Earth 2 Fan Fiction Sites.

There are many, many talented writers of "Earth 2" fan fiction around the world.  This page is an attempt to provide a definitive listing of the fanfic sites - both general pages and the authors' personal sites.  Enjoy!  (This page created mid 1998.  Apologies for out-of-date links.)


Andy's Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive   This site contains almost every Earth 2 story posted on the internet.

Earth 2 Fan Fiction  - Part of Mike Vitale's great Earth 2 pages, this fan fiction site is growing all the time.

The Devon and Danziger Forever! Archive - Wonderful stories focussing on Devon and Danziger and their relationship that was meant to be.

Robin a Tumble! - The Earth 2 writing game, in whicch each story begins with the same opening and is passed through a circle of people with hilarious, profound, or dark results.  The stories have turned out wonderfully!

The Station Chronicles - An ambitious project by many fans to fill in the background of the characters of Earth 2. These stories focus on the events leading up to each person's departure from the Stations.

Fiction - One Earth 2 story here, very dark, very twisted.  If you haven't read it then go do so now!

Authors' Personal Pages

Alex's Fan-Fic Fix - Many stories (which I haven't I can't give you an opinion!)  From the summaries, they sound teriffic.

Danni's Story House - Great stories set after many episodes (pparticularly "Redemption").

Dawn's Earth 2 Page - Fiction and beautiful poetry (amongst otther things) by Dawn Pell.

Heather's Devon and Danziger Fiction - Two great post-AAE stories (one in progress) that haven't been posted to the E2 fanfic mailing list.  Don't miss them!

Koba-TV - Home of the hilarious offerings of Anne Brill White.  It also contains a serious story well worth reading.

Lizzy's "Private World of MADNESS!" - Highly entertaining stories along with some great poems by both Elizabeths.  (Make sure you check out her main Earth 2 pages too!)

LJC's Fan Fiction Library - Numerous beautiful stories by Tara O'Shea.

MCStarlight's Fan Fiction - Margaret A. Czarney's wonderful (romantic) stories.  Most of these are for the D/Ders!

Nancy's Earth 2 Fiction - Some great stories, mostly focused on Julia. There are also some highly amusing pieces written by a twisted group of people!

Nic's Fan Fiction Site - The many stories by Nic.  (That's me, so I can't comment on how good or bad they are!)

PJS's E2 FanFic Page - Paula has written a wonderful, continuing series of stories along with many other great pieces.

Rebecca's Earth 2 Page - Scroll down to the bottom to read Rebecca Yoo's great offerings!

Simon's Earth 2 Fiction - His detailed Earth 2 stories are well worth reading.  There's one here especially for Julia fans!

Got an Earth 2 fanfic site that hasn't been listed?  Let me know!

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