
English - Romulan
Romulan - English
Romulan alphabet

English - Romulan

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Y]


activate - rhae
Admiral - Daise'Khre'Riov
advise - auethn
at - hrrau
attention - vaed'rae


Be Welcome.- aefvadh
bird - nei'rrh
Bird of Prey - t'liss
bridge - hwaveyiir, oira


Can you...? - ...-d
Captain - Enarrain
cargo hold - haerht
cargo space - haerh
chief - daise
chief (among several) - daisemi'in
Chief Medical Officer - Daisemi'Maenek
Come back. - h'ta-fvau
Commander - Daise'Erai'Riov
computer - etrehh
correct - mnek'nra, menkha


dagger - kaleh
diarrhea - llhrei'sian
data transfer - hnhaudr
disruptor bank - iehyakk
Do you...? - ...-d'fiv
dog - fvai


eight - lle
either...or - neth...nah'lai
elder - deihu
Ensign - Erein
everything - oaii('n), qiuu('n)


federation - lloann'na
five - rhi
Fire! - hna'h
fleet - galae
Fleet Captain - Daise'Enarrain
flower - lagga
food center - dinglh
fool - veruul
four - khi


good - mnek'nra, menkha
Good Day/Night - Jolan-Tru


hell - Areinnye
heaven - Vorta Vor
hear - hnafiv
highest - vriha
House of... - hfihar, hfirnn
hunter - khellian


in - hrrau
indeed - rha


in - hrrau
indeed - rha


Klingon - Kll'inghann


Let me... - ...'rau
Lieutenant - Vriha'Erein
Lieutenant JG - Daise'Erein
Lt. Commander - Erei'Riov
Look here. - ta krenn
lord - hru'hfirh


Madam - Ihhei
mate - hru'fir
minute - siuren


nickname - rehei
nightmare - aehallh
now - hna


obscenity - eneh hwau' kllhwnia na imirrhlhhse
Oh yes! - au'e
on - hhrau
one - io


plains - aihai
Praetorate - fvillhaih
predator - hnoiyika, thrai
principal - daise
printout - haudet'
prisoner - th'ann


Really? - rhe
reason - afw'ein
replicator - khlenai
results - thllen
Romulan - Rihanha
Romulan Intelligence - Tal Shiar


satisfactory - mnek'nra, menkha
scavenger - sseikea
screen - ta'
see - hnafirh
servant - hfai, hfehan
seven - reh
Sir - rekkhai
six - tho
soup - gletten
sufficient - llilla'hu
switch off - khoi
switch on - rhae


ten - dev
Thank you. - hann'yyo
this is... - aihr...
three - thi
transporter - hteij
two - re


United Federation of Planets - Lloann'mhrahel
understand - ssuaj
understandable - ssuej'n


value - arrhe
Vice-Admiral - Khre'Riov


welcome - aefvadh
Who are you? - vah-udt
word - tlhei
worm - kllhe
writings - haud


yes - ie
You... - y'...
You are... - Hwiiy...

Romulan - English

[A] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Y]


aefvadh - "Be welcome."
aehallh - monster ghost or nightmare.
Ael - "Winged" (proper name, fairly common on ch'Havran)
afw'ein - reason (as in the use of ones faculties).
a'hyan hnaai ll'anha - "(persons name), get an away team ready to go."
Aidoann - "Moon" (proper name, uncommon)
aihai - plains or plain country.
aihr - this is (someone) (ex. Aihr Enarrain tr'Tamak)
Areinnye - the Rihannsu Hell.
Areinnye'n-hnah! - "Go to Hell!"
Arrhae - Proper name, der. "arrhe" arrhe - worth-in-cash or value.
au'e - "Oh yes!"
au lagga'ju - "A flower for an angel."
auethn - advise me, answer a query.


ch'Havran - (planet) "of the Travelers" (The planet known as Remus).
ch'Havranha - native of ch'Havran.
ch'Havrannsu - pl. Havranha.
ch'Rihan - (planet) "of the Declared" (The planet known as Romulus).


Daise - chief, principal, senior, etc. (used as a prefix).
Daise'Enarrain - Fleet Captain.
Daise'Erein - Lieutenant junior grade.
Daise'Erei'Riov - Commander (First Officer rank).
Daise'Khre'Riov - Admiral.
daisemi'in - chief among several.
Daisemi'Maenek - Chief Medical Officer.
deihu - "elder"; a member of the Senate.
dev - ten (10).
dinglh - food center.
Diserhn'Maenek - Assistant Medical Officer.


Eisn - the sun of ch'Rihan and ch'Havran, The G9 star 128 Trianguli.
Eitreih'hveinn - the Farmer's Festival.
Enarrain - Captain.
Enarrain-a - pl. Enarrain.
eneh hwau' kllhwnia na imirrhlhhse - an obscenity.
Erei'Riov - Lieutenant Commander.
Erein - Ensign. (antecenturion/subcenturion)
Erein-a - pl. Erein.
etrehh - computer, machine.


fvai - house pet (Similar to the terran dog.)
fvaiin - pl. fvai.
fvillha - Rihannsu analogue to Terran "praetor."
fvillhaih - Praetorate.


galae - fleet.
Galae "Command" - Fleet Command.
gletten - thin soup.


haerh, haerht - cargo space, cargo hold.
hann'yyo - "Thank you."
haud - writing.
haudet' - computer printout.
Hellguard - 872 Trianguli V (a failed colony planet, uninhabited).
hfai, hfehan - bond-servant.
hfihar, hfihrnn - Houses (noble families, not dwellings).
hlai - large flightless bird used for its meat.
hlaiin - pl. hlai.
hlai'hwy - domesticated hlai.
hlaiin'hwy - pl. hlai'hwy.
hlaiin'vna - pl. hlai'vna.
hlai'vna - wild hlai.
hna a'thllen - "I want results now!"
hna'h - "Fire!", "Energize!", "Go!" (activation imperative)
hnafirh - see.
hnafirh'rau - "Let me see it."
hnafirh-d? - "Can you see?" (sarcastic)
hnafiv - hear.
hnafiv'rau - "Let me hear it."
hnafiv-d? - "Can you hear?" (sarcastic)
hnhaudr - data transfer.
hnoiyika, hnoiyikar - predator(s) (similar to the Terran weasel).
hrrau - at, on, in. (a general locative particle or infix)
hru'hfe - Head-of-Household (head servant).
hru'hfirh - Head-of-House (lord).
h'ta-fvau - "Come back here!"
hteij - transporter.
hteij'rhae - "Activate transporter", "Transporter activated."
hwaveyiir - bridge.
hwiiy - "You are (adjective or some thing)." ie. "Hwiiy veruul!" "You are a fool!"


i'au-d fiv? - "Do you know me?"
ie - yes.
iehyyak - disruptor bank (on starships).
io - one (1).


jolan tru - "Good Day/Night."


Kah'tan - Caitan.
Kah'tan-a - pl. Kha'tan.
kaleh - dagger.
ke'rhin - fellow Rihanha.
ke'rhin-a - fellow Rihannsu.
kheh - grain used to make Rihannsu Ale.
kheinsar - pl. kheinsa.
khellian - hunter.
khellian-a - pl. khellian.
khi - four (4).
khlenai - replicator.
khlenaiin - pl. khlenai.
khoi - switch off.
Khre'Riov - Vice Admiral.
kllhe - a worm that digests hlai dung. Also an insult.
Kll'inghann - Klingon.
Kll'inghann-a - pl. Kll'inghann.


lagga - Rihannsu flower.
laggar - pl. lagga.
lehe'jhme - a fruit that is used to make Rihannsu wine.
lhhei - "Madam."
lle - eight (8).
llhrei'sian - severe form of diarrhea.
llilla'hu - sufficient.
Lloann'mhrahel - The United Federation of Planets.
Lloann'na - Fed.
Lloann'nar - pl. Lloann'na.
Lloann'na'au-d fiv? - "Do you know that Fed?"
Lloannen'galae - Federation Fleet.


melakol - unit of measure for pressure.
mnek'nra, menkha - well, good, correct, satisfactory.
mnhei'sahe - the Ruling Passion (a concept which rules most of Rihannsu life in terms of honor).


neh - nine (9).
nei'rrh - small but deadly Rihannsu bird.
ne th'ann(-a) a'hriah - "Take the prisoner(s) to the brig."
neth...nah'lai - either...or.


oaii, oaii'n - everything.
oal'lhlih - "Announce the arrival of (someone)."
oira - battle-control or bridge.
oira'd'a - "I'm on (going to) the bridge."
onkian - unit of temperature (12 onkians is roughly equilivent to 35 F).
onkian-a - pl. onkian.


qiuu, qiuu'n - everything, everyone, all


re - two (2).
reh - seven (7).
rehei - nickname.
Rei'karanha - Imperial legionarre.
Rei'karansu - pl. Rei'karanha.
rekkhai - "Sir."
rha - "Indeed."
rhae - switch on.
rh'e - "Is that so."
rhi - five (5).
Rihanha - Romulan (singular).
Rihannsu - Romulan (plural).


siuren - minute or equal to 50.5 seconds.
siuren-a - pl. siruen.
sesketh - a Rihannsu confection.
sseikea - scavenger (similar to the Terran hyena.) Also an insult.
sseikear - pl. sseikea.
sthea'hwill - "I request (an action) be done at once."


ta krenn! - "Look here!"
Tal Shiar - Rihannsu Imperial Intelligence Service.
ta'khoi - "Screen off."
ta'rhae - "Screen on."
th'ann, th'ann-a - prisoner(s).
thi - three (3).
tho - six (6).
thrai - predator (similar to the Terran wolverine).
thraiin - pl. thrai.
tlhei - "my word."
t'liss - Rihannsu Bird of Prey, emblem of the Rihannsu Star Empire


Uhlan - junior rank in the Rihannsu Guard.


vah-udt - "What rank?", "Who are you (to be asking this)?"
veruul - an insult.
viinerine - a traditional dish (food).
vriha - highest, most superior.
Vriha'Erein - lieutenant.
Vorta Vor - Rihannsu Eden or Heaven.
vaed'rae - "Attention."


wagi - Rihannsu bush with many thorns.
wagiin - pl. wagi.


ya-ie'yakk - "Armed and ready to open fire."
yhfi-ss'ue - "travel tubes (the Romulan public transport system)
y'kllhe - "You worm!"

Romulan Alphabet

You can download two fonts for windows. The first one is the regular Romulan alphabet the second is used one the planet ch'Rihan. Below you can see examples of the Romulan alphabets.

Romulan standard Alphabet
Romulan alphabet used on ch'Rihan

The first line is the Terran Standard alphabet.
The second line is the Romulan Standard alphabet.
The third line is the alphabet used on ch'Rihan (Romulus).

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