<B>Beginning Latino Moderne, Lesson 5</B>
Le Latino Moderne

Lection Cinque Lesson Five.

©David Th. Stark 1999


The past tense of the regular verbs is formed by droping the r of the infinitive form and adding v plus the personal endings.

Thus the past tense of amar, dicer and audir is formed by droping the r of the infinitive form (ama-r, dice-r, audi-r) and adding v (ama+v-, dice+v-, audi+v-) then adding the personal endings (-o, -as, -a, -amus,-ais, -an)

-AR Verbs

amavo, I loved - amavamus, we loved

amavas, you loved - amavais, you loved

amava, he , she, or it loved - amavan, they loved

-ER Verbs

dicevo, I said - dicevamus , we said

dicevas, you said - dicevais, you said

diceva, he, she, or it said - dicevan, they said

-IR Verbs

audivo, I heard - audivamus, we heard

audivas, you heard - audivais, you heard

audiva, he, she, or it heard - audivan, they heard

All regular verbs in Latino Moderne follow the above patterns.


mangiar [verb] to eat

sucro sugar

jornal newspaper

biber [verb] to drink

crema cream

periodico magazine

pan bread

butyro butter

leger [verb] to read

lacte milk

torta cake

comprar [verb] to buy

aqua water

tassa cup

bon good [adj]

mal bad [adj]

the tea

vitro glass

caffe coffee

libro book

es, son [irregular verb from ser] is, are

persona, person

homine man, person

viro man (male)

femina woman

infante child

senior gentleman/Mr.

seniora Mrs/lady

senioretta Miss

(when used with proper names senior, seniora, and senioretta are capitalized.)

cafe cafe

vino wine

citate city


Read aloud and then translate the following:

1. Esque la seniora desirava biber su the con crema?

2. Desiras tu le the o le caffe, senioretta?

3. Le pan es bon con le butero.

4. Le viro legeva un periodico e bibeva su caffe.

5. La seniora e la senioretta mangiavan lor torta e bibevan le the con sucro.

6. Le infantes son bon, e bibevan lor lacte in lor vitros.

7. Nos bibemus le aqua ma non le lacte.

8. io dicevo que le senior amava comprar bon libros.

9. Esque vos desiravais le caffe, o le the, o le lacte con su torta?

10. Illes audivan le viro qui (who) lege su jornal in nostre casa.

11. Le pan e le torta son bon in vostre cafe.

12. Desiravo un tasso de caffe con crema e un vitro de aqua.

13. Esque tu trovas le cafe?

14. Venivamus con nostre amicos e bibevamus le vino.

15. Mi patre legeva su jornal e mi matre lege su periodico in le casa nostre.

16. Le aqua vostre non es bon, ma le aqua lore es multo bon.

17. Su amica es Senioretta Valdez, le infante de senior e Seniora Valdez.

18. Le feminas compran le libros e periodicos in le citate.

19. Mi caffe es bon, ma la torta tue es mal.

20. Illas audivan le parolas del viro in la casa lore.

21. Como es tu the? Illo es multo bon. Gratias.

22. Un tasso de vino, una crusta de pan, e te.

23. Ille es un bon amico de tu familia, e anque (also) de mie.

24. Ille les audiva in le citate, ma non in la casa.

25. Le infante amava su lacte, le feminas amavan lor the, e le viros le caffe lore.

1. Do you (singular) want to drink your water?

2. Did you (singular) want to drink her water?

3. The bread and the milk were not good.

4. Did they hear his dog or my cat?

5. Did we read their books or your (plural) magazine?

6. The cup of tea and the glass of water are in the cafe.

7. With our friends we want to eat your (singular) good bread.

8. Mr. & Mrs. Jones found their child in our cafe.

9. Your dog drank the cats cream and ate your childrenŐs bread.

10. My friend (feminine ) loves good books and bought a newspaper in your (singular) cafe.

Conversation Helpers.

Pardona me. Pardon me.

Excusa me. Excuse me.

Per favor. Please

Que es tu nomine? What is you name?

Como eres vocate? What is your name? (literally, How are you called?)

Le nomine mie es___. My name is ______.

Mi nomine es _____. My name is _____.

Gratias. Thanks.

A revider! Good-bye!

A tosto! See you soon!

Pratice reading aloud the following:

Amates, nunc sumus le infantes de Deo, e lo que seramus non es jam manifestate; ma sapemus que quando ille es manifestate seramus como ille, proque videramus le como ille es.

- Le Prime Epistola de S. Johannes 3:2.


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