1. Begin the day of the Lord (which extends through to the eternal state)
#Isa 2.12-21, 13.9-16, Joel 2.30-32, 3.9-21
2. Second coming (including rapture): believers meet Christ in the air and join His triumphant and victorious descent to earth, first reaping of
a. Christ coming
b. in the clouds
c. gathering elect from heaven and earth
d. angelic participation
e. a trumpet sound
3. Dead believers of all time resurrected (first resurrection)
4. Death is swallowed up in victory
5. The mystery of God is finished
6. The saints are rewarded
7. Christ begins to reign on earth
8. The Lamb stands on Mount Zion (in Jerusalem) with the 144,000
9. Christ comes like a thief
#Matt 24.43-44, 1Thes 5.2-4, 2Pet 3.10, Rev 16.15
10. The second reaping of Rev. 14
11. seventh seal
12. seventh trumpet
#1Cor 15.52,Rev 10.7, 11:15-19
13. seventh bowl
14. Lightning, thunder, an earthquake, a great hailstorm
15. Armageddon
#Joel 2.10-14, Zeph 3.8, 2Thes 2.8,11, 2Pet 3.10, Rev 16.16-21, 17.11-21, 19.11-21
16. Babylon is fallen
17. End of the Abomination of Desolation
18. All Israel turns to God
#Zech 13.1-9, Mal 3.1-6, Rom 11.26-27
(144,000 may be the first fruits of this harvest of Jewish souls)
19. Marriage supper of the Lamb
#Luke 22.18, Rev 19.7, 21.9-14
20. Day of Atonement