A Conflict Resolution Page

Dimo Yagcioglu

This page was last modified on September 20, 1998


to web-sites related to

Ethnic Studies and Minority-Majority Relations

(in alphabetical order):

The Abraham Fund. An organization exclusively devoted to supporting Jewish-Arab coexistence for the citizens of Israel. (Founded by Alan B. Slifka).

Center for Intl. Development and Conflict Management of the Univ. of Maryland at College Park. This Center hosts the Minorities at Risk Project. Directed by Prof. Ted R. Gurr, this project is a global survey, providing coded profiles of almost 300 major ethnic groups, and data on their current concerns and involvement in conflicts since 1945. Based on the data, Gurr and his colleagues are also developing indices of ethno-political conflict that can be used in building conflict early warning instruments.

Center for World Indigenous Studies. A research organization working for wider appreciation of indigenous cultures and better understanding between diverse peoples

Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations (of the Economic and Social Research Council). The major academic body in the UK for the research and teaching of matters concerning racism, migration and ethnic relations.

the Chronicle - Changing Black Britain. An Internet magazine whose focus is the experiences of the Black minority in Britain, and the potential for its cultural advancement.

Cultural Survival. An NGO that helps indigenous peoples and ethnic groups deal as equals in their relations with national and international societies.

ECMI: European Center for Minority Issues. A German-Danish independent institution serving as a source of advice on issues related to ethnic minorities and majorities in a European perspective, conducting research on and contributing to the improvement of minority-majority relations in those parts of Europe where ethnic tension and ethnopolitical conflict prevail.

INCORE: Initiative on Conflict Resolution & Ethnicity, in Coleraine, N. Ireland.

Infomanage International. Resources on conflict resolution and ethnic strife.

Institute for Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A Moscow-based, government-controlled institute that has initiated several projects on ethnic conflict management, early warning, migrations, and nationalism, for the post-Soviet republics.

International Centre of Ethnic Studies.(It focuses on ethnic conflict resolution in Sri Lanka.)

Minority Electronic Resources. A directory of resources on minority human rights and related problems of the transition period in Eastern and Central Europe.

Minority Rights Group. An International NGO, headquartered in London, UK, working to secure justice for minorities and peaceful coexistence of majority and minority Communities.

NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People): A very prestigious and strong Civil Rights Organization, whose principal objective is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of minority group citizens (particularly African Americans) of the United States.

Project on Ethnic Relations (sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation of New York)

The Soros Foundation / Open Society Institutes
They have funded, initiated, and supported many initiatives & activities aimed at improving inter-ethnic and majority-minority relations in Eastern Europe, ex-Soviet Union, and elsewhere.

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