kirk's foot and hanging him upside down, they attached the wire to his side and suspended his horizonally. Then they built a set with trees running horizonally to make it look like he hung upside down and tipped the camera on it's side. As the camera rotates and pulls back to show the full view of Kirk, you can see the wire sticking out of his side.
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country:Uhura's name is spelled "Uhuru" in the closing credits.
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