Welcome WebTVers.
This award will be given out to WebTVers only that have tried their best making a website for other WebTVers to enjoy.
Sorry PCers, but you have snubbed us long enough by blocking our ability to get the graphics from your webpages.
I know that this is very time consuming & costly, but please do not judge the WebTVers who do transload the graphics & not steal bandwidth from your pages.

Choice of either graphic award.
No linking please. Transload to
your own homepages. Thanks!


Please C&P this to your E Mail & send to me...

1) Your full name.

2) Your homepage title

3) Your homepage address

4) A little bit about your homepage.
A description.

5) Why you feel you should win the award.

6) Which site of mine did you originally go to?

7) I will be spending considerable time at your site and if you win the award their will also be a link back to your site on my winner's page.


*Optional* Could you please tell me where you found the link to my page at?
Thank you eerie much...~S~