Why you should join this webring.... 

Please help support the campaign of Muslims against Domestic Violence by joining the webring. It has been set up to unite Muslims with a common stand. 

We have to raise our voices against domestic violence which has sadly, been stereotyped as part of Islamic tradition. Domestic violence is rampant in our Muslim communities and homes despite the fact that it is Islamically very wrong.  

This webring works like the red ribbon we wear for campaigns for AIDS and other various things we do to show we are proud to believe in a cause. Hijaabi sisters wear their hijaabs with is a symbol of our faith.  

Similarly by becoming a member and displaying the fragment (below) on your websites, you will help raise awareness that Muslims as an Ummah are committed and united in their TOTAL and uncompromising disapproval of domestic abuse. Join the many Muslim voices who are speaking up - help bring attention to the suffering of Muslims sisters and children who are victims of violent spuses/parents. It is your Islamic duty because wife bashing and battering are Islamically WRONG. 

Inshallah, seeing the fragment on YOUR site, might encourage a brother or a parent to re-think his ways. Not only that, you will also help to dispel the misconception many Non-Muslims have - that Islam instructs husbands to beat their wives. Help clear their doubts! 

Your site does not need to contain Islamic content - we're merely looking for your moral convictions against the abuse of wives and children.

Please be prepared to add the webring fragment and code onto your page that you will receive as soon as you click submit. When you enter your site into the queue, you and I will both receive notification, that you are ready to be placed into the official ring. That tells me, that you have the code and graphics necessary for and are working then to add them to your pages.   

PLEASE NOTE: If you have added yourself to the queue, and have not placed the fragment/code and graphics for the ring on your page in 14 days, you will be removed from the queue.

A Scottish Muslim mother and daughter
A Scottish Muslim mother and daughter
Copyright © The Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Washington DC, 1989
Rules: Your site or pages within your site need not deal with domestic violence. The only requirement is that you be a Muslim. This is a webring for Muslims who are morally, ethically, religiously and in action - against domestic violence of all forms - in all communities, especially Muslim communities!  

The fragment for the webring MUST be placed within a prominent page on your site - preferably the mainpage.  Some people have many webrings that they belong to, and thus, have created a "page of webrings," which is acceptable.  

When you enter yourself into the queue, you will immediately be e-mailed a conformation. In that e-mail, there will also be enclosed the webring fragment codes you can include on your page. It will be COMPLETELY specified. All you have to do is choose whether you want a fragment with or without the image. If you choose to have the image, upload it to your server.  

PLEASE UPLOAD THE IMAGE TO YOUR OWN SERVER. Do not reduce or enlarge it either in actual dimension or file size. Do not substitute any other graphic in its place. 
Here is what the webring fragments look like. As some of you may notice, I have shrunk both fragments quite a bit because people complained that the initial ones were far too big and imposing. I DO listen to feedback! I hope this encourages more people to join the webring!

Please do NOT copy it off here because you need to get a SPECIAL code for your own site. It will be issued to you once you sign up and according to your SITE ID, in other words, your serial number on the webring.

This is the fragment WITH the image:

We are Muslims Against 
Site Owned By: YOUR NAME  

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Support the Campaign!
Pics Copyright © The Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Washington DC, 1989. Sites on this WebRing are linked together in common opposition to domestic violence. Presence  of any site is not  endorsement by the other sites.
Either right click and save the image above - or click here to download


There is also an IMAGE-FREE fragment available. Please feel free to choose the fragment of your choice - the codes for both fragments will be provided in the e-mail you receive once you sign up :)

We are Muslims Against 
Site Owned By: YOUR NAME  

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Sites | Random Site | List Sites | Join Today 

Sites  are linked in common opposition to domestic violence. Presence of any site is not an endorsement  by the other sites.
As stated above, after you add yourself into the queue (below), you will receive an e-mail confirmation as well as the ENTIRE FULLY SPECIFIED CODE. Place the code on your site, THEN Email me to request that I now add you to the ring. When your site has been officially placed in the ring you will receive another e-mail just showing you that you have been added from the queue into the ring. 
Submit your site 
Site Title:
Site URL:
Password: Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)  
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.  
Description: Enter a short description of your site.  

Be patient people, this takes a while at times to go through. Also, when you are taken to the page that confirms your site has been added to the queue, it may say that your URL cannot be found. Look at the URL it is showing you. If it is ABSOLUTELY true, click the button that says; "SUBMIT ANYWAY"
Utilities for Existing Webring Members:
[Edit Site Info][Queue][Index of Sites
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Domestic Violence