Germans in Eastern
Before World War II millions of Germans lived in Eastern
Europe. Germany itself reached further in the east than now.
We present here placenames for those German communities.
This is not a call for a restauration of German presence
there, neither for a revisionist vision of History. To the
contrary, it is quite clear that the brutal domination and
oppression of Eastern European peoples by Nazi Germany was,
at the end, the responsible for the desintegration and
disaparation of the German communities present in those
lands. Some of the old communities are history: there may be
ethnic Germans living in the Volga region of Russia, for
instance, but communities were dismantled. In these cases,
our placename lists have historic value. However, other
German communities are alive and thriving, as the Germans of
Poland, for instance.
We have data about several distinct areas and
- Germans in Poland (below)
- The Sudeten Germans, in present
day Czech republic. (below)
- Carpathian Germans of Slovakia
(below) and Ukraine
- German in Hungary (below)
- Germans of Transylvania and the Banat
(Romania) (another page)
- German in Yugoslavia (Serbia)
- Old German settlements in Bosnia
- Germans in Croatia
- Germans in Slovenia (Gotschee community)
- The Volga Germans of Russia.
(another page)
- Kaliningrad region (Russia),
formerly German. (another page)
- The Germans of "South
Russia": Bessarabia, Odessa, Crimea (present day
Moldavia and Ukraine). (another page)
Ther are other German minorities in Western Europe: in
Denmark and
Belgium. Also language minorities
within Germany: Sorbian,
Frisian (Eastern and Northern),
Danish, Low
Alemanak Ekialdeko
- Bigarren Mundu Gerra baino lehen milioika aleman bizi
ziren Ekialdeko Europan. Alemania bera ekialderago zegoan
mapan. Hemen, eskualde horietako alemanek erabilitako
toki-izenak dakarzkigu. Ez da hau jarrera errebisionista
edo nostalgikoa. Alderantziz, gure ustez, Ekialdeko
Europako alemanen gainbeheraren arrazoia Alemaniako Nazi
erregimenak eramandako zapalkuntza eta gerran dago.
Naziak dira komunitate alemanen deuseztearen erantzule.
Egun, komunitate zahar haietarik batzuk historia dira:
Errusiako Volgako erregioan, adibidez, beharbada badira
aleman batzuk, baina komunitate bizitzarik ez dago jada.
Beste toki batzuetan, komunitate alemana bizi da, ordea,
beren kultur bizitza eta barne-antolakuntza indartzen eta
aberasten, gainera, hala nola Polonian.
Zenbait eskualde eta komunitate desberdinen gainean bildu
dugu informazioa.
Mendebaldeko Europan ere badira gutxiengo alemana:
Danimarka eta
Belgikan. Ikus, baita ere, Alemania
barruko hizkuntz gutxiengoak:
Frisiera (Ekialdekoa eta
Iparraldekoa), Daniera,