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Copied From REBOUND Vol.2

These are not my opinions, although they often come close.

REBOUND's copyright notice: If you are writing a book or newsletter [this was written during the Reagan era before the Internet's heyday] of your own, feel free to take anything you want from this publication. You do not need to request our permission and you can claim it as you rown if you like. How people come to hear this information makes no difference to us. We ask only that you not attempt to prevent anyone else, including us, from using these ideas in the future. Other than that, help yourself!

The Gentle Wind School
P.O. Box 184
Surry, ME 04684

All misspellings are mine (not REBOUND's) and are probably due to inadequate typing skills.

Battle Tips For Homeschooling Parents

Homeschooling parents in this country are at war with the educational system whether thay want to be or not. The reason for this war lies in the fact that homeschooling is such a superior form of education that its very existence is a threat to the inferior educational system now in place. The fact that the current educational system has failed and continues to fail to meet the needs of the children of this nation is becoming more apparent each year. As the failures of this systen are exposed, politicians and educators think they can save the educational system by throwing more money at it. Politicians and educators think that they can save the educational system by doing more of all the same things which have already destroyed generations of children, and which have caused this system to fail in the first place.These same educators and political leaders do not realize that the research evidence shows that each time the educational budgets have increased in a state, the rate of crime, poverty, suicide and other forms of mental illness,as wekk as illiteracy in some cases, has also increased.The cost of keeping this failed educational system in place has grown with each decade. Most taxpayers can no longer afford to bear this enormous financial burden.

While all this is going on, homeschooling parents are doing a superior job of educating their children. Homeschooled children are often five to ten years ahead of their publicly schooled peers. Homeschooling parents, regardless of their own levels of education, are able to accomplish these superior results in one-third to one-half the time spent by public school teachers. And best of all, homeschooling parents are able to accomplish all of this at little or no cost to the taxpayer. In short, homeschooling families, because they are doing such a superior job, are causing the existing educational system to look as destructive and aberrant as it actually is. When human beings are dedicated to any destructive system, whether it be the governments of men like Saddam Hussein or Manuel Noriega, or segregationist practices or an educational system such as the one now in place in this country, they tend (at least initially) to use their resources to defend that system when it is challenged. Human beings, when dedicated to something destructive, also tend to want to eliminate the challengers. This is exactly what the educators and administrators in this country want to do to homeschoolers, who are, by their very existence, challenging the current educational system. Whether they want to be at war or not,whether they realize it or not, homeschooling families are fighting for their own survival.

The Logic Of Educators

Homeschooling parents, like most people, falsely assume that educators are intelligent, compassionate, knowledgeable people who are interested only in the well-being of children. However, educators, as a group, are people who are missing the qualities of intelligence and compassion. Anyone who had real intelligence could not work in the idiotic environment of a public or private school. Anyone with genuine compassion could not bear to torture, threaten and publicly humiliate children every day.

Because educators lack the qualities of intelligence and compassion, they train themselves to wear a sympathetic face mask many people mistake for compassion. They also train themselves to memorize educational cliches whenever they are questioned or challenged. The research over the the last 150 years has repeatedly shown that the current educational system is a dangerous and destructive failure. Rather than shutting this system down, all that educators can do is to reiterate boring educational cliches. One need only listen to media interviews with educators or to attend a teacher's conference to know that this is true.

Now, if you are a homeschooling parent, and you still believe that educators are intelligent people, consider this. It takes the educators in this country 11,000 to 12,000 hours of classroom instruction over a 12 to 14-year period (including preschool and kindergarten) to produce each incompetent, unskilled, aimless, empty-headed high school graduate. Over one-third of these incompetent, unskilled high school graduates cannot pass a high school equivalency exam. Somewhere between 20 and 40 percent of these aimless, empty-headed products of modern education are functionally illiterate. All of this is done at a cost to the taxpayer of approximately $50,000 to $60,000 per graduate.

Government Run Tax Funded ie Public Schools
Great Education Moments
Homeschooling Works
Jefferson Quotes
Kansas Law
Notebook Conversation
Revisionist History
Turnabout is Fair Play Joyce Swann - Unschooling's Antithesis?

pink sandwichboard gif fairy

March 30, 1997. Copied by N.S. Gill.
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