1. | If your best friend has boxing gloves on,
don't turn your back on her even if your teacher calls you.
2. | Boys gleefully stick pins in girls. (Teachers don't care.)
3. | Children who prefer carrots to candy are laughing-stocks.
4. | Being skinny is a no-no.
5. | No matter how well behaved you are, if you're sitting beside a trouble maker, you'll get in trouble.
6. | The seasons, summer, fall, winter, and spring are always spelled Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring.
7. | Never start a sentence with an "and" or a "but."
8. | New is enunciated as two syllables. (In 9th grade I learned that which also has two syllables)
9. | "Is" and "so" are not the
same words.
10. | Reading is torture and boring.
11. | It is normal and inevitable that you will come home in tears.
12. | You must never paint mundane subjects, lest your painting privileges be taken away.
13. | How to add pictures of apples and oranges.
14. | How to subtract same.
15. | That teachers don't always use the same jargon.
When they misunderstand what their colleagues say, they take it out on the students.
16. | How to identify the 64 colors of Crayola.
17. | Blind
students are just as likely to steal your cookies as sighted ones.