The Ultimate Guide to Relationships.

Soulmates in Science Fiction - there are more pairs than one would first think! Romance is everywhere, amongst the stars, on Earth, and in these wonderful characters' hearts.

Thin Line

John Sheridan and Delenn

Babylon 5
John and Delenn
These two are most definitely soulmates, and are, in fact, the most perfect example to be found. From the very first moment they saw each other, and even before, perhaps, they had a connection that was so strong. The smile of greeting was sweet, and over the next few months and years, they became closer. Friendship, dating, and then ever so slowly to an embrace in "Comes the Inquisitor". John declared his love in "Ceremonies of Dark and Light" and (after an interruption from "That Darn Ivanova!") they finally kissed several months (episodes) later. The re-appearance of John's dead wife caused a heart-breaking rift to form between then, culminating in John's trip to Z'Ha'Dum and his ultimate fate. "If you go to Z'Ha'Dum, you will die," it was always prophesised, and tragically fulfilled.

As Delenn once said to him, "We are old souls...." Two souls trying to save a universe on the brink of destruction, who were finally married and had twenty years together (including the birth of their son) before death returned for John. Yet their love lasted beyond death, beyond time, and Delenn 'sees' him every morning at sunrise. They were remembered throughout the ages.

The John and Delenn Site The best place to find out everything you ever wanted to know about this beautiful relationship!
Or there's the John & Delenn Storybook for fan fiction. Once you've seen the end of B5, I suggest you head here: Sunrise for a picture and more that will break your heart.

Thin Line

Dana Scully and Fox Mulder

The X-files
Mulder and Scully
These two - so clearly best friends - are also soulmates, if only they would realise it. There is no one for Mulder but Scully, and vice versa, they love each other without a doubt.. Only their occupation - and their own hesitation - keeps them from pursuing a romantic relationship.
'Shippers around the world can quote the great moments. "Tooms" was only the beginning, and "Pusher" signalled a turning point in their relationship. The hugs, the touches, and the chaste kisses (so what if he thought Scully was dying at the time?) prove how devoted these two are to each other. And who could ever forget that magical dance in "PMP"?

It was truly a great time to be a 'Shipper with the 5th season and that wonderful, wonderful movie! More touching moments than ever, more UST, even a near-kiss. We saw proof of Mulder's love through Season 6 - both a kiss and, even better, an "I love you". If only Scully would accept the truth.... Season 7 brought us many defining moments. A true kiss. Scully was told that she loved him. Scully getting dressed in Mulder's bathroom one morning. Hugs. And the beautiful spooning-in-bed scene. All clues seem to point to a more intimate relationship than we, the viewers, have been witness to. Not to mention the fact of Scully's pregnancy....
Season 8 was heartbreaking. With Mulder gone, Scully was devestated. We saw her psychic link to him, and her grief when she fell asleep in his bed, clutching his shirt. Her desperate search for Mulder ending in nothing. And now she's with Doggett while the parentage of her child is still open to debate.
Mid Season 9 - and she loves him, and she misses him, and wrote, "Yours forever, Dana." So beautiful, so right, and so surprising that we 'shippers aren't getting screwed over.

X-files Institution for Relationshippers Includes a guide to the latest romantic moments between everyone's favorite agents!
Shipper's Ahoy! is another great site with detailed episode guides - for the romance, that is.
X-Philes Finis Romantic Society - Another site I loved, and we got what we wanted.

Thin Line

Aeryn Sun and John Crichton

Aeryn and John

Since there semi-erotic meeting during Moya's escape every scene John and Aeryn have shared is magic! The chemistry between the actors is so incredible that viewers cheer for them to get together even when they're conking each other out as in "Throne for a Loss" (Their first meeting did not go well - Aeryn knocked John out!) The viewers cheer even more when action does happen like in "The Flax" and the oh-so shippy perfect "A Human Reaction".

Since their escape, John and Aeryn have faced death, made promises, fought, kissed, and been thouroughly confused about their relationship. Aeryn risked her life trying to save John's and in the meantime became a fugitive from his own race! All because of a lost human who got (literally) flung through and lost in space.

The "Look At The Princess" 3 parter brought us 2 kisses, one that told them that they were compatible to have healthy children. "The Locket" got us an admission of love to each other, but in a strange quirk, neither one of them remembers it. We cant forget "Mind The Baby", which left them in a tender embrace that had all shippers sighing. And finally, "Out Of Their Minds" had them in each others bodies... literally, and not in the sick way.
However, this couple is currently torn apart through death...(hmmm, I had the same review here year ago, but this time, they've been through so much more pain).

John and Aeryn * The Un-Named Anomaly * The John & Aeryn Oasis * Farscape

Thin Line

Clark Kent and Chloe Sullivan


"Smallville" - sweeping the Net, and much like "Roswell", it's full of possible relationships. Clark/Lana is what we're supposed to believe, Clark/Lex have the tonnes of chemistry, yet when you consider all the factors and pretend that SV is a real place, perhaps it is Clark/Chloe who are the most likely. They're good friends and she's a dynamo who reminds us of a young Lois Lane. They would make such a cute couple.

And while I'm here: Random "Roswell" comparisons: Clark=Max, Chloe=Maria, Lana=Liz, Whitney=Liz's ex, but who is Lex? Perhaps Michael....

Thin Line

Daniel Jackson and Janet Fraiser


Once upon a time, there was an archeologist named Daniel Jackson and a doctor called Janet Frasier. They worked at a top secret Air Force base called the SGC. Although their relationship appears to be purely a professional one, there just seems to be more between them. Why does Daniel end up so often at the infirmary? Does it have anything to do with a certain doctor Fraiser? Why does Janet seem so worried about Daniel when he iswounded?
The motto of the D&J shipers: "We wouldn't be projecting, if there wasn't a glimmer of something there already!"
Fans have maintained for years that Daniel and Janet would make a cute couple. In season 5, some of this finally seemed to be true, with bonding, hand holding, and some beautiful moments.
The Dan and Jan Fiction Archive


Max and Logan

Dark Angel
Max and Logan

The girl with a secret. The man with a secret. Their paths cross in a somewhat unconventional manner (when she breaks into his house) but from the very first moment, there's chemistry.
And that's what sets this relationship apart. Sure, it's your typical hero/heroine with an intriguing adverserial relationship - of course they're going to fall for each other - but what makes this one special is the spark between them. There's definitely something intense between Max and Logan, a rare kind of "perfection" even through the trauma of the dark world they live within.
As things stand, they cannot touch, and the angst and heartbreak is beautiful.

Thin Line

Dana Scully and John Doggett

The X-Files
Doggett holding Scully

Basically put, it seems that Doggett cares for Scully a lot more than Mulder ever did in terms of protection and not putting her in dangerous positions. And with reports of an interesting chemistry between them, is it any surprise that M/S shippers are suddenly swapping camps? Scully's become the scientist/believer while Doggett maintains the no-nonsense persona.

Time will tell what happens between these two.

Got a link for these two? Let me know:

Thin Line

Captain Elizabeth Lochley and Captain Matthew Gideon


Are 13 short episodes enough to decide if a pair are Soulmates or not? Many of you seem to think so and they certainly have a passion simmering between them! It's another "hot couple" of the Net at this point in time (late 1999).
Gideon and Lochley met in the episode "Ruling From the Tomb," and didn't exactly hit it off. Gideon wanted to "check up" on Lochley's security measures. But they ended up having dinner together... and dinner led to... meeting up again in the next episode, "The Rules of the Game" where they had dinner again, got fired at, and shared a shower. The only problem - they went too fast. It can't be over already, can it?

That's Why We Make Such a Good Team

Thin Line

Micheal and Lisa Wiseman

Now and Again
Lisa and Michael
There are few things sadder to a romantic than when a couple is torn apart. Especially if it is by death. Micheal and Lisa were married, in love and they had a daughter. The he is "killed" and she becomes his widow. In reality his brain is put in the body of a synthetically created, younger man, created by the government to fight crime. All he wants is to get back to his wife, the love of his life. He sees her every time he can, but he can not reveal his true identity or they will both die. The time they spend together is filled with tension, love and yearning. It couldn't happen enough and there were many poignant meetings.
The final episode ended with a promising cliffhanger: Michael escaped his 'captors', grabbed his wife and daughter, and ran....

Off into the sunset to a happily ever after? That's what we like to think.

Now and Again

Thin Line

Anakin Skywalker and Queen Amidala

Anakin and Padme
Ani and Ami are so cute. His first words to the Queen in disguise, "Are you an angel?", were a hint of things to come, the beginnings of a beautiful future together that would inevitably end in tragedy. We know that Anakin and Amidala (Padme) will marry and have two beautiful children, and after The Phantom Menace, it seems obvious that the two are already trusted friends. It is a beautiful relationship; simple, touching and sweet. We can't wait to see it grow.
Star Wars

Thin Line

Colonel Jack O'Neill and Captain Samantha Carter

Stargate: SG1
Jack and Sam
I guess it was inevitable that an attraction would flare between this couple. And what a great pair they are! The attraction has simmered between them for years now, and in a memorable alternate universe, they were engaged. Protocol keeps them apart but Shippers live in hope. Nonetheless, the brilliant SG1 team will be together for a long time yet, giving us more wonderful moments between them. Examples include their alternate universe counterparts, who are invariably together. Jack, Sam, I think the universe is trying to tell you something....
Season 4 Update: Woo-hoo! Admission of the attraction... "I care about her. More than I'm supposed to." And then Jack's resignation and the kiss!
The Sam & Jack Relationship Archive

Thin Line

Frank Parker and Olga Vulkavitch

7 Days

Ah, the fun of a Time Travel show. Olga and Frank can get together a hundred times (in fact, it seems as if they have!) but Parker always backsteps and undoes it all. Frank has saved Olga's life dozens of times in alternate timelines (but, as Olga
pointed out, he has no proof) and has even once proposed to her. Unfortunately, he was actually married to a psychotic double of Olga. But many shippers were happy to see their wedding, regardless of the circumstances. (Much like the marriage of Tom
Paris and B'Elanna Torres.)
The cool scientiest, the slightly nutty but talented hero. It's your typical working partners/UST thing that works so well and we love watching it! There was an attraction between them from the very start, and we're just hanging out for an episode where they get together, for real, and Olga remembers it.
This relationship truly makes "7 Days" sparkle.
Seven Days * Relationships Oasis * The 7 Days Relationship Guide

Thin Line

Devon Adair and John Danziger

Earth 2
Devon and Danziger
One of the greatest incidences of unrequited love of all time. He was the only one who dared to challenge the great Ms. Adair, and to everyone's surprise, Devon eventually learnt to listen to him. They became awkward comrades, sharing so much, until they developed a true friendship which always contained hints of more.
They were perfect for each other, if only they would realise it... Just watch "Water" and "Brave New Pacifica" if you don't believe me! (They should have kissed on that beach in BNP. And the whole "Promise me, John" scene in All About Eve is just heartbreaking.)
Yet as we all know, Devon got frozen, and that was that. Nonetheless, you can still get a Devon-Danziger fix by visiting the Devon and Danziger Forever! Webpage.
MCStarlight's Home Page has some great D&D discussions and more!

Thin Line

Dureena Nafeel and Galen


The chemistry between these two is striking. Dureena is a thief, the last of her race. Her displays of bravado often hide her intense loneliness. She trusts few others, and is incredibly self-reliant.
Galen is a technomage. He was expelled from the order and is considered a renegade by many of his fellow mages. Galen is secretive and distant. Many of Excalibur's crew distrust him.

Galen and Dureena form an uneasy friendship. From the very beginning, the chemistry between them was electric. In many ways, they are very similar. Both have lost loved ones in the past, and both are fairly isolated from those around them. Additionally, Dureena is the only person who seems unafraid of Galen.
It's a pity that Crusade did not continue, because this relationship could have been very interesting to watch.
The Technomage and the Thief * The Circle: A Tribute to Galen

Thin Line

Jarod and Miss Parker

The Pretender

Jarod was raised in The Centre, a shady research lab determined to manipulate his genius for their own ends. Isolated from the outside world, the boy was befriended by Miss Parker(the audience has never learned her first name,although Jarod knows it), the daughter of the Centre's director.
Flash forward 33 years. Jarod escapes the Centre. Eager to retrieve their 'experiment', the Centre sends someone after him--Miss Parker.

This relationship is interesting because both characters are pitted directly against each other in a no-win situation. In her own way, Parker is just as much a prisoner as Jarod was. Jarod's repeated attempts to reach out to the woman he remembers as his friend fuel much of the conflict between them. For the most part, Parker refuses to acknowledge the Centre's misdeeds,
for fear of losing the only family she has ever known.
So, Jarod and Miss Parker remain in a holding pattern. However, this has begun to change a bit as the fourth season continued, until the terrible news of cancellation....(which is unfortunately, the final stake in many beautiful relationships). But hey, the wonderful TNT promised Pretender movies! Yeah!

The Pretender Fanfic Archive * The Jarod and Miss Parker Relationship Archive

Thin Line

Jason Nesmith and Gwen DeMarco

Galaxy Quest

There was romantic tension between the characters of these two actors back during the run of their series, Galaxy Quest. Then eighteen years later, an attraction still existed between the actors. It realized after an adventure through space where they kicked some alien butt-for real! Then they kissed in front of the audience and there is no doubt they'll be a hot couple for Galaxy Quest shippers in the second series.

[Galaxy Quest rocked. And in a world where it was "real" I'm sure there would be a thousand die-hard shippers who believed in this pair, just like we saw in the film.]
Galaxy Quest

Thin Line

Marita Covarrubias and Alex Krycek

The X-Files
Krycek and Marita
Krycek and Marita are made for each other.....they're both RATS. They'll do anything to gain an advantage over their opponent and in this case, it's each other. Although they were together for that one moment because of some rather
unromantic reasons, I truly believe that if things were different, they still would've found each other.
No, there were not any special circumstances in which Covarrubias and Krycek were under when they kissed. It
was actually them, in this timeline and universe, and they still retained memory of the event. Covarrubias was trying to trick Krycek though and he fell for it...and her.

Blondie's Ratcave * Mating Habits of Rats * The Hellhole * The Real Love of the X-Files
All Things Rat * The Lair of the Rat * The Silo

Thin Line

Susan Ivanova and Marcus Cole (RIP)

Babylon 5
Susan and Marcus
Susan. Marcus. A match in the stars as a war raged about them - could she let go of her past? "Myy hearrt and I don't speak anymore." And could he ever tell her the truth?
Marcus was in love with her, and told her as best he could - "You are the most beautiful woman....". The roses scene in "Exogenesis" was priceless. However, these are a pair of soulmates doomed for all time. It all ended in tragedy. We will never, ever forget "I love you". Nor will we forget Susan's pain afterward in one of Babylon 5's best scenes ever...a broken soul which was never to heal.
Visit Unicorn's Storybook to make the pain go away.
Does anyone know what happened to this great site? Susan and Marcus
Update July 2000: Thank you, jms! In a sense, Susan and Marcus did get their "happily ever after" as outlined in the story "Space, Time and the Incurable Romantic". :) Read my review.

Thin Line

Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade


Sure she wanted to kill him at first. Sure she was the Emperor's Hand. But in the forest of Mynkr, Luke set her down the path of becoming a Jedi. For ten years, they meet now and then. Their friendship grows, but always seems a little strained. Luke has other women (Ugh. Callista, anyone?) and Mara has other men (Lando, but not really). In Spectre of the Past, they realize what a great team they make. And in the book Vision of the Future, he proposes, and she accepts. Mara even says that they are two halves that make a whole. That's what the fans have been saying all along!
The wonderful comic book series "Union" showed us their wedding.

Mindlinked through the Force...they can no longer deny the truth that they are soulmates. Now Mara hovers near death and fans everywhere are hoping for her salvation.
Club Jade * The Jade Skywalker Group

Thin Line

Nathan West and Kylen Celina

Space : Above and Beyond
Nathan and Kylen
This relationship seemed a true tragedy. The two young astronauts on the brink of a great adventure were cruelly torn apart by both bureaucracy and then the alien terror known as the Chigs. The series was based on Nathan's efforts to find his one true love - which he finally did in the final episode. Their reunion was so touching, and so tragic, because of what they had lost in the process, their innocence and their friends.
Space: Above and Beyond -- Mission Status.

Thin Line

Princess Leia and Han Solo

Han and Leia
The princess and the pirate. Was there ever are more romantic, perfect match? In a galaxy at war, two heroes from vastly different worlds finally found each other. Through the trials of darkness and the initial 'triangle' of friends, Han and Leia proved that true love would win through. And this is one couple that have (mostly) had their "happily ever after". Three children, wonderful friends, and a galaxy they saved.
Han and Leia * Han and Leia Shrine * Han Solo, Sexiest Scoundrel in the Galaxy * Drool over Han * Mara's Site

Thin Line

Bess Martin and Morgan Martin

Earth 2
Bess and Morgan
In the cynical universe of the twenty-second century, Bess and Morgan managed to find each other and true love. They perfectly exemplify the trials of marriage, and how anything can be overcome together. Who could ever forget the wedding during "Church of Morgan"? Or the devotion Morgan showed to Bess during "Flower Child"? The scene of Bess and Morgan plunging into the Pit of Spring together is an unforgettable moment.
Bess and Morgan

Thin Line

Daniel Jackson and Sha're

Stargate (SG1)

On the first mission to Abydos, Sha're was "given" to Daniel as a gift. Of course he refused to take advantage of her...but they ended up falling in love, and at the end of the mission he chose to stay behind and marry her. A year later, however, she was kidnapped by the Goa'uld and made into a host. Daniel embarked on a three-year quest to find and free her, which sadly ended in her death. Since then, he's gone through life alone. Sha're may be dead, but she still lives on in Daniel's heart--and in the hearts of Daniel/Sha're fans.

The Daniel/Sha're Site

Thin Line

Lois Lane and Clark Kent

Lois and Clark - The New Adventures of Superman
Lois and Clark
There are a multitude of sites devoted to this pair - in fact, the whole television series was focussed on their relationship! Needless to say, there could never be anyone for Clark Kent but Lois Lane, and vice versa. From their first beginnings at The Daily Planet to their second (and real!) wedding, this is one relationship where fans were not disappointed.
Lois and Clark

Thin Line

Quinn Mallory and Wade Welles

Wade and Quinn
Wade and Quinn were meant to be. They make such a cute couple! Time and time again they relied upon each other, and they loved each other. It was alluded to so many times (remember the episode with the dinosaurs?)

Unfortunately, Maggie came along. Then Wade left. (There was anguish in his eyes when Quinn realised that he'd lost her....) Then Quinn got royally screwed up. I'm not even sure where/what he is now.
So my advice is to whack some first season episodes into the VCR (like "Last Days") and watch the romance to your heart's content. Remember the good days of the original Sliders. Remember the fun. Remember the romance. And tell yourself that somewhere, versions of Wade and Quinn are still sliding together.
Sliders * Wade + Quinn = True Love

Thin Line

Captain Nathan Hale Bridger and Dr. Kristen Westphalen

seaQuest DSV
Bridger and Westphalen
Remember the days...of the first season of seaQuest...with believable storylines and realistic characters? Bridger and Westphalen were two of these, peace-loving scientists who managed to find each other on Earth's greatest submarine. In the final episode of the first series, "Ocean of Fire", Bridger was able to put the loss of his wife behind him and act on the mutual attraction. Unfortunately, Lucas interrupted them at a most awkward moment!
We never learnt of Dr. Westphalen's fate after she left the seaQuest, although we can believe that she's out there, writing letters to Bridger and denying that "seaQuest 2032" ever happened!
Bridger and Westphalen
Bridger's Folly

Thin Line

Zack Allan and Lyta Alexander

Babylon 5
Lyta and Zack

These two weren't Soulmates but they could have been. Zack had a crush on Lyta for years and he was the only one who tried to say goodbye when she left, even though she had become dark and twisted. Their one-sided conversation in the lift during "Thirdspace" is one of Babylon 5's classic scenes. If only Lyta had realised he was there for her, then maybe she could have escaped the madness.... He was always there for her, but she fell for Byron and in the end, they were both alone.
The Zack Allan & Lyta Alexander Web Page

Thin Line

Shane Vansen and Cooper Hawkes

Space : Above and Beyond
Shane & Cooper

People have been suggesting this relationship for years and I refused to put it on the page - mainly because I didn't see it. I haven't watched S:AAB in the longest time but it will always have a special place in my heart. And so I now include these two, as something to think about more than anything else. Hawke had a crush on Vansen from the start, yet as time progressed they became good friends, along with the rest of the 58th.
Space: Above and Beyond -- Mission Status.

Thin Line

Neo and Trinity

The Matrix

Even if you don't have a leather fetish or a desire to see and ice cold femme fatale-esque character melt in order to save her beloved you have to like this pair! Though the movie is better rembered for it's action sequences and religous undertones the romance of Neo and Trinity helped it fly, especially their scenes of interaction which were sweet, lovable and filled with romantic overtones.
Another plus (spoiler) is that you know how crazy about him she is and you are cheering for something to happen the whole time. Sure there were only two brief kisses and only one really counted, but there will be sequels and not picking up this story line would be like not wishing your best friend good luck on their wedding day!.
The Matrix Official Site * The Matrix * Matrix

Thin Line

Vanessa Damphousse and Paul Wang (RIP)

Space : Above and Beyond
The 58th
Another "might-have-been" beautiful relationship, if only the war had ended, if only Wang wasn't blown into spacedust, if only the series hadn't been cancelled... Never forget "R 'n' R".
Space : Above and Beyond.

Thin Line

Alonzo Solace and Dr. Julia Heller

Earth 2
Julia and Alonzo
Alonzo and Julia - two radically different people drawn together in circumstances far beyond their control. From awkward beginnings, they learnt a new way of life on a planet far from Earth, an incredible place where each found their true love. Their first meeting was less than auspicious - Julia rejected his blatant advances - bbbut soon she was caring for him in a professional sense. A lingering attraction remained, and blossomed when Julia was high on Terrian DNA. After many awkward setbacks they finally put the past behind them and realised that they reached out to each other - in love.
A beautiful picture of them.
Check out the Alonzo/Julia page! Doc Julia's page

Thin Line

Michael Garibaldi and Lise Hampton

Babylon 5
Garibaldi (left) and Lise. (Unknown guy in back.)
This beautiful relationship is often overlooked by Babylon 5 fans. Perhaps it is because Lise was not a "main" character, but she was there from the start for Michael, and kept coming back into his life. Through her marriages and his addiction to alcohol, the universe kept bringing them together. (Garibaldi never had anyone else his entire time on Babylon 5!)
To the delight of everyone, Michael and Lise finally married, shared ownership of Mars's most successful corporation, and had a beautiful daughter.
Now that's romance of a lifelong kind.
The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5


Max Evens and Liz Parker

Max and Liz

Max risks everything when he reveals his alien powers to heal Liz and save her life. It has caused nothing but complications for both of them and their friends yet neither regret a moment together. Major complications keep them apart (Max being an alien being the main one) but as Liz's grandmother says if it's not complicated then they probably aren't soulmates! They are destiny waiting to happen.
Max and Liz Guardian Angels

Thin Line

Michael and Maria

Michael and Maria

Neither wanted anything to do with each other until the day Michael stole her car and 'abducted' her. Their continual bickering gave way when both realised that they had common dreams about leaving Roswell, Michael in a spaceship, Maria in a limo. Both realise their feelings, flirt, bicker and finally kiss. A lot. Michael is still crazy about Maria but doesn't want her hurt because he's an alien, but when he breaks up with her the look on his face is clear, he doesn't want to do it.
Constant bickering continues but it is clear that despite their claims that it was just lust both are always there for each other and things could happen if only Michael would just stop thinking about mud!!
M&M * Two Peas from Different Pods

Thin Line

Jeffrey Sinclair and Catherine Sakai

Babylon 5
Catherine and Jeff
Another overlooked relationship in the B5-Universe, Jeffrey and Catherine again prove that everyone has a soulmate, whom they will follow throughout space and time to be with. Onscreen, their relationship was never a focus but it was ever-present, with Catherine dropping in to hassle Jeff every so often. However, a greater destiny awaited Sinclair, first as leader of the Rangers, and then, to become the fabled Valen of the Minbari, which required his going back in time 1000 years. Permanantly.
The novel To Dream in the City of Sorrows continues Catherine's own story, revealing that she attempted to follow Jeff back in time after she realised where he had gone. It has not been said if she succeeded, but we know that Valen married (hence Delenn being his descendent) and from this we can infer that those who have Soulmates may also come from similar genetic backgrounds.
And those of us who are true romantics believe Catherine found Jeff, sacrificing her entire life in the 24th century for him.


John Steed and Emma Peel

The Avengers

While solving supernatural mysteries in the '60s X-files equivalent The Avengers, Steed and Emma's working relationship always verged on the edge of romance.
A tragic moment for all of us who hoped they would become a (perfect) pair in Emma's last episode, her supposedly dead husband returned and took her away leaving Steed to work with a new partner, Tara King. The Avengers


Matt and Cathy

Alien Nation
Matt and Cathy
Matt and Cathy's relationship was realistic and well-developed. Most of their early scenes focused on their becoming friends and just getting to understand each other (Matt's insecurities can be very hard to figure out). The fact that they were from different planets and radically different cultures (they don't even make love in the same way) was another huge hurdle. A big step was taken by Matt after George gave birth, when Matt admitted to Cathy that he liked her. The series ended with their first kiss, but thanks to the reunion movies five years later, we got to see these lovebirds consummate their love. True love overcame all of their difficulties.


Qui-Gon Jinn and Shmi Skywalker

Qui-Gon and Shmi
"Good morning." The infamous quote which caused thousands of Star Wars fans to sit up and say, "Hang on a second...that's a very warm Good Morning!" Not to mention the hand on the shoulder....

The revered Jedi and the mother of a monster who turned into the saviour of the galaxy. They almost share parenthood of Anakin for a time, and they seem bound through their wisdom. From vastly different backgrounds and lifestyles, the connected for one brief day on Tattooine. Whilst not necessarily soulmates, their relationship was touching.
Arla's page | Star Wars

Thin Line

Zev/Xev and Kai last of the BrunnenG

Kai and Zev
Xev is a a genetically engineered love slave and Kia is a 2000+ year old dead assasin. They had a BIG romance in the "Tales From a Parallel Universe" movie (Kai saves her life a million times, Zev falls in love with him, and THE KISS).
In the series the romance is reduced mostly becuase of the fact that Kai happens to be an animated corpse with almost no
emotions, but Zevs love for him continues and there are some very shippy eps!

Thin Line

Susan Ivanova and Talia Winters

Babylon 5
Talia and Ivanova
Ivanova never seemed to have luck in love, and her relationship with Talia was the first heartbreaking example.  What began as animosity (because of Ivanova's past experience and prejudice) slowly tempered into something resembling friendship and very subtle love.  They spent the night together in 
"Divided Loyalties" before the horrific end, where the traitor inside Talia was revealed and she was taken away and (shudder) dismembered.  In a later episode Ivanova told Delenn that "I think I loved Talia." 
Rogue Sanctuary


Agent K and Elizabeth Ann Reston

Men in Black

Agent K was separated from his true love Elizabeth for 30 years by the mysterious "Men in Black" agency, which permits no ties to the outside world. All he could do was watch her sometimes from far away. But when he retired, leaving young Agent J to take his place, he returned to Elizabeth and almost the last shot in the movie shows them together and happy. The love that outlives separation is the love of soulmates.


Thin Line

Kerr Avon and Servalen

Blake's 7
Avon and Servalen
They were enemies, but their relationship should have been! As we saw from the two sizzling on-screen kisses they shared. When the series ended in tragedy, fans were always left wondering what would happen to this pair.

Maya and Tony Verdeschi

Space : 1999
Tony and Maya
Maya was the beautiful alien from the doomed planet Psychon. Rescued by the crew of Moonbase Alpha, she soon struck up a relationship with the Chief of Security Tony Verdeschi, a carefree young man. These two remained close from that point on, and were clearly in love.

Thin Line

Sapphire and Steel

Sapphire & Steel
Sapphire and Steel
An intense and mysterious relationship, about which we learn virtually nothing - as little, in fact, as we learn about the characters themselves in this fascinating but opaque late-seventies UK classic. Sapphire and Steel correct "breaks in time", and while their organisation and background is a secret, they remain altogether human, with emotions and vulnerabilities, and potential love.


John Koenig and Helena Russell

Space: 1999
Helena and John
A tentative attraction in the first season blossomed into avowed and passionate romance in the second.

Thin Line

The Eighth Doctor and Grace Holloway

The Doctor Who TV Movie
Grace and The Doctor
Grace Holloway was the only companion to the Eighth Doctor portrayed on-screen. These two had great romantic chemistry!
It's a shame she didn't take him up on his offer when he invited her to join him in his TARDIS (even bigger shame that the movie was never made into a series). Grace is Mindy to the Doctor's Mork their personalities play well against each other. These two were made for each other!
The Paul McGann Estrogen Brigade

Thin Line

Scott Summers and Jean Grey (aka Cyclops and Phoenix)

The X-Men (Marvel Comics and film)
Scott and Jean

From the moment the scruffy orphan with no control over his deadly mutant powers and the elegant, passionate
telepath and telekinetic met, theirs was a love that defined the term 'soulmates'. The ultimate X-Couple, Scott and Jean have loved each other from the beginning. In over thirty years since their debute in 1963 (!) Scott Summers and his lady love Jean Grey proved that nothing, not even death itself, could truely separate two people with a bond so deep they can hear each others thoughts
Through the years, through the pain, through death and rebirth, children, and vengeful ex-wives, Scott and Jean remained together -- they made their love, they made their life. There is no other couple in Marvel Comics quite like them, and though they have been separated by death (Scott was recently killed in battle with Apocalypse, who was trying to kill their son Nate) their love for one another will burn on long, long after both their deaths -- like the immortal flame from the Phoennnix Jean is named for.
Scott and Jean Love Gallery * The Cyclops and Phoenix Webpage * Phoenix's page

Thin Line

Richard B. Riddick & Carolyn Fry

Pitch Black
Fry and Riddick
Riddick is a criminal being taken back to prison. Fry is a docking pilot thrust into a crisis situation. She emerges as a leader and
Riddick as their only chance at survival. They have a connection from the very first time they meet. Riddick sees the dark side of Fry and so he tries to make her more like himself. However, his plan backfires and he ends up being more like her.

Every scene between the two holds a meaningful look or stance. Riddick ends up changing, not for her, but BECAUSE of her.
She is able to teach him what humanity is supposed to be. The last look between them, before Fry gets pulled into the pitch
black, is priceless. Riddick cries, "Not for me! Not for me!" A tragic ending of two souls who were more alike than they first suspected.

Pitch Black - Official site *

Thin Line

Cale and Akima

Titan A.E.
Akima and Cale
After a memorable first meeting (with her inside a spaceship and him outside on the window) it was pretty obvious Cale had fallen hard for Akima, and there was more then one suggestion that she felt the same. There were an an abundance of moments which spoke of cute attraction between the pair. Neither had any family, being part of the last remnants of the human race.
The general assumption can be they got together after the Titan was found. They must have by the scene a year after the events of the rest of the movie, in which Cale and Akima stand together on the surface of the beautiful Planet Bob.

Titan A.E.

Thin Line

Lt. Benjamin Krieg and Lt.Cdr. Kathrine Hichcock

seaQuest DSV
Ben and Katie
Ben and Katie fell in love and got married at the naval academy, but got divorced about a year later.
Years later, they met up again when they were both assigned to the SeaQuest. They occasionally had little amusing run-ins with one another, but many people still maintain they were still in love. Their on screen chemistry was certainly evident! Unfortunately, Katie left the seaQuest so who knows what happened after that?

UEO Mainframe - fanfic

Thin Line

Commander William Boone and Da'an

Earth: Final Conflict
Da'an and Boone
Commander Boone was chosen by Da'an, the North American Companian, to serve as his protecter after Boone saved his life.
Boone refused and his wife was killed shortly after. With nothing to live for Boone accepted Da'an's proposal to become his implated protector. But before he could become surgicly implanted with a ciber-viral implant, he was approched by the liberation and was told that the CVI would make him a slave to the Tealons.

During the year that Boone served Da'an a trust and friendship formed between the to beings. Boone stopped pretending to serve Da'an and started to actually care for the Taelon. As Da'an stopped seeing a mere implant and instead found a true and loyal friend. Together they both formed a bond with each other united in their effots to help both humans and Taelons find a balance between their two speicies.

However, William Boone's body was distoryed by Da'an's rivel Zo'or. The bond between Da'an and Boone cannot be broken by mere death and hope that the two soulmates will once again find a way to each other

Official Site * Skrill's Earth Final Conflict Page * Tina's EFC page (contains fanfic)

Thin Line

Don West and Judy Robinson

Lost in Space
Judy and Don (and Robot)

Despite the fact that there was no one else even available, these two shared a sparkling repartee that was destined to turn into love.
Got more information? Let me know!

Thin Line

Miss Parker and Broots

The Pretender

Miss Parker and Broots work together, with Sydney, to find and bring Jarod back to the Centre. They are, well, friends may be too strong a word, but they've had many interesting conversations, not to mention a very strange fantasy/dream by Broots...

Thin Line

Byron (RIP) and Lyta Alexander

Babylon 5

This was a tragic relationship. Lyta, rogue telepath, found a kindred soul in Byron who led a group of telepaths searching for a new homeworld. They fell in love and Byron was the first who led Lyta within herself, learning the terrible secret of what had been done for her. A poignant moment came when they, along with the group, sang together.
Byron sacrificed himself for Lyta and all rogue telepaths, beginning the "Remember Byron" crusades in an attempt to bring Psy-Corps down. Ultimately, through the deaths of these two troubled people, they were successful.

Thin Line

Susan Ivanova and David (?) Corwin

Babylon 5
Corwin and Ivanova, courtesy of
Susan remained oblivious to all of Corwin's attempts to court her. She asked him out to discuss business, he thought it was a date. He gave her roses, she thought they were from Marcus (after an oh-so-cute scene between them)! Their entire non-relationship consisted of mis-communication, and when you consider the fact that he was her subordinate, perhaps it's best that it didn't work out. However, they could have had cute times together in C&C!

Claudia Christian

Thin Line

Dot Matrix and Bob


An unusual pair of soulmates, Dot Matrix and Bob both live inside a computer, in Mainframe City. Bob is a Guardian from the Supercomputer who is hailed as a hero in this small system; Dot is a smart and ambitious, if slightly workaholic, entrepreneur-turned-rebel leader.

The pair do have their differences---Bob's overconfident nature and spontaneous hero lifestyle tend to clash with Dot's careful planning---and just as they began to realize their feelings for each other, Bob was lost in the Web. Dot was sure he'd been
deleted, but Bob fought his way back to her, and helped defeat the virus Megabyte and save Mainframe. And Bob and Dot finally kissed...well, just see this picture. :-) Bob & Dot...
JuliaCat's Reboot Corner * Dot's Diner * The Edge of Beyond

Thin Line

Fry and Leela


Fry's a 20th cenutry delivery boy who fell into a cryo-chamber and woke up in the year 3000, where he met Leela, the one-eyed alien. She can get irritated with him but they're friends who would be sure to become something more if something didn't keep interrupting them every time they were about to kiss! The "Titanic" episode was priceless.
Futurama Outlet

Thin Line

Reb and Yuna

Deep Water Black/Mission Genesis

Two clones of Earth's best and brightest, traveling to Earth to repopulate it after the devestation caused by the Pandora Virus. Reb and Yuna at first clash, but then learn to understand each other, and their romance was budding (despite an encounter with Reb's donor's girlfriend) when the series was canceled. Never mind. We can still assume they're still out there, still heading towards Earth, and still in love with each other
Deepwater: Deck Five - Fanfic

Thin Line

Austin James and Mickey Castle


I admit they may be corny but, their also darned cute! Besides I'd absoluteley kill to see how the kids would turn out. The brilliant, arrogant, and mischevious genius scientist in his ivory tower with the sweet tempered down to earth secretary. You've got to see the show to understand they're so cute they'd give Disney cavities!


Jake and Cassie


Jake and Cassie, two young people thrust into a battle with the evil Yeerks. He became thier leader, while she was the best morpher. The attraction between them was all too obvious in the all too short-lived television series, and in the books they've acted on it.

Thin Line

Mike Donovan and Juliet Parrish

V and V the final Battle

Opposite ends of the political spectrum but yet they come together in the middle of a war and
manage to find a little peace.

Thin Line
Dr. Sloan Parker and Tom Daniels

Know anything?  Tell me!

Thin Line
Rommie/Dylan *   Beka/Tyr

Know anything?  Tell me!

Thin Line


Most of the first pairs listed on this page are Nic's favorites - visit this page for the latest ramblings!

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