Attract | Detection (M) | LOS | Perm. | Force + 3 | Effect | |
Envelope | Manipulation (M) | LOS | Sust. | (F/2)+4 | Entrapment | Strength |
Jumble | Illusion (P) | LOS | Sust. | (F/2)+1 | Effect | Intelligence |
Weight | Manipulation (P) | Touch | Sust | Special | Effect | |
Decoy | Illusion (M) | Touch | Perm. | (F/2)+1L | Effect | |
Enervation | Combat (M) | Touch | Perm. | (F/2)+4S | 10D(S) | Willpower |
Message | Manipulation | Unlimited | Instant | Force L | Effect | Special |
Control Temperature | Manipulation | Limited | Sust. | (F/2)+2S | Effect | |
Astral Blast | Combat (M) | Touch | Perm. | F+5D | Effect (Force D) | Willpower |
Lure | Manipulation | LOS | Sust. | F | Effect | Willpower |
This creates a special aura around the victim that attracts various astral creatures. These can be free spirits or elementals. If the spirit can manifest itself to the physical world it will attack the person with the aura. Attract's aura is also visible to creatures with dual presence, although they will not reactively attact. Attracts aura is temporary, lasting 1 day per success. This aura can be dispelled by the caster or another mage that can generate an equal or greater amount of successes than the original caster. There is no guarantee that an astral creature will be attracted. The GM should roll a d6 every 2 (Game time) hours. A roll of 1 indicates that something has been attracted.
This spell creates a magic mana barrier on all sides of the target, literally immobilizing him. The target is unable to move anything, but is still conscious and able to see. Speaking is extremely difficult. The spell, itself, does no damage. The mage can sustain this spell for as long as he can generate more successes than the targets Strength generates. This test occurs at the beginning of every combat round, if in combat; or every five minutes of noninitiative play. Only one target can be effected at a time, although a mage may cast this spell again on another target.
This spell can be cast on anything printed, written, spoken, or displayed. It literally jumbles everything into unreadable and uncomprehensible garble. For instance, a sign the would normall read "DANGER", might look like *#%K#!$N* if Jumble had been cast upon the sign. If this is cast on a person, their speech and comprehension is effected. Thus the person would speech in jibberish and not be able to write coherently. Note, the person in question would believe that he or she is communicating effectively, but nobody else will understand them.
This spell can manipulate the weight of an inanimate object. Living things are not effected. A Mage can adjust the weight of an object plus or minus 100%. The target number is (% of weight divided by ten, round up). Thus, a mage attempting to reduce the weight of his 100 lb sack to nothing, would require a success against a target number of 10. The drain on this spell is the Force of the spell, plus the weight adjustment divided by ten. Drain is Force + 1 for every 25 lbs. The damage code is Light. This spell must be maintained by constant touch.
This spell is more of an annoyaince spell. When cast on an object it makes the object appear to be an active Foci of some type on the astral plane. This Decoy or object does not function as a Foci, not allowing the bridging of planes. It merely makes something appear to be magically active. Analyzing Object or Dispelling the decoy spell will reveal it's true nature.
When cast, black lightning crackles from the casters fingers taking on a life of it's own. This lighting wraps around the target ripping away life energy. The damage is only Stun damage, but it can only be rehealed naturally one block per day. This damage will only heal if the person rests with very limited activity. Any actions will forego the healing for that day....resuming the next day.
As the name of the spell indicates, it is a message spell. It can be used several ways. A caster can place the spell with a message on something and have it set to go off with an event or command word, or he can cast it to a person. If casting it to a person, the persons true full name must be spoken and known. The message interupts whatever the target is doing (Allow a Target Reaction vs. Intelligence to prepare) to deliver the message. If the person the message is going to generates more successes than the mage, the message is discarded and events continue. If the mage generated more successes, then the message is delivered. When the message is delivered the target and the mage may take no other actions. As long as the person's name is spoken, the spell can take effect anywhere. Target numbers should be generated by the complexity of the message. For instance:
This spell will adjust the temperature of the air within a fifteen foot radius of the caster. The temperature can be adjusted +/- 40 degrees. Outside weather will still effect the fifteen foot radius. (e.g. if the mage raises the temperature from 30 degrees to 70 degrees outside, while it is snowing; the snow will melt to rain and the caster will still get wet).
A very deadly spell indeed. This spell attacks the essence of an individual, sending it into the astral plane. The mage has a base target number of 4, plus the target's essence. If the mage generates two more successes than the target, the target is forced into Astral Projection. Once astral the character must make a Willpower Check against the Force of the spell to be able to return to his body. One check per hour, thus a character with lower than a 1 essence failing to return to his body initially would die astrally.
This spell, when cast at an astral target it does Force D damage, and the target uses Willpower to resist. The first version of this spell cannot be cast on a dual presence creature. It would do Force D damage to such a creature.
This spell, when cast at a specific target creates a temptation for the target to come closer to the caster. For instance, the caster targets a roving security guard. The guard, if he fails his willpower test, would alter his walking route and move towards to the caster to investigate. This spell can work on animals as well. While the target is attracted towards a specific area, he/she/it has no conscious idea what is drawing him in that direction. They will stay within 20 feet of the area where the spell was cast for 1 turn per success investigating that particular area. If an alarm or distraction occurs, the target may make a WillPower test to snap out of the spell.