Hi to all my friends and visitors to my Homepages, due to reasons beyond my control, it is unfortunate that I have to ask you all to send only e-mail messages to the following address ronniebangalore@gmail.com or ronniejohnson@vsnl.net until the time I remove this Notice, or I change the date to a deadline . Today's date is 15th April 2007, and in a few months I will be accessable on 'Broadband' courtesy of the Kindnesstrust , who has sponsored the same, but am stuck with BSNL not delivering immediately.
Some of you would know that I once enjoyed the employment of an IT Multinational, but that has changed mainly because of the changes in the market demands, and retrenchment fashions, not being a permanent member of the so called elite IT companies, one does not get the benefits of being laid off, and its 'sudden death' as in the extended time of any game like football or hockey goes. Call Centers and BPO's that require a 'younger' generation have added their effort to close the door, don't' worry I have tried my hand at those, but the bottom line is 'age factor'!!.
Earlier I had asked some of you to help with the sponsorship of my daughters 'Fashion' library, and thank those who had responded. Now that Joanne has finished her course with a First Class in her Degree, and is employed with a Fashion Exporter doing Designs, further requests would not be correct.
However, there is an Orphanage
that I am associated with, who is run by two lay persons, and takes care
of around 55 children, out of which 16 of them are 'challanged'. You may
help towards this effort, and visit the orphanage at
. The Orphanage is located around 15 KMs outside Bangalore.
I haven't updated the Bangalorewalla page extravagantly since 1999,
but have added two sister sites on
, and one on
Bangalore Walla's Tips
on Bangalore which I think you will find very interesting. I do
have some material collected during the years after 1999, and will have
to scan them from time to time and make up the pages for the Bangalore page,
for the 7th
Thanks once again for the wishes, and hope to hear from you all again,
The Bangalorewalla!!
to see Books already in Joanne's "Fashion Library":
My Wife, Maisy and I, Thank you for your support for our
Homepages on Bangalore, and I do regret that I will be
"going slow " some of the contents of the Home Pages on Bangalore
for the moment, or till I have some more matter to update the pages
with photographs and information. So until then, cheers and thanks for
your support, please do not stop visiting the pages, you may find that
some of the pages could have been updated!!. Please convey this information
to our Internet mutual acquaintances around the world. Link my Pages to
yours and also inform your friends in case you find the same interesting.
The address is
http://www.oocities.org/ronnie.johnson ,
You may also reach this page by going to http://www.google.com, and 'search
for' "Bangalore City", and it should come up 'first five' in the list.
I have had opportunity to update my Anglo-Indian pages , and a new one is a trip to Kerala and some more photos of Towns and Houses . Do check them out. Also the New pages added. I am trying to cover KGF and Mysore. I have added Malleswaram and Basavangudi. Visit The Graphic Millennium Page .
St. Joseph's Boys' High School Bangalore, [SJEHS / SJBHS] Old Boys , please send message through the OBA grapevine to other Old Boys!
Tangy folk, please visit the "Tangy Bangy Club" !
I miss all you guys out there, Till we meet again, God Bless, Happy Easter 2007, Take Care!
Ronnie Johnson
"The Bangalore Walla"
Thought for the Day: " Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, Fon in the manner their fathers did to the prophets. But woe to you who are rich, For you have received your consolation. Woe to you who are full, For you shall hunger. Woe to you who laugh now, For you shall mourn and weep. Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did they fathers to the false prophets." Holy Bible: Luke 6:20-26