May the Great Spirit bless your path together with peace, understanding and everlasting love.

Osiyo! Welcome to my homepage. Have a seat and make yourself comfortable. This page is currently under reconstruction, it's been so long since I've done work on it. I hope you'll be patient, and maybe stop back in from time to time to check out the progress. I hope you'll think it worth coming back again and again!!

My name is Cerian Hebert, which is pronounced Kerian. No, it's not Native American, it's Welsh. My husband is French/Cherokee. My Native American name is Morning Dove (Cherokee translation= su-na-le-i gu-le--di-s-go-ni-hi). I am from New Hampshire and have two beautiful daughters, Paige,(Laughing Otter) and Megan (Little Bluebird), and a wonderful stepdaughter named Briannah (Gentle Fawn). My husband is Jim, otherwise known as Coyote Thunder. I'm 31 years old and work as a credit/collections rep for a small company. I've lived in New Hampshire for most of my life, and couldn't imagine living anywhere else..... I love music, reading, writing, horses, hiking, and spending time with my family. I have just begun to learn about this path. My mother and father in law have been wonderful teachers, and this summer Coyote Thunder and I are planning on attending the Gathering of the Elders for the second time. The first time there was a wonderful experience, and the peace we felt there was unbelievable. I had a wonderful experience in finding my animal spirit guardians, and I hope that I will have many more stories to tell from this years visit. In the meantime I'm reading myths and legends and a great book called "In the Spirit of Crazy Horse."

I love to chat! You can find me in a few places. In WBS Spirituality Room I'm White Mare7. Just go to and register for chatting, it's free and easy and well worth it. Or you can find me on ICQ, my number is 586754. Maybe we can talk!!

Cerian aka Morning Dove

Native American Links

Native American Myths and Legends.

News Articles




Legend of the Buffalo Calf Woman

QUOTESPlease sit back and enjoy them!


"As a child I understood how to give, I have
forgotten this grace since I have become civilized."

~~Chief Luther Standing Bear


"Eagle fly high...... Touch the Great Spirit
Share your medicine, touch me, honor me
So that I may know you too."



I hope you will return in time to see the changes and additions. If you have anything of interest or ideas to share, please e-mail me. I'm also interested in the Native American geneology for the Hebert family, who is from the Lumbee tribe out of North Carolina. Any relatives out there? I'm also searching for photos of traditional Cherokee women's dresses. If anyone knows a site where one is located I'd love the address, and I'm interested in recipes for Native American food. Come again soon. And don't forget to sign the guestbook!! Wa-do!! *smile*

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THIS PAGE WAS LAST UPDATED ON MARCH 24th, 1998. I'm doing some major renovations to this page, so be patient with the mess. I hope that things will load a little faster!!.

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© 1997

My thanks to Diana Stanley for her beautiful which I have in my Links and Horse page!


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