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Everything I Learned At Government-Run Tax-Funded Schools

Most of my schooling was at private institutions (which have their own problems), but from age 5-7 I attended a grtf school. There I learned several lessons:

1.If your best friend has boxing gloves on, don't turn your back on her even if your teacher calls you.
2.Boys gleefully stick pins in girls. (Teachers don't care.)
3.Children who prefer carrots to candy are laughing-stocks.
4.Being skinny is a no-no.
5.No matter how well behaved you are, if you're sitting beside a trouble maker, you'll get in trouble.
6.The seasons, summer, fall, winter, and spring are always spelled Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring.
7.Never start a sentence with an "and" or a "but."
8.New is enunciated as two syllables. (In 9th grade I learned that which also has two syllables)
9."Is" and "so" are not the same words.
10.Reading is torture and boring.
11.It is normal and inevitable that you will come home in tears.
12.You must never paint mundane subjects, lest your painting privileges be taken away.
13.How to add pictures of apples and oranges.
14.How to subtract same.
15.That teachers don't always use the same jargon. When they misunderstand what their colleagues say, they take it out on the students.
16.How to identify the 64 colors of Crayola.
17.Blind students are just as likely to steal your cookies as sighted ones.

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