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INTRODUCTION MYLAI is a Tamil font created by Dr. K.Kalyanasundaram (of the Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology at Lausanne, Switzerland) primarily as a medium for archiving and distributing tamil electronic texts on the Internet.

The font is available in two identical formats - truetype form for use on MS-Windows (Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows NT) and Postscript type 1 form for use on Macintosh PCs.
NEW: Mylai tamil font is now available as a bit-mapped font file (.bdf ) (free!!) for use on UNIX machines.

Once installed in the system, the tamil font can be used on almost all applications supported by Windows/Macintosh OSs. (word processing such as Word/Word Perfect, graphics such as Coral Draw, database such as Excel and so on).


A Tamil Electronic Library available on the Internet is being built based on the Mylai tamil font. Electronic Texts (etext) of ancient tamil classical texts are being made available at this site along with information of interest to Tamil community. Detailed information on this project can be found at the Tamil Electronic Library Web Site


The keymapping used in Mylai font is based on two principles:
Phonetic link of the Tamil character being typed with the corresponding Roman character and Frequency of occurrence of characters. Thus you type k to get letter ka, ka for kaa, ki for ki, kI for kii, mi for mi, pa for paa etc.
The keymapping in the form of a compact table can be consulted any time on the Mylai Info - Web Page


Mylai font is distributed by Dr. Kalyanasundaram to interested individuals, FREE, as a service in the cause of developing and preserving the Tamil Language and Culture,but under the following conditions:

1. Mylai Tamil font and its keymapping are copywright protected and their ownership rests with Dr. Kalyanasundaram.
Any use of the font for purposes other than those listed here is illegal.

2. The font is for the personal use of individuals and non-profit organizations only. Any use of the font for profit or by commercial organizations should have the prior written approval of the author and developer, Dr. Kalyanasundaram.

3. Disclaimer:
The font was created by the author (Dr. Kalyanasundaram) after an investment of substantial personal time and resources and is distributed to others purely as a service and on a private basis. Neither Dr. Kalyanasundaram nor his present employer (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) nor those distributing the font through internet Web pages give any warranty for any damages caused upon usage of these fonts.

4. Distribution of the font to individuals should include a text version of this page suitably modified (entitled Readme in plain text in the font package bundle) along with the font file(s). Commercial organizations (computer firms) may include Mylai font in any software package(s) sold separately or with the hardware, but they should get prior written approval from Dr. Kalyanasundaram for such distribution.

5. The author (Dr.Kalyanasundaram) encourages individuals and commercial organizations to use the keymapping employed for Mylai font in their own fonts. BUT they should get prior written approval from the author before such new fonts are released to the general public free or for cost. The author reserves his right to impose specific conditions for distribution of such fonts which are based on Mylai keymapping.


The font is distributed as three individual files bundled in a self-extracting zip file:

i) this page suitably modified and in plain text (entitled Readme);
ii) the TrueType Mylai font file MYP.TTF; and
iii) Keymap.doc, a MS Word document that explains the location of various characters (keyboard mapping) and the instructions on the usage of the font.

To install the fonts on WINDOWS PCs:

Use the Fonts utility found in the Control Panel of the Program Manager (Windows 3.1), or the Control Panel of the Settings menu (Windows 95) and add Mylai font to the font directory (folder)of Windows.

Mylai font should be properly installed before you open or read/print the keymap.doc file. Otherwise, the Tamil texts in the keymap file will not be displayed in Tamil.
If you find any difficulty in installing Mylai font on a PC, please let me know.


The font is distributed as a self-expanding (.sea) archive in binary form. The Mylai.sea archive has four files:

i) a font suitcase containing Mylai font (Postscript type 1 and TrueType);
ii) Mylai Postscript printer file;
iii) this page suitably modified and in plain text (entitled Readme) and
iv) keymap info file -a MS Word document that explains the location of various characters (keyboard mapping) and the instructions on the usage of the font..

The font is installed simply by dragging the font folder and the Postscript printer driver file onto the system folder icon (on system 7.x). On Macs running under older systems (6.x) use the Fonts/DA accessory to install the fonts.

Mylai font should be properly installed before you open or read/print the keymap info file. Otherwise, the Tamil texts in the keymap file will not be displayed properly.
If you find any difficulty in installing Mylai font on a Macintosh, please contact me.


For details on direct downloading from internet and instructions on installation, use please visit the Murasu Anjal Webpage. The mylai font for UNIX is bundled along with similar Inaimathi font of Anjal and will get installed when you install Anjal.


Dr. B.Srinivasan did extensive Beta testing of Mylai font during its development. His efforts and his various suggestions and constructive criticisms are gratefully acknowledged.


Click here to download MYLAI FONT FOR PCs.

Click here to download MYLAI FONT FOR Macintosh.

If you are interested in other tamil fontfaces with Mylai keymap, Mylai-Sri of Dr. K. Srinivasan is one such font. It is available FREE from his web site.
Click here to access web site for Mylai-Sri font of Dr. K. Srinivasan

You are visitor number since July 1, 2000
For further information on Mylai font and for your suggestions please contact
Dr.K. Kalyanasundaram.
Last revised on October 9, 2002.

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