Weapons Table

St. Index
Commanche Pulse Rifle      LMG
8/21 days
12/24 days
HK 270
4/24 hrs
Ruger 160X
3/24 hrs
Ajax Spiker
12/30 days
12/45 days
Ares Praetor
4/24 hrs
3/12 hrs
Phaze Red
See Gun
15/30 days

Type Codes
LP Light Pistols
HO Hold Out Pistol
HP Heavy Pistols
MP Machine Pistol
SR Sporting Rifle
SnR Sniper Rifle
LMG Light Machine Gun
MMG Medium Machine Gun
HMG Heavy Machine Gun
RG Rail Gun
SG Shotgun
LZ Laser Weapon
SW Special Weapon
GL Grenade Launcher
MRL Missle/Rocket Launcher

Commanche Pulse Rifle 
The Commanche Pulse Rifle was designed in 2052 for use within the UCAS Special Operation Forces, including the Army Rangers, Green Berets, and CIA.    It is a fairly lightweight assault rifle with a built in Smartlink II Adapter.   It also has BioGrips™ built into the handle and pistol grips.

The rifle has a computer chip built into the firing mechanism that controls the burst firing of the weapon to six rounds (treat as standard 3 round burst).    The ammunition for the Commanche Pulse Rifle is all taylor made for the weapon.    Standard ammunition is APDS and cost is 50¥ for 10 Rnds with an Availability of 5/48 hrs.

The Commanche Pulse Rifle has a built-in grenade launcher, which is also SmartLink II modified.   The grenade launcher uses standard mini-grenades.

Each weapon is built with an integral locking system.    A "Weapon Key" is needed to activate the firing mechanism of the entire system.    If the key is not in place, the weapon will not function in any way (to include releasing the clip.    A lost key can be redesigned by a professional locksmith/electrician for 1,000¥ on the street.

Additional features are Shock Pads and Gas Vents III.

>>>>>  FancyJoe 01/01/54 0001  "This is the best weapon I've ever owned, right up until I lost the key in the middle of a fire fight."  <<<<<

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Squad Assault Rifle (S.A.W.) 
The most integral part of many organizations, such as DocWagon, Lone Star, and even Knight Erraint.   This is a very lightweight MMG that is not a crew-served weapon.   One person can operate this weapon with little difficulty.   It has a built in Gas Vent III, Shock Pads, and Bi-Pod.    Each weapon was also designed to easily be adapted to GyroStabalizers or Tripods.

Although the listed Ammunition is Belt Fed, the weapon can be adapted to 50 Round Box Ammo. 

This weapon is only designed for automatic fire, but can be controlled to 5 round bursts.   This weapon cannot accept Smartlink Systems.

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HK 270
The HK 270 is a compact double barrel shotgun.    It is not a sawed off shotgun, as this weapon was designed to fire optimally at this size.    There is a double trigger on this weapon.   The forward trigger fires the left barrel, then the right.    The rear trigger fires both barrels simultaneously. 

The damage code for this weapon is set for Flechette Rounds.   Stage the damage down accordingly for standard slug rounds.     Note, the when both barrels are fired and strike the target the power is effectively doubled.    Thus, an 8S(f) would become 16S(f).

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Ruger 160X
The Ruger 160X was Rugers attempt at competing with the Predator II Pistol.   It is a more lightweight pistol, with a sleeker frame, allowing better concealment.    The pistol comes standard with an integral laser sight.

The pistol has a lower magazine capacity, but for a Heavy Pistol it is much more easy to hide. 

Ruger 160X Dealers will customize each pistol to the buyer for no additional charges.

>>>>>  Mister Clean  12/25/55  0555  "I personally have all of my weapons customized to my specifications.   This will save me some nuyen the next time I am in the market to buy."<<<<<

>>>>>  GypsyLee   01/23/56  1202  "How many of you out there actually go into a gun shop and purchase your weapons with a Legal SIN?"  <<<<<

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Ajax Spiker
While this is not a true rail gun, it is capable of doing large amounts of damage, even to hardened targets.  The weapon fired a large ballistic rod, which is loaded through the breech of the weapon.    The ballistic rods are considered APDS rounds for the sake of striking armor.    If the weapon strikes a person, stage the damage code to Deadly, as the damage code is figured for vehicles.

This weapon cannot accept any accessories, nor can it be fired without penalty  from a person with a Strength Rating less than 5.    For every point of Strength less than 5, add +1 to the target number.

>>>>> Ajax General   04/01/52  1833  "This is a must have for all shadowrunners.    It always comes in handy when trying to stop a vehicle or disabling some over armored troll with a Panther Assault Cannon.   These are available through your local weapons broker."  <<<<<

>>>>> Gunther 04/01/52 1904  "Are you the local sales rep?   I have been trying to lay hands on one of these drekking things for six months.   Give me your LTG!"  <<<<<

>>>>> Ajax General  04/01/52  1931   "Sure, I'll post my LTG right away.......NOT! <<<<<

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Again, not a true rail-gun.   This is a shoulder pack weapon.    The operator of this weapon wears the shoulder mounts, with support struts built into a backpack.   There are four barrels, two over each shoulder.    The weapon can fire in semi-automatic mode, but is actually firing individual barrels.   Each barrel must be independently reloaded.    The firer of the weapon suffers a +1 Target Modifier for each barrel fired in a round after the first.

This weapons cannot accept any accessories.   If the weapon strikes a person, stage the damage code to Deadly, as the damage code is figured for vehciles.

>>>>>  Mr Slyde  06/06/54  1428   "While this may appear to be quite the effective anti-vehicle weapon, it is not.   The more you fire it, the less effective it is.   The recoil is terrible, not to mention the loud explosions of the gun, which if you haven't noticed are on your shoulders next to your ears."  <<<<<

>>>>> SGT Tactical 07/04/54  0600  "Haven't you pukes ever heard of using ear protection?  Do I have to teach you good for nothing meazily mouthed grunts everything!"   <<<<<

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Ares Praetor
The Ares Praetor is the newest generation of Light Pistols on the market.   It is a favorite among ladies and wealthy people looking to have a weapon in their briefcase.    When the pistol first released in January of 2053, the shelves couldn't be stocked fast enough.   Now, moving closer to the 2060 mark, this is still a leading seller, not only in the UCAS, but abroad as well.    It has recently topped the sales market in China and Japan.

>>>>> Lady Silk  01/23/53  1500    "This has been the best investment I have ever made in regards to weapon purchases.   I can put it in my purse and forget that it is there."  <<<<<

>>>>> TrollBoy 05/05/53  2359   "Speaking for the metahuman community, namely us wonderful Troll-type folks;   We cannot even get our finger into the trigger guard to fire this tiny toy!  I had a friend remove the trigger guard, but the effectiveness was still lacking."  <<<<<

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The CZK-77 was a mass produced Russian assault rifled during the EuroWars.   They were considered economically sound rifles that would have a good lifespan on the combat field.    These weapons are no longer produced, so all are considered "used".    Even though they are considered "used", some of these rifles are still new in their cases, as they were not all distributed.

Like any assault rifle, they can accept an underbarrel accessory and be adapted for Smartlink systems.   The rifle comes with a Shock Pad and Bipod Lug (for easy bipod installation).    Unlike other modern day assault rifles, the CZK-77 comes with a bayonet, which can also be attached to the bipod lug.   Consider the reach +2.

>>>>> Branski 09/30/53 0054    "These were the standard weapons of the western European countries, which, might I add were the losing countries." <<<<<

>>>>> KGB0843 10/03/53 1315  "I would have to agree with you comrade.   These weapons were built with cost in mind, not efficiency or quality.   At the time it was necessary to put weapons in everyone's hands regardless of the effectiveness." <<<<<

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Phaze Red
This is the first Laser Weapon produced in any type of mass production.   It was designed and built for use within the Aztlan Security Forces.    While these weapons are very uncommon and rare, they are still obtainable from the corporate sector.

The gun itself is slightly larger than an Ares Predator II pistol, however, there is a cable that runs from the magazine well to a belt pack.    The belt pack is a power unit, which hold 60 pulses of power.    The weapon can be adjusted to fire 1 to 10 pulses per shot.    This determines the amount of damage done by the weapon.    The base power of the weapon is Medium, so a blast from this weapon firing 10 pulses would be 10M.     So the actual amount of ammunition varies, depending on what someone sets the pulses at.

An additional feature is enhancement.    Enhancement of the laser doubles the pulses put into a single shot and stages the damage power up one level, but doubles the cost of pulses.   For instance, a person that wants to cause 8S Damage would spend 16 pulses to do so.    Eight would be for the initial Code Rating of 8, and the second Eight would be to stage the damage from Moderate to Serious.   Staging the damage to Deadly, would double the pulses again, thus an 8D would cost 32 Pulses.

When a power pack is depleted roll a d6.   A roll of 1 results in the pack being burned out.    Any other roll indicates that the pack may be recharged normally.    Recharging a pack is a 24 hour process and can be done by plugging in the pack to any external power source.   Note, the weapon will not fire directly from a wall-jack or generator.

While the weapon itself is silent, the charging of the weapon makes a high frequency sound.    The weapon is listed as a Single Shot weapon because it takes 3 seconds to recharge enough energy to fire another round.

Damage codes are the same for hardened vehicles as well.   Halve all armor rating.

>>>>>  Lightning Body   03/15/55  0856  "I see those Aztlan guards still carrying regular projectile firing weapons.   I have yet to see anything like this."  <<<<<

>>>>>> DeepThroat  04/17/55  0912   "You must not have been inside the Aztlan Structure.    The elite guard all carry one of these things.    And believe me, they are set pretty high."  <<<<<

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