St. Joseph's School, at Bangalore was founded in 1865, offered to European and Anglo-Indian families the means of securing for their children the advantage of a liberal education. The greatest care was taken to impart to the pupils a sound moral training, to improve their minds and hears, to cultivate in them gentlemanly manners and habits of regularity and cleanliness, in short, to prepare them for the duties of their future.
Pupils of all religious persuasions were admitted without any interference with their respective creeds and were constantly under the supervision of the Religious Fathers and Brothers. For the sake of order and discipline, however, they were expected to comply with the ordinary rules of the School. The School buildings, spacious and well ventilated, were situated in the center of the European quarter of the Town, between Museum Road and Residency Road. The dormitories are in the upper storey.
Two large and open play-grounds belonging to the School afforded ample space for cricket, football, hockey, tennis, badminton and other games and exercises. One of the grounds was situated in the School premises. The other was close near the Cubbon Park known as "New Field". However today, the field is the playground attached to the St. Joseph's Indian High School. There is one more ground called the Centenary Ground on M.G. Road near the Mayo Hall. Great attention was paid to physical training and games. The School possessed a Cadet Platoon and a Boy Scouts' Troop. (These activities are still being carried out in the School). There was a Debating and Literary Society for the Boys of Standards IX and VIII. Once a month a lantern lecture is given to them on educational topics. On special occasions, Dramatic and Musical entertainment and Cinema shows were given to the boys in the School Hall.
The Course of Studies embraced the subjects required for the Government High and Middle School Examinations, and for the Cambridge School Certificate, Junior and Preliminary Examinations. The School was recognised by the Cambridge University, and Senior Candidates could obtain Certificate A. The boys prepared for Preliminary Cambridge in Std. VI, for the Middle School in Std. VII, for Junior Cambridge in Std. VIII, and for the High School and Cambridge School Certificate in Std. IX On the last Saturday of the month, the boarders whose parents lived in the Station were allowed to go home, and the others being allowed to spend the day with relatives or other persons on conditions laid down by the School. The Weekly Tests have been discontinued, and Unit Tests and Quarterly Tests are now being conducted. The health of the boarders was intrusted to an experienced Medical Officer. Besides a large infirmary, there was a special room reserved for the infectious cases. Matrons attended to the special needs for the little boys. There is a proposal to move the present School premises from Museum Road to the grounds of the College Hostel at the junction of Lalbagh Road and Langford Road (near Double Road), where a new school will be built. There are around 60 students per class and there are three sections. Due to the large numbers of students in each class, the present building cannot give the students a good airey atmosphere. In the year 1883, when Fr. J.M. Vissac was Rector of the St. Joseph's College, the College and School was situated on St. John's Hill at the location of St. Germain's High School next to St. Francis Xavier's Cathedral, it later shifted to its present day premises on Museum Road. The School Today Front View, Field View, Old Boys Day September 1996, visit The Josephite for more and more pictures...!!.
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The Rector, The Principal, Staff, and Students of St. Joseph's Boys' High School & St. Joseph's Colleges, Wish All Indians on the Occasion of the , Peace, Joy, Friendship, Love, and God's Blessings, and Welcome the World to Join in this Celebration at Bangalore in India, on .
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Thought for the Day:" Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, Fon in the manner their fathers did to the prophets. But woe to you who are rich, For you have received your consolation. Woe to you who are full, For you shall hunger. Woe to you who laugh now, For you shall mourn and weep. Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did they fathers to the false prophets." Holy Bible: Luke 6:20-26