- Nogai herria Ipar
Kaukasoko talde turkiarra dira, baina ez dut halako
lurralde jarrai jakin bat beren jatorrizko lurra dela
esateko moduan, tribu Tatar nomaden ondorengo dira
eta. 60.000 Nogai inguru bizi dira, gehienak ipar
Dagestanen, baina 20.000 handik urruti samar,
Karatxai-Txerkesian (guk talde honen toki izenak
ditugu hemen). Dagestango Nogaiek independentziaren
aldeko mugimendu bat ere badute 1991tik (Birlik:
Batasuna), eta Errusiak errepublika autonomoa emateko
eskatzen dute, gaurko Dagestanen lurraldeetan. Nogai
izena duen beste talde turkiar bat badago Errumania
eta Ukrainaren mugaldean, baina ez dakigu egiazki ea
hizkuntza bereko taldea diren.
- The Noghay are a
Turkic people of the North Caucasus, but no contiguous
area exists that can be identified as their homeland
since they descend from nomadic people (Tatars). They
are around 60.000 Noghays in the area, most live in
Dagestan, and there is a group of around 20.000 quite
far from there, in Karachay-Cherkessia. We have
placenames only for this group. The Noghay of Dagestan
formed their independence movement in 1991 (Birlik:
Unity), arguing that the Noghay should receive an
autonomous republic within the Russian Federation, on
what is presently Dagestani territory. There is
another Turkic group named Noghay in the frontier area
of Moldova, Ukraine and Romania.