Being a Perilous Exploration
of the Plane of Infinite Horrors

Copyright 1998 by Jon Winter
Last modified 31st May 1998

* The Abyss: Index * Concordance * Layers * Lords * Burgs*
View Another Plane *

Et Voila!

The Abyss: a Bloody, Awful Plane to be Stuck on

Hate it or really hate it, there's no denying the fact that the Abyss is simply much bigger than any plane has a right to be. It's been a quandry that's foxed many a Guvner sage, who love nothing more than fitting things into neat little boxes. Well, as they've found with the years (and untimely passing of many a Guvner sage), any box that can fit the Abyss into it will neither be neat, nor little. Here then is the next best thing; a running record on my mimir of the prominent sites of the Abyss, new layers discovered, and burgs to visit or avoid. 'Course, the Guvners probably know more than I, but seeing as I ain't one of them (and have no intention of joining 'em just for their Abyss darks), you'll have to take what I can glean from garnishing my contacts...

Oh, and if you ever think about going to the Abyss, think again!

"Good health is the slowest possible way to die."

- Tanar'ri saying

In the Abyss: Concordance of the Abyss

In which the Fraternity of Order attempt to Document the Uncountable Layers
of the Plane of Unnamable Horrors...

New! Another World: Abyssal Layers

Excerpts from Guvner Records detailing selected Layers more Thoroughly,
noting where Appropriate the Hazards and Dangers a careless Planewalker may Face.

New! Lords of Darkness: Rulers of the Abyss

A selection of Foul Masters and Mistressess of the Infinite Abyss.
Avoid their wrath if you wish to have a long and happy life...

"So, uh...where exactly would I find a Tanar'ri familiar?"

- Talamis, an extraordinarily clueless mage

There's No Burg Like Home: Abyssal Burgs

In which Burgs and Citadels of the Abyss are described, in their Gory Glory,
such that a Fleeing cutter may know where to Seek Refuge, and where to Avoid at all Costs.

Burg: Bleeding Head

Being a fully Detailed Abyssal Burg, infested with the Undead, and Blood-drinkers in Particular.


"is pain endless!
me tanar'ri the
gave The"

- Random, Xaositect poet, from "The Abyss"

* The Abyss: Index * Concordance * Layers * Burgs*
View Another Plane *

Consult the Mimir Again

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