In the Nests!
You've made it though the Portal. The place doesn't look much different, except the flashes of lightning don't seem as close now. Different portals can be seen in the distance, but you decide to explore this place first. Looking down, you spy a bit of land, and glide towards it.

As you land on the soft patch of grass, you notice a small silver dragon, covered in jewel-like nobs, perched on a nearby tree. He looks up, sees you, and smiles, flying over to you.

"Greeting, stranger," the silver dragon says, "I am Cohatull, a dagger dragon. I am here to show you around Myrror's Domain...since the Portal let you in, you must be safe." The little dragon grinned, "You do know Myrror? She's a Dalake, a weredragon, and she's created this Domain on the Edge of the Endless called The Shadows. That's where you just came from, and that's why she's named this place Lanse'shri. In the weredragon language, it means Shadows Edge."

"Perhaps you'll see Myrror depends on where you decide to go," Cohatull said. You look around, and the little dragon describes things to you.
"Over in that building," Cohatull says, "Is Cubegi Gallery, where Myrror's artwork is displayed. She usually keeps a copy of her poetry book, "Cat Wings and Unicorn Dreams", in the lobby there, along with her journal of Ways of the Weredragon and a small paper about the Real Life person here..."
"Myrror is also in a competition known as The Site Fights," Cohatull continues as you see a forested area in the distance, "And that's where the Many Sides of the Spirit can be found...her own Darksbane Dragon spirit, her fairy friend Lady DBlazin's DJungle, and Silverflame's fyrelair, along with others that have come to stay here from the fights."
"Over on the other side of the Gallery is the Halls of Honor, where she displays the awards that she has been honored with," Cohatull continues, "There is also a form in the hall, for Myrror has an award of her own, and she'll give it to ones whos homes she enjoys while visiting."
"Ah, you've noticed Mount Draconis," Cohatull says as he follows your gaze to a large mountain in the distance, "That is the land of Menajeria, where many creatures from many lands have come and made their home. Myrror's most likely there, for she gives tours around the place. Beyond that is the Shadows Adoption Centre, where diverse lands are joined together in hopes of spreading their kinds out among other peoples, and away from their own crowded homes. Mostly dragons, but there are others. And if you want to leave Lanse'shri, Myrror has set up Portals, watched over by Lynx, a Tundra grimalkin. Lanse'shri is also a stopping point for many webrings, and their is where you can get back on, or find a new ring to travel."
You notice a flowerpot over by the tree:

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

"Ah, the spirit flower!" Cohatull says, "It was a gift from Jaysen, and Myrror's having me watch over it, so that all that visit may enjoy its beauty."
"Look around, and you might find things I have not told you about," Cohatull says with a smile, "And if you have any comments you'd like to leave with Myrror, feel free to signHer guestbook, or read what others have scribed., or drop her a note via e-mail, or even stop by The Lanse'Shri Message Post ."

"I do hope you enjoy yourself while you visit, and feel free to come back at anytime!" Cohatull says. He flits back to his post by the tree, leaving you to make your desisions...

© 1997Jennifer Johnson

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