Nic's Very First Fanfic!

To understand this story, there are some things you should know about 7 year old Nic.

1)  She read almost nothing but Enid Blyton's work.  Hence the (quite sexist) style.

2)  She adored this cartoon and watched every episode desperately hoping that Mark and Princess would get together.

3)  There were actually 5 main 'good' characters in "Battle of the Planets", but the only ones that mattered to Nic were Mark, Princess and Jason (who kept Mark and Princess apart).

4) Nic had a crush on Mark.  (Is it normal for kids to have crushes on cartoon characters?  Nicole and her friend Naomi used to fight over him!)

4) Despite "Battle of the Planets" being a wonderful science fiction program, there are no sci-fi elements in this whatsoever.
Why?  Well, I didn't realize I loved sci-fi until I was 12.

5) The original copy of this story was painstakingly written out in a "Stories" book (which also contains "Ghostbusters" stories written over the next year!)  Each page was illustrated.  Hopefully, I will scan these pictures in soon and then you can enjoy the full experience!  (I hear you screaming now....)

Here we go...

Mark, Jason and the Princess.

by Nic. Age 7.

Once upon a time there lived a princess named Princess.  Also there lived two boys named Mark and Jason.  The boys lived together.

One day Mark decided to go for a walk with Jason.  So they set off down the road.

Soon they came across a road that they had not been on ever.
"Look a new road," said Mark.
"Let's see what's on it," said Jason.

Mark said, "You look on one side and I'll look on the other side."
"Okay," said Jason.

Soon Mark said, "Look, a magnificent castle!"  Jason quickly crossed the road and together they walked up the steps.  There Jason saw a sign.  It said :

A very Beautiful princess is ready to get married to a handsome young man.

"Wow!" exclaimed the boys.  "I want to marry her."

Jason rang the doorbell.  Then the door was opened and the princess stepped out.  She was very beautiful.  She said, "My name is Princess.  I have often had men here but none have been as handsome as both of you!"  Princess invited them inside.

Mark and Jason had dinner there.  While they were having dinner Mark thought about the princess.  He wanted to marry her!

Meanwhile, a nasty man who wanted to marry her thought of a plan!

When at last Mark and Jason went home, Mark could not stop thinking of Princess.  She had invited them there again on Tuesday night (it was Monday).

Next morning there was a report in the newspaper about Princess being Princess-napped!

"Oh no!" gasped Mark.  Mark and Jason ran to the castle.  No princess, but a trail of cotton!

"Let's follow it."

They followed it for many kilometres.

"Boy am I tired," said Jason.
"Me too.  But look over there.  It's a tower!"
"Race you to that tree," said Jason.
"You're on."

Mark won.  It was getting dark but Mark and Jason kept following the trail.  When they got to the tower Jason spotted a ladder.  He climbed up it to find Princess!  Jason carried her down the ladder and waited at a certain tree where he and Mark had arranged to meet.

Meanwhile Mark was having an easy time tying up the nasty man.  He carried the man to the tree.  Princess spotted a car!  They ran to it.  It had keys in the ignition so they all drove to the town with Jason driving.

On the way Jason asked Princess why she didn't climb down the ladder.
"I'm scared of heights," said Princess....

The nasty man was sent to jail, and Mark and Jason were rewarded well.

2 years later.............

There was a BIG wedding!

Mark and Princess were getting married.  And Jason lived at the Castle with them until they died.  But when Princess had children she told them about their adventure.  And they told their children.  And their children told me.  So that's how I know.   (And now I'm telling you!)

Well, that's it!  Wasn't it perfectly terrible???!!!  Tell me what you thought!

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