1. Begin the day of the Lord (which extends through to the eternal state)

#Isa 2.12-21, 13.9-16, Joel 2.30-32, 3.9-21

#Zeph 1.14-18, 2Pet 3.10-12

2. Second coming (including rapture): believers meet Christ in the air and join His triumphant and victorious descent to earth, first reaping of

#1Thes 4.17, Rev 14.14-16


a. Christ coming

b. in the clouds

c. gathering elect from heaven and earth

d. angelic participation

e. a trumpet sound

#Zeph 1.16, Matt 24.30-31, Mark 13.26-27, Acts 1.9-11, 1Cor 15.52, 1Thes 4.16-17, 2Thes 2:1, Rev 11.15-18, 14.14-16

3. Dead believers of all time resurrected (first resurrection)

#Dan 12.1-2, Rev 20.5

4. Death is swallowed up in victory

#Isa 25.8, 1Cor 15.54

5. The mystery of God is finished

#Rev 10.7

6. The saints are rewarded

#Rev 11.18

7. Christ begins to reign on earth

#Ps 2.1-8, Rev 11.18

8. The Lamb stands on Mount Zion (in Jerusalem) with the 144,000

#Ps 2.6, Rev 14.1

9. Christ comes like a thief

#Matt 24.43-44, 1Thes 5.2-4, 2Pet 3.10, Rev 16.15

10. The second reaping of Rev. 14

#Rev 14.17-20

11. seventh seal

#Rev 8.1-5

12. seventh trumpet

#1Cor 15.52,Rev 10.7, 11:15-19

13. seventh bowl

#Rev 16.17-21

14. Lightning, thunder, an earthquake, a great hailstorm

#Rev 8.1-5, 11.19, 16.18-21

15. Armageddon

#Joel 2.10-14, Zeph 3.8, 2Thes 2.8,11, 2Pet 3.10, Rev 16.16-21, 17.11-21, 19.11-21

16. Babylon is fallen

#Rev 14.8, 18.2

17. End of the Abomination of Desolation

#Dan 9.27, 12.11, Zeph 1.8-9

18. All Israel turns to God

#Joel 2.32, Zech 3.8-9, 12.3

#Zech 12.9-14

#Zech 13.1-9, Mal 3.1-6, Rom 11.26-27

(144,000 may be the first fruits of this harvest of Jewish souls)

#Rev 14.4

19. Marriage supper of the Lamb

#Luke 22.18, Rev 19.7, 21.9-14

20. Day of Atonement

#Zech 12.10-11