Lotus Garden Buddhist Study Center

A Home for Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist Study

What is Mahayana Buddhism?

Mahayana Buddhism is one of the two major branch of Buddhism, Mahayana and Hinayana. Mahayana Buddhism mean "The Great Vehicle"(across the sea of suffering). Mahayana Buddhism appeared in India about four hundred years after the Buddha's passing. Mahayana points out a new way to emancipation and thus makes the supreme goal of Buddhism more accessible to all human types. Being called "The Great Vehicle", Mahayana practitioner are said to practice helpful compassion in helping those around them attaining enlightenment as well as themselves.

The founding of Mahayana Buddhism

The Fundamentals of Mahayana Buddhism

The Vietnamese Practise of Mahayana Buddhism

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This page had been visited times since April 4, 1997.

This page was last updated on December 4,1997.

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