Before you proceed, consider the following:

The material on this site was originally written in 1984-85. For lack of a better term I will call it a commentary on the Holy Scriptures. It is certainly not your typical evangelical web page, and there is much here that is in opposition to many, if not most, contemporary opinions of religion and the church. You will find no "altar call". Of those who view this page, a few will click below on the "Home" button; from there, fewer will click on links to some of the following pages. Perhaps one in a hundred may click through all the pages. I don't expect anyone to actually read it all.

This site is not intended to convert anyone. The strongest advice I can offer anyone who might have an interest, is to read the Bible as they would read any other book-- from beginning to end. While many people will say that they have read the Bible, I have found that very few have read it as a book, or read it in its entirety. Most skip back and forth, here and there, building within their own mind a sense of having read the Bible when, in reality, they have ignored large portions. On occasion, in the course of discussing the Scriptures, I have had someone say to me, "You just show me that in the Bible!" They are often astounded that I can comply.

The Scriptures speak plainly for themselves, but there are many misconceptions concerning the Scriptures. One 'fact' is that the Bible is the unaltered, literal, inerrant word of God. Yet there are passages in both Old Testament and New stating that lies and false doctrines have been added. Another 'fact' is that the King James Version of the Bible is the only true English translation of the Scriptures. Yet the King James Version is not true to the Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic languages in which the earliest and most reliable manuscripts were written. It also contains some passages that did not appear in any manuscripts until the third and fourth centuries.

Having said these things, I say also that the Scriptures still contain the truth. We have Scriptural references to give us guidance in the discernment of the truth. If this is far enough for you, click the "Back" button on your browser; if not, click the button below.
