We are looking for
- 1. euskaraz
- 2. general issues
- 3. tables we would like to add
Orrialde hau ingelesez dago batez ere kanpotarrek eskain
diezaguketen laguntza behar dugu eta. Horra, laburki, zer nahi dugun:
Herrialde askoren inguruko informazioa osatu nahi dugu. Azentoak
eta zeinu diakritikoak egoki jarri nahi genituzke. Mapa txukunagoak
nahi ditugu, herrialde txikien inguruko informazioa ematen duten
guneekin loturak nahi ditugu... Aurrerago, GeoNative datu-base eta
bilaketa tresnekin osatzea litzateke logikoa. Horretarako beste
software bat, baliabide eta denbora gehiago eta beste gune bat
beharko genuke, megaz ondo hornitua. Guk ez dugu horrelakorik inondik
ere. Eta zuk?
- We are looking
- General
* Links to other sites related to minorities, native cultures and
little nations.
* We want to improve the present listings and
tables. Sure they are full of errors. Helps us correct those
errors or adding more names.
- * Accents, diacritic
signs, special characters, transliteration systems for non latin
alphabets. We have added Alphabet
Street section to GeoNative and (trying
to do our best to put our placenames right on the map) invented
the ASR standard to write characters. We also display graphic
schemes to transliterate non-latin scripts. Check it and send us
your suggestions.
maps we have
vary greatly in quality, type and size. The images are not stored in
our memory space, but in remote URL locations, so, it can take long
downloading some of them. If you know better, nicer and faster maps,
please tell us. In the future, standarized
maps with a common style should be developed, all stored here, at
GeoNative. We have no time, software, megabytes or resources to do
that by the moment.
* Placenames, maps and general information could
be nicely put up in a database, and then we could add
some searching capabilities. Again, we have no resources to do that. We are open to
- * Other projects that we would like to develop
- a list of native names for languages and
ethnic groups.
- universal place-names in minority languages
(for instance: Erroma is Rome in basque).
- introductions to each of the available tables
in the minority language itself.
- statistics and data for each language,
minority or little nation listed.
we would like to add
* Africa. Native languages remain almost forgotten despite the
formation of independent states. How do they call Dakar in Wolof? Pretoria in Ndebele? If you know about these
issues, tell us please.
* The
Americas. We
are particularly interested in the greater languages, such as
Mapuche-Mapudungu in Chile, Quechua in the Andean region
(also Aymara
Bolivia), Nahuatl and others
in Mexico, or
the native majority of Guatemala. How do these peoples
call their lands and towns?
* Asia. Some nations with no state as Kurdistan or Tibet interest us.
* European
minorities. Several european minorities do
not appear in the tables. We would like to know more about:
Langues d´Oil, Polish in Lithuania, Turkish
* Russia and
the former Soviet Union. Lots of issues: scripts that change in the Asian
republics and Moldavia, soviet names that disappear, native forms
that return, the national minorities of Russia... Particularly
interested in the names from the minorities
of Russia (the
northern Caucasus and more).
Zure iritziak, zuzenketak, gehikuntzak
Your comments, corrections, additions
GeoNative © Luistxo
Fernandez & Marije Manterola