Bob's Journal

Below is the journal of Bob as has been deciphered over the past 22 hours.

April 27, 1998: This is odd. Our entire hive was taken and we're all on a large object that appears to be moving at high rates of speed. A human dressed entirely in black is operating the object. I'm troubled by this situation. Queen Bea has asked me to look into things.

May 3, 1998: We finally stopped all the moving. It appears that we are in some sort of lab with apparently thousands of other bees. I pray that this isn't some sort of stinger test or stinger is a bit crooked, and I'm rather embarrassed about it.

May 7, 1998: I just woke up...just after I wrote my last entry I was taken into a room with 9 other bees and we were each told to intake some pollen. I have a feeling that this isn't just a taste test, and that there's something very unnatural..maybe TOO this pollen. Whichever it is, I feel very funny.

May 17, 1998: We were once again put in the moving object and taken again. The move was shorter this time and we are now in a very hot climate. I don't think this is hell, but the temperature is pretty close to it. I've been talking to the other bees, and it appears we were all forced to intake the weird pollen. I wonder what it was we were slurping.

May 18, 1998: We were moved into a large, colder structure. So far, nothing's really happened that I can speak of. Hmmm....bzzzzzz...

June 9, 1998: It's been a long time since I've written. I've been spending most of my time playing chess with Buster and Brenda and playing paper, rock, stingers with Ben. Except for an occasional exercise run, we don't see much of the humans.

June 18, 1998: This is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll never believed what just happened!!! We were all released and below us found two humans running wildly away. While most everyone just flew about, I flew down to go for a ride. It turns out, the humans went outside!! I'm free! But, I have a feeling...I don't know what...but I just think I should hang tight here for awhile. I'll write more when I figure out what's happening.

June 19, 1998 (9:48 A.M.) - Just popped out from my cover to see what was up. I've figured out that I'm on one of the humans!! I've been hiding in it's jacket collar. When I walked out, I saw a line of humans sitting opposite mine. One very odd one was talking to mine. It was of the longer-haired type and seemed to be quite a bitch. Guess I'll just hang out in here a bit longer.

June 19, 1998 (6:52 P.M.) - I have a feeling something's up. The human I'm on and the one it was talking to earlier are having a discussion. I think something is about to happen. Oh my Great Bee God!!!! I've got to stop this....I think my humans are about to *gasp*...they are!!! NOOOOOOooooo...bbzzzz......

It has been determined that this was the last entry recorded by Bob just moments before his death. Furthur investigations are pending.

UPDATE: Other facts that have been determined-

1. The first entry is in reference to the transportation of the Bob's hive to a lab by a government official.

2. The May 17th entry is in reference to the move to the testing areas outside Blackwood, Texas.

3. The June 19 morning entry is in reference to a meeting between a panel of FBI Assistant Directors and Special Agent Dana Scully. The "longer-haired" type that appeared to be a "bitch" has been identified as AD Jana Cassidy, the woman who interrogated Agent Scully.