A Conflict Resolution Page

[last modified: August 24, 1998]

Search Engines and Tools

Search for articles related (or not) to Conflict Resolution:

Aladin: An On-Line Book Catalogue and Periodical Index

(courtesy of The Washington Research Library Consortium)

Search for articles and books, using the tools developed by the Knight-Ridder Information Company:

UnCover: An Index to 17,000 Periodicals

CarlWeb: A Multiple Online Library Database...and more...

Search for scholarly journal articles on almost every social topic, and have access to their entire texts!

JSTOR: Journal Storage.
(A project aimed at facilitating access to scholarly literature.)

Search for on-line books on various social and international issues and have access to their entire texts!

National Academy Press
(located in Washington, DC.)
More than 1,000 books on-line.

Library of Congress Experimental Search System.
A sophisticated system for relevancy-ranked searching for all the collections of this library.

ICPSR: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research.
An organization, located at the University of Michigan, that maintains, among other things, an extensive list of computerized social science data on Conflict, Aggression, Violence, and Wars.

Richard Tucker's Data Page.
A Web-site with links to various political and economic data sets, including data sets pertaining to conflict & cooperation, aggression, and violence.

IPS Scholar On-Line Database: A site, introduced by the Committe on Intl. Peace & Security of the Social Science Research Council, with a search engine that enables the visitor to find the names, affiliation, recent publications, and current research topics of scholars in the field of peace and security studies.

Research Resources for the Social Sciences: An extensive list of links and search tools for social researchers from any discipline. (Maintained by Craig McKie, an associate professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada.)

Search SOSIG, the Social Science Information Gateway Catalogue of the University of Bristol:

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Type one or more words. You will find resources where all your words are relevant. You may use AND, OR and NOT to refine your search. You will be searching the SOSIG catalogue and not the resources themselves.

Search for financial aid possibilities, fellowships, scholarships, etc., related (or not) to conflict and peace studies:

FastWeb: Financial Aid Search Through the Web.

Inference Find: A very efficient and fast tool, that can do parallel web search; i.e., it can use the most important search engines simultaneously.

MetaCrawler: An engine that searches the databases of all important Web sources, organizes the results, and displays them in a coherent and simple format.

Mamma.com: A smart meta search tool for content retrieval and aggregation on the World Wide Web.

DisInfo Search Service To find more information on the Internet about conflict resolution (or any other topic), perform a search through the DisInformation database.
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Search for Information regarding ethnic groups and their languages:

Ethnologue Database

Search for place names and toponymy in languages of small nations and ethnic minorities:

GeoNative. A Basque/English website, maintained by L. Fernandez and M. Materola.

Search for basic information about all the countries of the World:

E-Conflict (tm)
[ World Encyclopedia & Simulation ]

(A web-site whose objective is to help eradicate conflict by increasing cultural awareness)

Clearinghouse: A collection of topical guides for Internet-based information resources.

Looksmart: A very user-friendly directory, containing links to hundreds of thousands of interesting sites. (Owned by the Reader's Digest.)

Research and Find anything you can imagine, as long as it is on the Net:


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This page was created on March 2, 1997.

visits to this page, since April 7, 1998.

I am grateful to Geocities for providing me with free space and a forum to publicize my works.

(c)1997-98 D. Yagcioglu dyagciog@gmu.edu

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