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Fun Stuff

Welcome to my web page! My name's Nic and I adore science fiction. Check out my website philosophy and enjoy the site.

This particular page is gradually evolving into a Page O' Fun Stuff, that is, random musings or whims that aren't fic and aren't Soulmates-related. Like my Luke Skywalker/Blair Sandburg Comparison Page!

Can you help me? I'm seeking information on a song called Fantasy. Click here for more details.

The Soundtrack Page. - Analysis of wonderful musical soundtracks (scores).
My other recent obsession is Xena and so I just had to make a Xena and Ares page!
February 2001 - I'm Missing Babylon 5.
NEW! TheLuke Skywalker/Blair Sandburg Comparison Page!

An oldish-tribute to some of my favourite actors


So which sci-fi (and fantasy) interests me the most?
EARTH 2 Amazing, a true drama that touches the heart. Too short lived.
BABYLON 5 No words can do this achievement justice. If you haven't already, WATCH IT! It makes me laugh, it makes me cry, it astounds me constantly.
STAR WARS My reason for being a science-fiction fan. I've loved it forever, and TPM fever took over my life during 1999. Oh, it was fun! Such an amazing universe where I can lose myself.
THE X-FILES Okay, so I only really watch it for the relationship, but it's sooo good. Some episodes make you laugh so hard, others have beautiful Shipper moments.
STAR TREK : TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY Once a Trekkie, always a Trekkie, and I've been one since I saw ST IV in 1986. (Although I've been feeling anti-Trek lately - boredom from too much?) (Or maybe the negative relationships thing is getting me down.)
SEAQUEST Forget 2032 and remember the magic of the first and second years, and the tragedy of the final episode ("Splashdown"). It was good and it had heart.
ALIENS Eerie, frightening....I don't know why I adore it but I do. Ripley was my hero for the longest time and perhaps still is.
SPACE : ABOVE AND BEYOND Was wonderful and touching and a kick-butt show. It's sadly missed. I'll never forget the 58th and the final tragedy.
SLIDERS The first and second series were amazing. The third series had me crying. I loved it 'before', with the 4 original Sliders, when it was fun.
RED DWARF Is the funniest "sci-fi" show I have ever seen. Actually, it's more of a comedy but I love it anyway. Lister, Rimmer and The Cat always had me in stitches.
STARGATE: SGI Way cool! Lots of fun and a new spin on the Sliders idea. Plus it has fantastic music and keeps getting better and better. It also has amazing continuity and characters I just adore. (Or lust after...Daniel!)
THE VISITOR Was cute. :) That's why I liked it. The character of Adam McCarther intrigued me.
XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS Makes me laugh. It is hilarious sometimes, touching other times, and something you can watch it without thinking at all. The relationship between Gabrielle and Xena is touching and sometimes it can break your heart.
BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER It's slick, it's clever, it's fun. 'Nuff said. (Oh, did I mention tragic?) (And incredibly well-written?) (And so good that words won't do it justice?)
THE NEVERENDING STORY I loved this as a child and still do. It's magic of the purest form.
THE SENTINEL Was there ever a show with a greater bond between the two leads who were both so nice to look at? ;) TS is my current obsession. And not just because of Jim and Blair. The majority of episodes are quite good, especially in terms of the chemistry between the actors.
7 DAYS This show keeps improving. From shaky beginnings (here we go again) it's begun to sparkle with the Frank/Olga relationship, and the enthralling inner psyche of Frank.
ANGEL This is more tragic than Buffy, and just as engaging. Mostly. (I must admit I didn't really care about the end of Season 1.)
CRUSADE Crusade had so much potential! The magic of jms's universe mixed with new stories, new intrigue and fascinating characters. It deserved to continue.
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Yes, I'm referring to the late 80's series which I only recently had the pleasure of viewing. WOW. This show had so much heart and soul, it was beautiful, and I have never, ever seen a sadder episode of television than "Walk Slowly". I cried the entire way through and the only other thing that ever made me cry was Babylon 5.
DUE SOUTH So I'm in another new fandom, and having even more fun. RayK is just adorable, and he and Fraser are the most engaging characters. The last episode was spectacular. :)

February 2001: due South, due South, YEAH! Stargate and Xena are still a lot of fun, and, as always, Earth 2.

September 2000: I'm living in Stargate and Xena worlds with a little bit of The Sentinel thrown in on the side. It's great.

February 2000: Oh look, it's time for my yearly update! Not a lot to report - I'm still writing fanfic, still working lots of jobs and juggling study (post-grad now) and still being obsessed with sci fi. In particular, STAR WARS took up the latter half of 1999 and now it's The Sentinel. Buffy, Stargate:SG1 and Xena are other current interests. Fandom is so much fun. I'm (finally!) going to an Earth 2 convention in July and I cannot wait.
On another note, I really, really, really miss Babylon 5 now that it's over.

Other Nic Pages: Nic Talk. (Seriously out of date.) My STAR WARS predictions page - things I "guessed" about Episode 1 beforre it premiered. It makes interesting reading in retrospect.

So where can you find me on the Net lately? Well, aus.sf.babylon5 is a good place to start! And as always, the Earth 2 mailing lists (yes, all of them!). I lurk in plenty of other places I'm not prepared to reveal. :)

Don't miss

My guide to those couples who belong together.



Includes Earth 2, The X-files, seaQuest, Sliders, STAR WARS, Babylon 5, Voyager, The Sentinel (yeah!), Stargate:SG1 (double yeah!) and Press Gang fanfic.
Earth 2

My Earth 2 Page! If you're interested in "Earth 2", fandom is alive and well! (I am proudly an Edenite.) Feel free to e-mail me for any details and watch for it on the Sci-Fi Channel!

However, for all the info on E2 and what you can do to bring it back, visit RH's Earth 2 Website. This great site has character bios, pictures and more!


One of my other interests is the incredible game, Monkey Island. Here's my page dedicated to it!

Plunder Bunnies


My guestbook - I read every entry! Please sign it :)

Sign My Guestbook View My GuestbookGuestbook by Lpage

Thin Line


Click on the links below to get to CD Now if you want to buy CDs through my link and make me a very happy little Nic.
Order Titanic! - Both the soundtracks and the film itselff through this link!

I've just joined the Associates program. So if you want to buy books (and more!) do me a favour and purchase from this link? Pretty please? :)
AND - Given my recent obsession with a certain Jedi, which naturally led to an obsession with a certain (swoon) actor, can I recommend this book to you all? ;) It has some wonderful droolworthy pictures. Ewan McGregor: From Junkie to Jedi.

Thin Line

Links to my favorite Fan Fiction sites as of 1997

The Gossamer Project : X-Files Fan Fiction Archive - Home of almost all X-files fan fiction!
Andy's comprehensive Earth 2 Fan Fiction Archive - All the E2 stories you could ever want!

Links to other sci-fi sites on the Web; and my personal favorite pages.

Earth 2 : Eden Advance - a wonderful Earth 2 fanclub.
Koba TV - A very funny Earth 2 site.
Thera's Page for X files and more! (This may be gone....)
Mind Over Matter - THE site dedicated to the brilliant actress Debrah Farentino .
The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5 - A fascinating guide to the incredible series. One of my very favorite places on the Net.
Princess Leia's Information Center - A cool SW site (may be gone).
NiX site - I think this is gone. Nick, are you out there? Anywhere?
Elizabeth's 'Earth 2' Page! - Let Mayor Devon Adair's assistant (who may be a Council spy!) take you through G889...and beyond! This is one of the most entertaining Earth 2 sites out there.
Elvis Stojko - Heart of a Champion This site has all the latest information at your fingertips. The personal fan stories are great, too, and make me so jealous!

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