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September 25, 2004

I'm back! The last few years have involved a lot of work and personal transformations. I just moved to the USA and am settling in. This site is quite outdated by now, but I hope to correct that within the next few months. Many thanks to all who collaborated, and apologies for the 3 year delay (!) in updates and new content.

April 15, 2001

I added a link to an interesting review of Dwellers of the Deep:

Review of "Dwellers of the Deep" by Aaron Hughes

Also, a review of Herovit's World recently appeared in SF-Weekly:

"Herovit's World" Review by Adam-Troy Castro

December 28, 2000

A fascinating review of In the Stone House, by John Clute, appeared in on-line magazine SF-Weekly. Here's a link to it:

"In The Stone House" Review by John Clute

Added a page for In the Stone House.

December 10, 2000

I've added info. and cover scans for:

  • The Man Who Loved the Midnight Lady (1980)
  • The Engines of the Night: Science Fiction in the Eighties (1982)

  • November 19, 2000

    Thought it would be a good idea to have a page dedicated to updates and news, so here it is.

    The biggest recent news, of course, is the publication of In The Stone House, a new collection of short stories by Malzberg. If you haven't heard of this, make sure you follow the link and order a copy now!

    Added more reviews of Malzberg's work buy Guy Salvidge ( So far Guy has written reviews of:

  • The Empty People (1969)
  • Dwellers of the Deep (1970)
  • The Falling Astronauts (1971)
  • Gather in the Hall of the Planets (1971)
  • Beyond Apollo (1972)
  • Herovit's World (1973)
  • The Many Worlds of Barry Malzberg (1975)



    Also added a review of Malzberg's

    On a Planet Alien (1974)

    by Jon Eke ( Each review can be found on the page dedicated to that book. (Many thanks for the reviews, Guy and Jon. Anyone who might be interested in writing a review and would like it up on the site, please contact me,

    Finally, in the bibliography page I've added the title and publication info of Malzberg's first published short story.