"In the pale light of the moon I play the game of you.
Whoever I am.
Whoever you are.
All sense of where I am, of who I am and where I'm going, has been
swallowed by the dark.
And I walk through the stars and sky.
A trinity of dreams beneath the moon."

- Neil Gaiman

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inks Mud Utilities, mud search engines AND Sandman links!

uilding Information.  Herein lies the knowledge that world-shapers require.  Enter if you would learn of the builder's art. 

y ancient home, Cryptic Inspiration has returned! We now dwell at cryptic.genesismuds.com port 3060
I thank all who have worked to ease my spirits at the untimely death of my last endeaver, and pledge that THIS mud will not die! - Celainn who once was Moondancer - from an unknown source.

Come join us at Cryptic!
cryptic.genesismuds.com port 3060

o contact me, Point your quill to Celainn's Mailbox

The painting on this page 'Ophelia' is by John William Waterhouse
The title graphic was created and donated by Tasha Stieg. Thanks Tasha!

"The Servant of his Mistress" by John Bennet (1575-1614)
All midis on this site are copyright and curtesy of Curtis Clark and The Internet Renaissance Band