last update 20/8/1998 |
As you will see this site is under construction ( I mean all i've
written isn't already translated ... but don't worry it's coming),
guy have already watched it ... Nobody has already complain so ...
let's have a glance on it !
This page will deal with MYSTARA , especially I'll explain what adventures I've masterised there to my friends ...
Note : Mystara, Known World and D&D is published by TSR and belong to them. It's now part of wizard of the coast. As neither companies continue to publish these games, I fell free to devellop my own campain on this world. I try to follow "canon" facts but i'm not sure of it so take only what you wanna get.
As a DM, I lead a group of 2 adventurers coming from Forgotten Realms and who are looking for a mean to get back to their home plane. Furthermore, it seams to be difficult escaping from immortal will, and for an unknown reason, they don't seem to be allowed to escape. Here are few of their adventures on Known World
Just arrived in Mystara, the two friends Diphénacum and
aghnor, have to fight against pack of goblins and dreadfull
gargoyles to help a wizard who was looking for the spellbook of
his father, dead of aging, on his tower on an island where he
lived lonely. (set up in Karameikos and on a lonely island
beetween Specularium and Minrothad)
Back in Spécularium, both adventurers must struggle two
of the most powerfull guilds of the duchy ( the veiled society and
the iron ring ) as they've found a valuable note. They truly can't
figure how they've escaped, and who's this young woman that helped
them ... All the scenes take place in Specularium.
Recognised as respectfull peaple of the duchy, the heros are
called by the state minister to inquire on a shadowy story of
piracy; they spirke in Halav gulf and plunder even the Black Eagle
baronny. They'll discover there that dangerous Vanya fanatic and
their minions lead the pirates from an old abbey. But who lead
them ? What are their goal ? ( This story is developped in
Karameikos, Shires and Darokin and indue a great naval battle.
the two characters, after a one-week short rest seek for Uve Arth, the leader of pirates who escaped thanks an Aspérii in the last module. They meet Kagédix, a strong warrior living among Calarii elves, and Cochy Bloop, a Hin looking for precious gems. They'll fight the frost of the karameikan winter to find out the family of the Asperii caught by Uve, itself caught by an evil wizard. ( set in Karameikos, beetween Radleb and Hoghforge )
Here a brief description of the heroes and those they've met :
One of my invention, a gazetteer of Drüt island (IN ENGLISH NOW (since 7/7/98))wich describe a pirate's island in the sea of Dread ... Truly dreadfull.
Let's hear the story of Midas, the man that made gold to appear ... an old thyatian legend.
Sign my Guestbook Let's have a glance to my Guestbook
Lastly, let's look at a very nice picture from the D&D compagnon box, or from Penhaligon trilogie here
This Mystara Webring site is owned by Marc-Antoine Guidault.Click for the [ Next | Skip It | Next 5 | Prev | Random ] Want to join the ring? Click here for info. |
thanks this ring i've met many interressing peaple ... but let's have a look on the sites it contains : some are very interessing (and well written for English ones ;o) )
Lets send me e-mail for comment, questions or anythings else...