- Kenneth III was killed in 1005
- Malcolm became king and made peace with Sigurd of the Orkneys.
- Malcolm gave Sigurd his youngest daughter for marriage.
- In 1006 Malcolm invaded Northumbria, but failed.
- Thorfinn was born of the marriage of Sigurd and Malcolm's daughter.
- Svend was proclaimed king of England in 1013.
- He died almost at once.
- Svend's son Cnut married Aethelred's widow Emma of Normandy and became king of England.
- In 1014, Thorfinn succeeded his father in the mainland territories of Orkney. This gave his grandfather, Malcolm II, a certain hold on the lost northern provinces.
- Malcolm’s main wars were with England, but had several small confrontations with the Danes.
- Cnut rose to be the most powerful sovereign in England.
- Cnut saved Henry II, who was then Emperor.
- Cnut joined Sweden, and Norway with Denmark and then with England in 1017.
- Cnut claimed some kind of suzerainty over Ireland and Whales.
- Ireland became angry and defeated him.
- In 1018, Malcolm challenged the new power
. - Malcolm II invaded England and at Carham on the Tweed defeated Eadulf Cudel.
- Almost everyone from Tees to Tweed with their gentry perished.
- Northern England was thrown into confusion and the Bishop of Durham died of shock.
- In 1031, Indulf invaded Malcolm II's dominions. It took several years to bring peace.
- Cnut became overlord of Scotland.
- Tweed-dale, Teviotdale, Ettrick, Merse, and Lothian were all added to Scotland under Malcolm II
. - Malcolm II introduced the Britons to accept as king another prince of the line of Kenneth MacAlpin - his grandson Duncan.
- Malcolm II had a brother or third cousin, (it is not sure who he was in history), Boite.
Boite whose son or grandson (still not very clear) was killed by the King in 1033.
- Boite may have had a special claim to the throne.
- After Boite died, Malcolm II took steps to secure the succession of his grandson Duncan I. This also gave Malcolm II's other grandson, Thorfinn, a notion of a claim of kingship.
- Duncan I became king of Strathclyde.
- Malcolm II died in 1034.
- Duncan I became King of Scots.

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