A Conflict Resolution Page

Dimo Yagcioglu

This page was last modified on October 4, 1998


to web-sites related to

Conflict Resolution

(in alphabetical order):

The Abraham Fund. An organization exclusively devoted to supporting Jewish-Arab coexistence for the citizens of Israel. (Founded by Alan B. Slifka).

ACCORD: African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes. A South African-based organisation involved in Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Preventive Diplomacy throughout the continent of Africa..

Acord: A Catalan-Spanish Mediation and Conflict Management Service, for individuals, businesses, and institutions. (Located in Olot-Girona, Catalunya, Spain).

ADR Resources. A lawyer-oriented web-site/domain that contains, among other things, many informative essays on alternative dispute resolution and mediation. The domain also offers web-site hosting for mediators and inidividuals profesionally involved in dispute resolution. (Created and maintained by Stephen R. Marsh).

The Ĺland Islands Peace Intitute. An Institute, established in an autonomous and demilitarized province of Finland, whose research projects and activities are focused on issues concerning minorities, demilitarization, neutrality, and autonomy.

L'Arbitrage et La Médiation. A web-page, maintained by Serge Braudo, that contains articles and essays in French on Alternative Dispute Resolution, Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation, etc. The page is part of the University of Nancy Law School Web-site.

Ariga: The Business of Peace. An Israeli website, created by Robert Rosenberg, providing information about Arab-Israeli relations and the Middle East Peace Process.

Association for Humanistic Psychology. An organization (formed by A. Maslow, C. Rogers, C. Buhler, R. May, and other famous psychologists) dedicated to the exploration and healing of the human mind, body and soul and to building a society that advances our ability to choose, grow and create. The Association is also interested in the peaceful resolution of conflicts. That's why it co-organizes or sponsors workshops and conferences on this field.

AHP has also endorsed an Intl. Professional Training Project on Conflict Resolution in Jamaica (Oct. 31 - Nov. 7, '98), and the 6th Annual Intl. Conference on Conflict Resolution both organized/sponsored by the Common Bond Institute (USA), and the HARMONY Insitute (Russia).

Bancaja International Centre for Peace & Development, in Castellón, Spain. A center established to promote research and teaching on Peace and Development issues. It offers a Master of Arts Program in Peace and Development Studies, accredited by Universitat Jaume I..

Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management. An organization whose work is aimed at identifying constructive methods for dealing with ethnic and cultural conflicts in Europe, and at providing scientific analysis of, and support for, the practical application of such methods. (The Center is located in Berlin, Germany).

Beyaz Nokta (White Point) Foundation. A foundation, headquartered in Ankara, Turkey, engaged in and supporting projects that aim to "increase the problem solving capabilities of the society in general and of the active sectors of the society in special.".

The Carter Center. (at Emory University, in Atlanta, GA). ....................................

CDR Associates. A non-profit organization specializing in conflict resolution, decision making assistance, dispute resolution systems design, etc. Its primary services are facilitation/mediation, training, and consultation.

Center for Information Technology and Dispute Resolution of the Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst. A center dedicated to developing new tools and software, to working with others to employ online resources effectively, to assisting parties who wish to resolve their disputes online (via the Online Ombuds Office), and to supporting research in areas related to dispute resolution and the online environment.

Center for Intl. Development and Conflict Management of the Univ. of Maryland at College Park. (This Center hosts the Minorities at Risk Project.)

Center for Peace and Conflict Studies at Wayne State University, in Detroit, MI.

Center for Peacemaking and Conflict Studies at Fresno Pacific University, in Fresno, CA.

Center for the Study of Mind and Human Interaction, at the University of Virginia, in Charlottesville. An interdisciplinary center concerned with the lessening of tensions between large groups by examining the psychological processes involved in their creation and propagation.

ConflictNet (hosted by IGC)

Conflict Processes Section of the American Political Science Association.

Conflict Resolution, Research and Resource Institute (CRI). An agency that conducts research, education, training, process-coaching evaluation and other similar services for individuals and groups in community, national, and international arenas. It has been involved in negotiation and mediation programs in Russia, Poland, the five Central American nations and Cuba.

Conflict Solutions & Consultation. A company, based in the Los Angeles area and run by Dr. Steve Degelsmith, whose objective is to help businesses and organizations solve the people problems and conflicts that are affecting work processes and productivity.

Conflict Transformation Program at Eastern Mennonite University, in Harrisonburg,VA.

Consulting & Conciliation Service. A not-for-profit consultancy organization, run by Jane McCluskey, serving communities in a variety of intervention techniques.

Dingle Associates. a UK consultancy firm specializing in Conflict Resolution and in strategic support and advice to non-governmental organizations.

ELIAMEP: Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy A Greek foundation, headquartered in Athens, which has been involved in several conflict-resolution-related activities.

FindLaw - Internet Legal Resources (Dispute Res., Arbitration, Mediation)

Fund for Peace. A nonprofit organization that promotes education and research on global problems that threaten human survival, and proposes practical solutions. The Fund conducts core activities and nurtures the development of semi-autonomous projects that promote scholarship, education and action for peace, justice and a secure world.

handshake Greek-Turkish Friendship Links

Heidelberg Institute of International Conflict Research (HIIK) (affiliated to the Univ. of Heidelberg, in Germany)

Hieros Gamos: A Comprehensive Alternative Dispute Resolution Site.

INCORE: Initiative on Conflict Resolution & Ethnicity, in Coleraine, N. Ireland.

Infomanage International. Resources on conflict resolution and ethnic strife.

Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University

Institute for Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A Moscow-based, government-controlled institute that has initiated several projects on ethnic conflict management, early warning, migrations, and nationalism, for the post-Soviet republics.

Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy -- IMTD: (Headquartered in Washington, DC).

Institute of International Relations at Panteion Univ., Athens, Greece
(although this institute is not a conflict resolution organisation, it has been involved in several conflict-resolution-related conferences and workshops. Its web-page is in Greek)

Institute of World Affairs (located in Washington, DC). A non-profit organization providing training programs, independent evaluations, and design systems to help improve the management and resolution of intl. conflict. Its site contains, among other things, the International Conflict Inititatives Clearinghouse.

Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation at the University of California, San Diego.

Inter-Mediacion: A Spanish-language page of an organization working on Mediation and Conflict Resolution, managed by Nora Femenia and Sean Byrne. (Headquartered in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.)

International Boundaries Research Unit (IBRU): An organization, located at the Univ. of Durham, in Durham, UK, that works to enhance the resources available for the peaceful resolution of international boundary problems. Its site includes a searchable news database.

International Conflict Resolution Centre located at the Univ. of Melbourne, in Australia. Its web-site contains a comprehensive list of Conf. resolution and Peace Studies centers in Australia and New Zealand.

IPT: Independent Projects Trust. A South African "training, facilitation, research and resource development organisation which seeks to equip people with the skills to manage within a rapidly changing environment in which change is often accompanied by conflict." Its web-site has an extensive Who is Who in Conflict Resolution in South Africa section..

International Crisis Group (ICG): A private, multinational organization committed to strengthening the capacity of the international community to understand and respond to impending crises. Teams of analysts affiliated to this organization and based on the ground in countries at risk of crisis (particularly in the Balkans, Africa, and Southeast Asia) , gather information, assess local conditions and produce regular reports containing policy recommendations targeted at key international decision-makers.

International Peace University Programme. (A multi-university and transnational initiative that offers graduate level programs in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution)

ISN: International Relations and Security Network
(Maintained by the Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.)

Kroc Institute/Peace Studies Joan B. Kroc Institute for Int. Peace Studies at the Univ. of Notre Dame

Marilyn's Non-Violent Planet: A web-site that presents news, personal views, and all sorts of information on non-violence, human rights, animal rights and related topics. (Maintained by Marilyn Saffer, and designed by Chris Tommasino).

Mediacion.com. A web-site in Spanish, providing introductory but comprehensive information on mediation, maintained by Eduardo Marfany Lastra, an attorney and mediator in Buenos Aires, Argenitna.

The Mediation Center of Eugene, OR (run by James C. Melamed).

Mediation Information and Resource Center (MIRC).

Mediation Training Institute International (MTI): Resources for managing workplace conflict -- worldwide. (The Institute has additional service bases for South Africa, Canada, and Latin America.)

Men's International Peace Exchange (MIPE). A non-profit organization, whose objective is to provide a forum for an on-going exchange of ideas, experiences, and information among men in the international community who are concerned about peace and the future of the world.

National Insitute for Dispute Resolution (NIDR). A national center of expertise and resources on consensus-building and conflict resolution, headquartered in Washington, DC.

The Network: Interaction for Conflict Resolution. A Canadian association dedicated to collaborative, nonviolent conflict resolution (headquartered at the Conrad Grebel College of the U. of Waterloo in Ontario).

Northern Ireland Student Center -- Student Community Relations Programme. An program whose objective is to encourage greater participation of students in the political and peace processes in N. Ireland, and to promote anti-sectarianism and conflict resolution principles and techniques.

Nova Southeastern University's Department of Dispute Resolution. (Located in Ft.Lauderdale, Florida)

Nukefix. An organization promoting a simulation software which demonstrates the dangers of nuclear weapons. (Its web-site also contains a comprehesince section of links to sites relevant to nuclear disarmament.)

Palestinian Center for Peace and Democracy (PCPD): A Palestinian NGO dedicated to promoting concepts of democracy, peace, social justice, human rights and civic education in the Palestinian area.s

Partners for Democratic Change An organization that aims to advance a culture of Conflict Resolution and the development of civil society in the emerging democracies and market economies, particularly those in Eastern Europe. (Headquartered in San Francisco, CA.)

Peace Action. An NGO that works, through national and citizens' action, to promote global nuclear disarmament, reduce military spending, and end the international arms trade.

PeaCon: Peace and Conflict Studies at the Univ. of Muenster, in Germany.

Peace and Conflict Studies Page of the Univ. of Colorado at Boulder.

Peace and War Section of the American Sociological Association.

Peace Brigades International (PBI). A grassroots organization exploring and implementing non-violent approaches to peacekeeping, in order to protect individuals and organizations who have been threatened by political violence or who are otherwise at risk.

Peace Research Information Unit - Bonn (Arbeitsstelle Friedensforschung Bonn): A national and international advice, information, and service centre covering the whole field of research into peace and conflict.

PeaceLink: An Italian-language website for the promotion of humanitarian action, human rights, social solidarity, international cooperation, etc.

The Peacemakers Conference An Internet forum for discussing the promotion of peace and reconciliation in situations of violence and conflict. The discussions are often inspired by Christian values and principles. (Maintained by Stephen Hayes)

Peacemaking & Crime A web-site that seeks to provide information about peacemaking in the U.S. criminal justice system and about alternatives to the war on crime perspective. (Created and maintained by John Fuller)

PeaceQuest An organization that seeks to deal with the causes of violence from a "holistic perspective," and develop methods to manage conflicts. (Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.)

Peaceweb: A Quaker Web Page on peace and social concerns.

People for Peace: A network that links people, services and organizations promoting 'peace through compassion and tolerance.'
This website includes, among other things, a link to AngriesOut, a web-page (maintained by Lynne Namka) that offers detailed information to help people learn to accept anger and other uncomfortable feelings, and deal with them constructively.

PRIO: The International Peace Research Institute in Oslo, Morway. An independent center for peace research -- one of the first such centers in the world.

Program On Negotiation at Harvard Law School

Project on Ethnic Relations (sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation of New York)

Project NatureConnect -- The Psychology of Peace A project and a method aimed at improving personal and global relationships by helping individuals reconnect with nature. (Presented by the Inst. of Global Education and its director Dr. M. J. Cohen.) (Visit also the list of 'natureconnected' links, prepared by Steve Smith.)

Project Ploughshares. A project of the Canadian Council of Churches, whose goal is to undertake policy research, education, and advocacy programs to promote political conflict resolution, demilitarization, and security based on equity, justice, and a sustainable environment. (headquartered at the Conrad Grebel College of the U. of Waterloo in Ontario).

Research Institute for International and European Studies (RIIES) .An Athens, Greece-based non-profit corporation dedicated to enhancing the understanding of (a) processes linked to European integration and the emergence of the global village, (b) conflict management and resolution in Greece's broader regional setting, and (c) the mechanics of the emerging "new international order."

RESOLVE. Center for Environmental and Public Policy Dispute Resolution. (Headquartered in Washington, DC)

Search for Common Ground (located in Washington, DC). An NGO dedicated to transforming conflict into cooperative actionby finding creative solutions to divisive national and international problems.

Seeds of Peace. An organization that is working to secure peace in the Middle East by bringing together Arab and Israeli teenagers, by encouraging them to nurture lasting friendships that become the basis of mutual understanding and respect. and by training these youngsters in effective conflict-resolution techniques

SIPRI: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (in Sweden)

The Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (SPIDR) (headquartered in Washington, DC)

The Soros Foundation / Open Society Institutes
They have funded, initiated, and supported many conflict-resolution-related initiatives and activities in Eastern Europe, ex-Soviet Union, and elsewhere.

Taiwan Security Research . Security, Peace, and Conlfict Resolution Links for the Asia-Pacific region (but primarily for Taiwan).

Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI). Finland's Peace & Conflict Research Center, affiliated with the University of Tampere.

TOC For Education. A non-profit foundation established for the purpose of disseminating the tools & methodologies of the Theory of Constraints into education systems world-wide. Classroom applications of TOC enable children to think and communicate more effectively, thereby enhancing their ability to make more responsible decisions. The site also contains information about Peer Mediation.

The Transnational Foundation. A small NGO working on applied peace research, conflict resolution, and global networking.
(Its site includes a comprehensive Links page.)

Umut Foundation in Ankara, Turkey

United States Information Agency's Conflict Resolution Page.

United States Institute of Peace (in Washington, DC.)

The Winston Foundation for World Peace (Washington, DC): Conflict Prevention Resource Site.

Other Peace and Conflict Resolution Centers

Other Resources for Peace (compiled by the Desktop Resources Bookstore).

Conflict Resolution Resources (compiled by John Windmueller)

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(c) 1996-98 D. Yagcioglu dyagciog@gmu.edu

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