A Brief Tour of Known Space
Ylii towers on DM +32 2390 II. This image predates Kafer discovery of the Ylii colony. The planet suffered tremendous ecological damage as the tower-cities, some up to 12km in height, were destroyed by Kafer orbital attacks.
Klaxun winter. The cylindrical mounds on the slope behind the frozen river are partially uncovered cocoons that are secreted by hibernating organisms related to the Klaxun.
DM +4 123 V - Xiang Homeworld. The rings of the gas giant DM +4 123 V appear edge on. The light from the planet's K2 star makes the ice crystals of the ring appear golden in color. Like Aurore, the Xiang homeworld is geologically active and possesses a lower gravity than Earth. This allows the volcanic mountains in the distance to reach heights greater than the mountains of Earth.
82 Eridani IV - Black Sky tribal land. This region is named for the large amounts of eroded volcanic dust blown into the atmosphere during frequent wind storms.
Aurore, with Tithonus and Arcturus dominating the evening sky. The rocks have been scoured to near mirror smoothness by the tremendous tides. Tidal interface organisms related to sponge grass manage to survive by growing into the rocks.