So, you REALLY want to know about me, eh?

My name is Jennifer Johnson. I am 27 years old and live in Muncie, Indiana. I work at Ball State University as a Food Service Cashier. I just discovered the Internet back in January, '98. Not too shabby of a webpage for someone whose only been on for four months and doesn't even have her own computer! But I do hope to have that changed sometime in the fall...until then, I'll use the Computer Lab...(smile)

I had a pet cat. Her name was Alia. If you have been to the Menangerie, you might have seen a grey cat by that name. The real Alia KINDA looked like that---she's a blue-cream shorthair. Unfortunately, she ran out of the apartment I live in a few weeks ago, and I haven't seen her since. I have a new kitten, though, who I was going to get before Alia left. His name is Shadowed Storm, and as of this time (6/6/98) he is about 7 weeks old. Small ears, small paws, small tail, BIG voice for such a little kitten! He's a black smoke, and he follows me around the apartment, hollering if he can't see me. He's just the CUTEST thing! I have to get a picture here...

Heh, now, Shadowed Storm is now 6 1/2 months old (as of 10/20/98) and he's GROWN! He's lost most of the smoke undercoat, but has turned into a beatiful longhaired cat. And BIG! I've had full adult cats smaller than him! I've also been adopted by another cat (litterally...she walked in the door, hasn't left!) A 3-4 month old patched tabby I named Spook, after a friend of mine in the Site Fights! Now, that cat'll eat ANYTHING...even candy (at least she stays away from the chocolate, everything else she expects me to share with her!)

I enjoy drawing, writing and playing on the internet. You have probably seen some of my art and poems, but I also write stories. Don't look for them, I'm not planing on placing them page has got standards, and my stories get PREEEETY wierd. I usually spend my time on the computer with two windows to check mail, visit other pages, stuff like that, and the other on the Excite Message Boards Dragon Folder. I have met fasinating people there. I post under the username Myrror, and post most messages as the weredragon. We have a Pern folder where I am the rider of the Blue Lazulith. We don't go fully by the rules there....I'm a weredragon bonded to a Pernese dragon, for example....*grin*
(This is me in one of my SANER moments)

Well, that's about enough, doncha think? If you want, take on the form of a dragon or other creature and join me at the Dragon Boards!(I put that link around here somewhere.....)

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