Shakespeare vs. Holinshed

Macbeth was a scottish king on whom the play Macbeth by Shakespeare was
based. Shakespeare based several of his plays on a chronicle written by Holinshed, taking
some artistic liberties. Holinshed's chronicle covers a lot of Scottish history, but it isn't
historically true. Much of what Holinshed wrote was true or close to history, but some part
are just outright false. Most discrepancies between Holinshed and Shakespeare are
attributed to the fact that Macbeth ruled for seventeen years while the play is set within a
two month time period. The following table is a comparison between Holinshed's
chronicle and Shakespeare's Macbeth.
Holinshed Shakespeare
Macbeth's father is Sinell Macbeth's father is Sinell
Duncan is gentle and Duncan is gentle an
Macbeth is cruel Macbeth is cruel
The kingdom was getting The kingdom was getting
out of control under out of control under
Duncan's rule Duncan's rule
Banquo's subjects rebel No mention of this
Macdonwald leads rebels Macdonwald leads rebels
Macbeth and Banquo beat Macbeth and Banquo beat
Macdonwald with a small Macdonwald after a large
fight then Macdonwald fight. Macbeth kills
commits suicide Macdonwald
Macdonwald's head sent to No mention of this in the play
More battles are described No mention of this in the play
Banquo and Macbeth meet Banquo and Macbeth meet
three women in wild three witches
These women give three These women give three
prophecies: Macbeth is prophecies: Macbeth is
Thane of Glamis, Thane of Thane of Glamis, Thane of
Cawdor, and he will be Cawdor, and he will be
king king
Banquo asks about his Banquo asks about his
future and they say he future and they say he
will not be king but he will not be king but he
will be the father of a will be the father of a
line of kings line of kings
Macbeth finds out about Macbeth finds out about
his promotion to Thane of his promotion to Thane of
Cawdor- he takes Cawdor- he takes
prophecies more seriously prophecies more seriously
Macbeth decides to let Macbeth decides to let
fate take its course fate take its course
Malcolm is made Prince of Malcolm is made Prince of
Cumberland, Macbeth sees Cumberland, Macbeth sees
this as an obstacle this as an obstacle
Macbeth talks to friends No mention of this in the play
about a plan to kill
Macbeth's wife convinces Macbeth's wife convinces
him to kill Duncan him to kill Duncan
Macbeth kills Duncan in Macbeth kills Duncan alone
concert with Banquo with his wife
Macbeth had himself named Macbeth was named king when
king malcolm and Donalbain fled
-Holinshed didn't describe Duncan's murder so-
-Shakespeare used the murder of King Duff-
Chamberlains made drunk Chamberlains made drunk
Servants commit the murder Macbeth commits murder himself
Blood mentioned a lot Blood mentioned a lot
Head of the castle blames Head of the castle blames
and slays chamberlains and slays chamberlains
King Duff was a guest in Duncan was Macbeth's guest
the castle
Truth was suspected by Truth was suspected by
some but it is not voiced some but it is not voiced
Imitative harmony is Imitative harmony is noticed
noticed (natural world in
turmoil because human
world is in turmoil)
-Returning to the portions of Holinshed relating to Macbeth-
Malcolm flees to England Malcolm flees to England
and Donalbain flees to and Donalbain flees to
Ireland Ireland
Macbeth ruled well for Shakespeare omits these ten
ten years, being well years
liked among the nobles
His rule was just and
stability had been
Macbeth's rule turns from Macbeth starts his rule
equity to cruelty in cruelty
Macbeth invites Banquo to Macbeth invites Banquo to
dinner and as he leaves dinner, but has him killed
he has him killed, Fleance before he arrives, Fleance
escapes escapes
Fleance flees to Wales Fleance flees to Wales
Macbeth became blood- Macbeth became blood-
thirsty and killed many thirsty and killed many
nobles nobles
Macbeth builds Dunsinane Dunsinane is already built
castle with help from but Macduff does refuse to
Thanes, Macduff refuses to come to any event where
help Macbeth is present
A new witch in the service Same witches as originally
of Macbeth tells him to: give Macbeth the prophecies:
Fear Macduff, he will not Fear Macduff, he will not
be slain by any man borne be slain by any man borne
of woman, and he needn't of woman, and he needn't
worry until Birnam Wood worry until Birnam Wood
moves to Dunsinane moves to Dunsinane
Macduff flees to England Macduff flees to England
Macbeth has spies in each Macbeth has spies in each
of the nobles households of the nobles households
Macbeth goes to Macduff's Macbeth send people to kill
house and slays his family Macduff's family
Malcolm welcomes Macduff, Malcolm welcomes Macduff,
but he tests his loyalty but he tests his loyalty
by saying how bad a king by saying how bad a king
he would be. Macduff was he would be. Macduff was
about to leave then when about to leave then when
Malcolm calls him back and Malcolm calls him back and
says he would be a good says he would be a good
king king
Malcolm allies himself Malcolm allies himself
with Macduff with Macduff
Macduff knows his family Ross comes with news of is dead
Macduff's family being mur-
Malcolm, Macduff, and Malcolm, Macduff, and
Siward attack with 10,000 Siward attack with 10,000
english soldiers under english soldiers under
Siward Siward
Macbeth hides in Macbeth hides in
Dunsinane despite the Dunsinane despite the
prophecies prophecies
Macbeth cocky because of Macbeth cocky because of
the last two prophecies the last two prophecies
English troops each take a English troops each take a
limb from Birnam to limb from Birnam to
Dunsinane Dunsinane
Macbeth sees one prophecy Macbeth sees one prophecy
being fulfilled and he being fulfilled but stays
flees trusting not to be able to
be killed by any man born
of woman
Macduff follows Macbeth Macduff fights with Macbeth
and they fight at Dunsinan
As they fight Macbeth As they fight Macbeth
tells Macduff he cannot be tells Macduff he cannot be
killed of any man borne of killed of any man borne of
woman, Macduff responds woman, Macduff responds
that he was ripped from that he was ripped from
his mother's womb his mother's womb
Macduff kills Macbeth Macduff kills Macbeth
Young Siward dies in Young Siward dies in battle
battle The major differences between the two accounts is that Holinshed had
Banquo involved in the murder of Duncan and Shakespeare didn't and Macbeth ruled for
ten years well according to Holinshed but he was completely cruel according to