To Die-Hard Marvel Comic Fans:    These hero's listed below are not meant to be correct statistics for specific hero's converted into the Shadowrun Game System.   These are characters that players have devised from scratch to play, or characters that I devised to use as NPC's in a Shadowrun Universe with "heroes".

To Die Hard Shadowrun Players:  These hero's are not meant to undermine the aspect of playing Shadowrun.   I felt that there were many heroes that would fit in the Shadowrun Universe (who doesn't think of Wolverine when they snap their retractable forearm spurs).  Anyway, I've seen Bubblegum Crisis Crossovers....and what are they?   Simply female versions of Ironman.   Please take these with a grain of salt, and remember, I didn't soup them up with phenomenal strengths (i.e Captain America should have a Strength Rating of about 80 on a SRII scale, and that would be without Cyberware or enhancements).   These are characters that have skills and abilities similar to those hero's of the past.

To Marvel Comics:   These characters are not meant in anyway to infringe upon your rights to them.   I have simply used them to model characters for a game that we play.   We all read/subscribe to your products and enjoy them a lot.   Think of this as just a tribute to them.

PROJECT:   Marvel

With corporations taking charge after the turn of the millennium, governments began losing control over the vast majority of the actual country.   While many countries still maintain a military power, and other security forces such as Security and Intelligence agencies, it is just as common for a major corporation to equal or best a small goverment.   Aztechnology is a major government and corporation, which has the ability to mass troops in many regions quickly and more efficiently than many countries.

With the towering corporations and the resources open to them, including Shadowrunners, government agencies were restricted or left behind when it came to capabilities.    The UCAS Intelligence Directors developed a plan to integrate a new breed of Shadowrunner into the shadows.   These operatives would serve as high profile operatives that could be used in extreme situations.   The identies of these operatives would be protected, as only the Director of Covert Operations and a selected few know the true identies of them.    When these agents appear in public on official business, they are costumed/masked from the public, using identies of "super-hero's" from a century ago.   Their abilities are similiar to their century old fictional counterparts.  

Project Marvel was an ongoing operation that eventually developed nearly 20 hero's.   Throughout the course of this operation several things have happened.   The biggest result of this operation was that some corporations attempted to make hero's of their own, again copying from past fiction.   There were also independent copycats that took on identies of now existing hero's and challenged them for the right to be that hero.    Another thing that occurred was that some enhanced criminals or shadowrunners were using super-villan identies to showboat their crimes.   That has lead to some old rivalries to become real-life battles.   Lastly, a whole new market for these hero's has opened up.   Some comic books have been revived, along with all the merchandising of this product.   The UCAS government has done fairly well with this project.

The UCAS Covert Operatives invested millions of nuyen into recruiting and enhancing these individuals.   These are the first six people recruited, trained, and used.    

 The first recruited member of this team was John Walker.    Walker was a respected detective in the Washington DC area.    He was considered uncorruptible by his superiors and unstoppable by the crime bosses.    After an incident that left his partner dead, he retired from the Investigative Bureau and swore he could no longer carry a weapon of death, meaning firearms.   His leadership abilities and integrity were the primary reasons he was chosen.  For continued information on John Walker, please review his Government Profile. 


The second operative that was recruited was a man by the name of Logan Byrne.    He was more of a loner, but had also come from an extensive military background.    His record, while gleeming of remarkable achievements, it was also filled with reprimands for excessive violence, insubordination, and acting alone.  His courage and willingness to see a job through to the end, no matter what the costs, were the primary reasons for his recruitment.   Logan Byrne is a dedicated man with an air of perfection in everything he does, save for personal appearance and grooming.   For continued information on Logan Byrne, please review his Government Profile. 


The third operative recruited was Angela Romanoff.    At the time of recruitment, she was working deep cover for the CIA.    Her physical skills were second to no other working operative.    She had an excellent working knowledge of the underworld and intelligence communities, having infultrated the KGB, Mossad, and MI5 agencies at least once in her brief career.     She was definitely a valued asset, and dangerous individual.    She was also someone that commanded respect from those that knew her.    When offered this position, she accepted immediately.    For continued information on Angela Romanoff, please review her Government Profile. 



The fourth operative recruited was Vic Harbinger.    Vic was a highly decorated officer that had spent three years in the High Threat Response (HTR).   A division that specialized in going into dangerous areas, such as the Redmond Barrens in Seattle.   Vic was an excellent tactician and very good at finding the weaknesses of his enemies in a brief period of time.    Vic's ruthlessness is comparable to Logan Byrne's, only less coldblooded.    He is an expert in munitions and weapons of all types.   For continued information on Vic harbinger, please review his Government Profile. 


The fifth operative was selected directly by the Director of Covert Operations.    His true name has never been revealed, although he was reassigned a name during profiling.       He was recruited for his extensive knowledge of sorcery and magic.  He is one of the leading sorcerors in North America, although he has spent most of his life in solitude.    When the Director offered him this position, he felt this was the greater calling that he was been searching for all of his life.   He is also the oldest of the group.    For continued information on this member, please review his Government Profile: 



The sixth operative was refered to the Bureau by Angela Romanoff.    She was a former shadowrunner, and a strong sorceror.    She is a powerful magician with a vast knowledge of shadowrunners.    Kristen Rustkov was burnt out on the streets and looking for a new direction.   This was provided to her by Angela, who had worked with her in the past.   For continued information on Kristen Rustkov, please review her Government Profile.