[The Gathering:  A Place for Pagans Who Have Lost a Loved One]

This beautiful logo made by Ham's Place on the Web
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I've created this site for all those of us who are pagans and have lost a loved one. It is my hope that this site will become a gathering place for all those who have had nowhere to turn for comfort, understanding, or just someone to talk to about what has happened/is happening in your life since your loss.

My name is Vicky. I consider myself a pagan. I practice Tameran/Wicca, honoring the ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses in my rituals. I lost my husband, my soulmate Jim, on August 7, 1996 and it still hurts. We were married for over 25 years. You may read our story here, if you wish.

As I have no close family, except my sons, near me, I turned to the internet, searching for some understanding of what had happened. I searched the grief nets, the death and dying sites, the widow and widowers areas.....nothing helped. All I found were people who, the minute I mentioned we were not Christian, but pagan, quit talking to me. Those that actually did talk with me, didn't understand where I was coming from. How I could believe in reincarnation, and yet still feel so lost....how I didn't feel I could "put my faith in God" to ease my suffering. I felt so alone.......I had no one to talk with, to share my frustration, anger, grief, questions....any number of agonizing things.

That is my hope for this site..........a place where all of us from the non-Christian arena of life can come, share, understand and perhaps, help one another through this time in our lives.

I am not a counselor, a psychiatrist or professional......I am a widow, alone for the first time in my life, who is trying to cope, to understand. My site is a gathering place for those who are lost and alone, and seeking understanding.

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This site created September 22, 1997 in honor of all who have loved and lost
All contents copyright by Vicky

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