Welcome to Owl's Wolery

"Hallo!" Owl greets you, "How's things? Sit down and make yourselves comfortable. I was just about to have a cup of tea, would you like some? You know this reminds me of a story. My Uncle Alexander, who was a very fine man, had his friend over one fine afternoon for tea, good strong tea, and during that afternoon he...." (Editor's note: I'll have to interrupt Owl here, so we can go along with the introduction...he basically just tells you a story of a friend who comes by and visits, and now I'll send it back to Owl). "And that was it" Owl finally ends, "And the most interesting part, was that it happened to another relative of mine soon after that, she...." (Editor's Note: Well, this doesn't seem to end, so I'll finish the introduction for him, he basically wants to tell you to feel free to look around and browse around his library, that you never know what information or stories you might hiding in a book someplace....).


Owl's Library

This used to be just one long list, but since it has gotton so long, I thought it needed to be broken up into categories, to make it a little easier to browse...so here:

A Picture of 3 Books

Owl's Bookshelf

A Picture of 3 Books

Owl's Magazine Rack

A Picture of 3 Books

Owl's News Station

A Picture of 3 Books

Owl's Weather Center

A Picture of 3 Books

Owl's Language Lab

A Picture of 3 Books

General Reference Sites

Owl's Bookshelf - dictionaries, encyclopedias and many other such reference books.
Owl's Magazine Rack - tons of magazines dealing with a wide range of topics.
Owl's News Center - lots of sites giving news from all over the globe
Owl's Weather Center - check out your local forecast or one for another part of the world.
Owl's Language Lab - sites perfect for helping you learn a few words in a foreign language.
Owl's General Reference Sites - reference sites which are primarily collections of other reference sites.


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Last updated on August 17, 1998
Maintained by Rebecca Stephenson (and Owl)
All original content © RJS, 1998. A disclaimer.
Special thanks to Geocities for providing space for this page.