Act 3

Scene 1

Macbeth is now living at the royal residence, at Forres. Banquo begins to suspect Macbeth in the murder of Duncan, but considers staying quiet because he still hopes that his prophecies will come true as they came true for Macbeth. Macbeth makes a formal entrance with his group and announces that there will be a banquet held for the state at his royal castle that night. Banquo tells Macbeth that he and Fleance will be out horseback riding until early evening, but he will be back in time for the banquet. Then Macbeth's court exits, leaving him alone to mainly think about the witches' prophecies for Banquo. Two hired murderers enter to talk to Macbeth. Macbeth convinces them that Banquo is their nemesis and he deserves to die. they agree to kill Banquo and his son as they are returning from their ride.

Scene 2

This scene begins with Lady Macbeth expressing her unhappiness with the situation but, when Macbeth enters, she goes back to being the backbone of the whole scheme. It is here where we learn about the lack of sleep, the nightmares, and the loss of appetite that both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are suffering from. But they must hide their emotions and mental states to be happy and welcoming for their banquet. Macbeth tells his wife that he has made some drastic decisions, but refuses to tell her any details.

Scene 3

The two murderers wait for Banquo and Fleance to return form their ride in the early evening. The two murderers are joined by a third who has apparently been sent by Macbeth, who fails to trust anyone at this point in time. When Banquo and his son return, one of the three murderers holds a torch while the other two stab Banquo. In the rush of the moment, Fleance escapes into the darkness.

Scene 4

As the guests arrive at the castle, they are formally welcomed by the Macbeths. Just as Macbeth gets ready to drink to their health, one of the murderers appears at the door. The murderer tells him that Fleance escaped. Macbeth is not pleased with this news, but just as he is about to express his emotions, he is called back by Lady Macbeth to perform his duties as the host. As he joins his guests, he comments on how disappointed his is that Banquo is not present. Just then, as Macbeth is going to sit down at a table, the ghost of Banquo sits on the seat that Macbeth was about to sit on. Macbeth, in the eyes of the guests, is crazy. He is apparently speaking about nothing because nobody else can see the ghost but him. Lady Macbeth attempts to calm him, trying to make him return to his senses and to his being the host. When the ghost disappears, Macbeth blames his actions on his poor health. Now the collected host in honor of Banquo, but just as he says this the ghost reappears. Macbeth can't handle it and Lady Macbeth orders all the guests to leave in any order.

Scene 5

In this scene we are introduced to Hecate, the queen of the witches. she is angered at the three witches for not involving her in the business of the new King. In knowing that Macbeth will visit them the next morning, Hecate plans to lead Macbeth to his downfall by making him feel over-confident in himself.

Scene 6

In this scene Lennox and another lord are discussing the crimes that they now believe Macbeth is responsible for. They also discuss new developments in the situation. One being that Macduff and part of the Scottish army has joined with England in an attempt to overthrow Macbeth from his position.

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