
Blackmoon on the Rise.....

Welcome to Blackmoon on the Rise.  I, Sarina, am your host here...and I wish to welcome you to your nightmares...:::smiles evilly::: While here, please feel free to walk the corridors of the house...or even take a trip through one of the various doors and meet other interesting people ...find yourself swept away within a horrific tomb or crypt with the arms of the kindred holding you tight. Above all very afraid.....

Step inside of the Rise....however.. watch your step.. one never knows what might be lurking in the enter the door and peer around...spying a lone silent candle flickering in the approach the candle slowly feeling your skin grow very cold...your skin crawling....

flickering candle

You take the candle into your hand and lift it into the air...peering around the room in the faint dull light it see a small table sitting to the side of the room...a chair beside it ..and upon the table rests a large black book. You move towards the table and gaze at the book.. upon its cover is engraved a black dragon...and below it inscribed "Sarina"... you open the book and find it empty of for one small sentence......

"Welcome to Your Nightmare"

You suddenly hear an eerie laugh and your blood runs cold... you drop the book and the candle goes out....your fear claiming you.. you turn towards the direction of the laughter...and see two large eyes staring at you...


You scream loudly and run off into the darkness seeking to escape the laughter and the find yourself wandering down a corridor and come to what appears to be several doorways..... you do not know what lies behind them...but your fear of what is behind you presses you on....

Choose Your Doorway...

Dracula's Home Page

The Black Rose

The Lady Fruitbat

Vampire Jenn

Mina Nightshade

Ashley Ravenstone

Vampire Sabine

Lady Nightshade's - Castle Night

The Horror Movie Directory

The Cabinet of Dr. Casey

Horror In Literature

The Idiots Guide to Horror Books

Gravely Mistaken - Haunt of the Vamphyri

Congratulations, you have survived your first visit in the Rise.... Come again....

If you have a horror link that you think would be good here, please email me and let me know...I'm more than happy to add more doors to the Rise.

email me

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Blackmoon on the Rise, © to Sarina Blackmoon - 1997