Latino Modern

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Le Secunde Lection. Lesson Two

©David Th. Stark 1994

Cardinal Numbers

0 zero

1 uno

2 duo

3 tres

4 quatro

5 cinque

6 sex

7 septe

8 octo

9 novem

10 dece

NOTE: In Latino Moderne novem = nine. The word nove means new. Don't confuse the two words.

11 dece-uno

12 dece-duo

13 dece-tres

14 dece-quatro

15 dece-cinque

16 dece-sex

17 dece-septe

18 dece-octo

19 dece-novem

20 vinte, 21 venti-uno, etc.

30 trente, 31 trente-uno, etc.

40 quaranta, 41 quaranta-uno, etc.

50 cinquanta, 51 cinquanta-uno, etc.

60 sexanta, 61 sexanta-uno, etc.

70 septanta, 71 septanta-uno, etc.

80 octanta, 81 octanta-uno, etc.

90 novanta, 91 novanta-uno,etc.

100 cento

200 duocento

1000 mille

2000 duomille


1,000,000 million

2,000,000 duomillion


1,000,000,000 milliardo

1,000,000,000,000 billion

1,000,000,000,000,000 billionardo

1,000,000,000,000,000,000 trillion

1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 trillionardo


1066 Mille-sexanta-sex.

1776 Mille-septecento-septanta-sex.

325 Trescento-venti-cinque.

2001 Duomille-uno.







[In the above, the EUROPEAN system is used for millions and billions, etc., final determination on this matter will be made by La Academia del Latino Moderne (ALM) in the future. There is no attempt to force unfamiliar usage on those not familiar with the above system. This is merely an attempt to provide some regularity until the ALM makes its determination.]


e , and son, are


2. A. Pratice the numbers until you can count from 0 to 100.

2. B. Read aloud until you are comfortable doing these simple math problems.

Simple Addition

1. uno e uno son duo. (1+1=2)

2. duo e tres son cinque.(2+3= 5)

3. dece e dece son vinte.(10+10=20)

4. duocento e octocento son mille,(200+800=1000)

5. novem e novem son dece-octo.(9+9=18)

6. quatro e octo son dece-duo,(4+8=12)

7. sex e septe son dece-tres,(6+7=13)

8. cinque e zero son cinque,(5+0=5)

9. cinquecento-quaranta-duo e quatrocento-cinquanta-octo son mille,(542+458=1000)

10. trente e novanta son cento-vente. (30+90=120)

2. C.

The Ordinal Numbers.

1st prime (1e)

Ê Ê Ê Ê 2nd secunde (2e)

Ê Ê 3rd tertie (3e)

Ê Ê Ê 4th quarte (4e)

Ê ÊÊ Ê 5th quinte (5e)

Ê ÊÊ Ê 6th sexte (6e)

7th septime (7e)

8th octave (8e)

9th none (9e)

10th decime (10e)

last ultime

All other ordinals are formed from cardinals by adding the suffix-esime.

Times, as in many times is expressed byvices.

Multe vices ille trovava le jornal in le arbore.

Many times he found the newspaper in the tree.

Septe vices se mesme lavava in le Jordano.

Seven times he himself washed in the Jordan.Ê

1. D.

Pratice reading aloud the following until you can say the sentences easily.

E isto es le confidentia que hamus in ille, que si requestamus alcuna cosa que es secundo su voler, ille nes audi. - Le Prime Epistola de S. Johannes 5:14.

Broken into syllables (With accented syllables highlighted) this phrase would be read as follows:

E is-to es le con-fi-den-ti-a que ha-mus in il-le, que si re-ques-ta-mus al-cun-a co-sa que es se-cun-do su vo-ler, il-le nes au-di.

Read the following text aloud until you are comfortable saying the words.

Quando in le Curso del Eventos human, il deveni necessari pro uno Populo dissolver le Bandas Politic que les han connectite con un altere, e assumer inter le Poteres de la Terra, le Position separate e equal al qual le Leges de la Natura e del Deo de Natura dan les titulo, un decente Respecto al Opiniones del Humanitate require que declaran le causas que les impellen al Separation.

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Beginning Latino Moderne Lesson 3