
Note! I am chaning Menajeria, sub-directorying everything and getting ready to fix the pages so you'll be able to tour them. Broken links and images will probably show here and there until I am finished, sometime in June. *smiles*

Entering the front portal, you are greeted by a vast landscape and paths with arrowed signs. A great mountain looms in the distanse, and not too far away a blue-black ocean glimmers. Everything else is obscured by bushes and overgrowth. Standing in the crossroads is a small fox with a slight glow to her, and a sign set right next to her.

"Hello, wanderer, to Menanjeria," the fox says, "As the sign says, I am Whispers, Myrror's spirit totem. My powers are the feminine magic of shapeshifting, Camouflage, and Invisibility. Myrror and I get along well because she is also a shapeshifter. As for camouflage and invisibility...let's say I watch all the others residing here in Menajeria, and I don't take kindly to kidnappers. Myrror is sometimes around, and if you go to Myrror Rock, she might take you on a tour of Menajeria. Otherwise, we have marked paths you can use? So, which path do do wish to follow?"

Before you pick your path, you notice a sign:
Current Nubmer of Residents
*This is for the whole of Menanjeria*

A path with a sign saying "Felinia Meadow"

A path leading to the distant mountain, with a sign saying, "Mount Draconis"

A path with a sign that says, "Equaria"

A path leading into the deep forest, and a sign that says, "Senoch Valley."

A path leading around the mountain, and a sign that says "Griffon Cliffs"

A path leading to a sandy place, and a sigh saying, "Shadowroam Downs"

A swirling portal with a small sign, saying "Featherdragon Empire"

Note: The 'tour' is not up yet, I am only beginning to redo the pages and link them together. Eventually you will be able to take the tour and see every creature that resides here by following me, or what some of the creatures will say. The lists will still be up for those that want to look at them by name. Also, the place that Whispers came from no longer exists, so I have taken the link down.

Also, there are creatures roaming through Menanjeria that you can adopt, though right now they are moving and cannot be found. Go to Leaper Peak for details...

A rough map of Menanjeria

Go back to the entrance of the lair...

You are the creature to visit Menanjeria


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