Copyright Notice
Lions of Terra and Cinematic Role-Playing System were written by W.D.
Robertson, and are copyright protected under the Berne Convention. However,
the author does provide conditional permission to copy, as outlined at
the bottom of this section.
- International law assures the authors of the following rights, which
must not be infringed.
- The right to be known as the authors of our work.
- You must not claim to have written, drawn, or otherwise produced anything
that I wrote, drew, or otherwise produced, nor reproduce my work without
my name.
- The right not to have my work distorted, garbled, or otherwise altered.
- You must not publish, circulate, or make available altered versions
of any of my work without specific and explicit permission from me.
- The right not to have mywork copied without permission.
- You may not make copies or partial copies of anything I have written,
drawn, or otherwise produced, unless you have specific and explicit permission
from mr, except that you may quote reasonable portions for the purposes
of study or review.
- Note that these rights cover certain derivative works.
To contact me for permission to do various things, send an email.
Conditional permission to copy
Lions of Terra and the Cinematic Role-Playing rules have been released
as freeware, and anyone may make a copy, subject to the following conditions:
- All copies must include this copyright notice.
- All copies must be complete and unexpurgated, and must moreover contain
no additional material, unless it is clearly marked as not being my work.
- If you make a copy available for public access, you must tell me where
it is.
- No-one may charge any price or fee for a copy of either piece of work.
Further, you may alter the format or content of these files to make
a version suitable for play, so long as you do not post such altered files
to the 'Net, nor otherwise publish them in any fashion, unless I have approved
them and given you explicit permission.
Contact for further copyright information or
use permissions.