Old Guestbook Entries
I think anyone who has a Lpage guestbook probably knows what I'm talking about; until I figure out another way(any advice is welcome) this is the only way I can show my previous guestbook entries.

Total: 37 guests
Name: MEô
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-04-13 21:48:00
Comments: Neat page!!!!!! We read the same books! I love the "Wheel of Time" eagerly awaiting the next one see ya!!!!!!around!!!!

Name: Tigger
Website: Pie in the sky *LOL*
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Wisconsin, home of cheese heads and glaciers (OH and the Green Bay Packers I suppose)
Time: 1997-04-08 18:55:00
Comments: Hi!!! Have a chip (Freindchip that is). SPROING

Name: Kim Kirkwood
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: dad's job
Time: 1997-04-08 15:29:00
Comments: looking good. good skill set for the future!

Name: Jeanne Marie Hardin
Website: Welcome to TransComp
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Originally New Orleans, now Boston
Time: 1997-03-26 06:32:00
Comments: Hi, Little Confused! ;) It was nice meeting you online last night. You've got a great page! I'm impressed. Take care and see you online.

Name: Mark E.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 1997-03-09 17:43:00
Comments: I love the words of wisdom, I hope to see more This is FANTASTIC!! Keep up the good work!!

Name: Mrs.Matthew McConaughey
Website: princessmoni's homepage
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: I don't know!!
Time: 1997-03-08 11:28:00
Comments: I signed again!!!! ha ha! bye sillyhead!!

Name: old hippy
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: texas
Time: 1997-03-04 21:11:00
Comments: i have been prowling your page, your mothers,brother,and OC. it looks very good.starting out at your age, when you get out of school you will be able to get a very good job. it looks very nice

Name: Will "MetalBlade" Polson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Rochester,NY
Time: 1997-03-04 07:38:00
Comments: Great stuff! Hope to hear e-mail from you soon!

Name: Spunky
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Lampasas Texas
Time: 1997-03-04 00:43:00
Comments: I have enjoyed you pages very much! I will be checking back by to see what you have to add. Keep up the good work!!!

Name: Eugene McFaden
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Lampasas,Tx
Time: 1997-02-28 18:24:00
Comments: Hi I'm better known as 8 Ball, I'm also a teenager(17). I found out about this place from Often confused and I think it is really great!! I f I'm ever in Cruzin'Cafe and I'm in don't be shy, talk to me becuase if I see you first I'm gonna really get your attention...Ha Ha Ha

Name: Erin Teal
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Michigan
Time: 1997-02-26 06:12:00
Comments: I think that your page is da bomb!!!!You did real good. The name thing in the beginning is so cool. I don't have a page but I might have one soon. Maybe you could give me some tips.BYE!

Name: Mavlac Bouldered
Website: Truthguardian
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Middle of somewhere Wisconsin
Time: 1997-02-25 11:45:00
Comments: How did you do that with my name? I would like to do that on my page. Thank you for the goose gif.

Name: Mike Klinger aka Casper
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Kansas
Time: 1997-02-24 20:55:00
Comments: Nice new home!! I found this through cybershopclub where I run into Often Confused on occassion. MsMouth directed me to his page and then I found yours. I will have to thank her. Have a nice day. Casper

Name: Often Confused
Website: "The World of Often Confused"
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: California
Time: 1997-02-22 13:01:00
Comments: Great page little darlin!! Maybe you can teach the old man a few tricks.

Name: MagicMom
Website: MagicMom's Tranquil Retreat
Referred by: From Geocities
From: California, USA...SunshineOne's house
Time: 1997-02-22 12:54:00
Comments: I think this page is fabulous!!! I'm impressed and proud of you, Sunshine! I will be bragging about this young woman on my page, more pictures of her too! She's my sweet, real life daughter! She's also my technical adviser on computer issues and page making. She has been a great assistant!

Name: Ruth Whipple
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Thatcher, Arizona
Time: 1997-02-18 09:44:00
Comments: Hi, my name is Ruth and I found your homepage on the Penpals homepage. Well, I better be going.

Name: Mark Harris
Website: Mark
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Concrod, Ca.
Time: 1997-02-16 11:27:00
Comments: Lisa you have done a great job. Maybe you could teach me how to work with jave.

Name: David Purcell
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: The Big City
Time: 1997-02-14 21:42:00
Comments: I liked the cute animals.

Name: Joseph Gaeddert
Website: The Ghostcow Continuum
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Georgetown, KY
Time: 1997-02-08 11:30:00
Comments: Nice page... thanks for signing my guestbook (I know it was a long time ago but I had troubles with it). Check my page again for updates!

Name: Harold Crean
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Your dad's work
Time: 1997-01-29 09:48:00
Comments: Good job!

Name: Cat (Lady Packrat)
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Green Bay Home of the Green Bay Packers
Time: 1997-01-24 19:01:00
Comments: Greg told me about it. Or should I say TD Tommy.

Name: Omri (Mozart)
Referred by: From Geocities
Time: 1997-01-13 17:17:00
Comments: Cute homepage! You look totally different to what I expected!

Name: Selena Frederick "Whiskers, Black Widow, or Panteress"
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Seminary Mississippi
Time: 1997-01-12 18:45:00
Comments: I can't believe someone else reads Mercedes Lackey! Living in Smalltown USA as I do, it's hard to find a fellow fantasy reader. Have you read her and Andre Norton's calaboration "The Elvenbane" ? It's one of her best works (although Oathbound is close). I also suggest Anne McCaffrey...she's a very passionate authoress. Tara K. Harper and Raymond Feist are good although they're not as explosive as Misty's books. And Marion Zimmer Bradley compiles short stories from authors around the country called "Sword and Sorceress". There's about 13 books in the series. Scarborough and McCaffrey have a trilogy out, the first book is called "The Powers That Be," that's very good. I haven't had the chance to read the other two, but the first was great! But if you can, read the Elvenbane. You'll come out the better for it. And here's an interesting quote for you, though it doesn't go along with your "kindness" theme: "It is better to be a human being satisfied than a pig satisfied." --John Stuart Mills ~Whiskers~

Name: Matthew Aznoe
Website: Matthew Aznoe's Homepage (not terribly original, eh?)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Bozeman, Montana
Time: 1997-01-10 10:40:00
Comments: You have a very beautiful page, and although I have not made it through all of the quotes yet, I know that I will be visiting that page often. Keep up the good work! I am pleased to have such a good "neighbor."

Name: Megan
Website: Star Wars
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Ca
Time: 1997-01-08 19:02:00
Comments: Hi, SummerSunShine. It's me, galixy. Well, I love the page. It's better than mine. Have fun, hope to talk to you soon. Bye.

Name: Connor MacLeod
Website: Immortal Registry
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-01-04 23:32:00
Comments: Nice page for being new. Check out mine.

Name: duuuuuuuuuuuuude
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-01-03 17:05:00
Comments: esa, esa esa silly head!!

Name: Auros
Website: Auros's Lair
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NJ
Time: 1997-01-01 13:57:00
Comments: Cool page, it seems like we have pretty similar tastes in books. See ya in chat.

Name: Blondini
Website: Blondini's Couch on the Web
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: New Zealand
Time: 1997-01-01 01:27:00
Comments: Hey :o) Tonight I finally found out what a sweet person u are!! The page is looking good you fraud - thought you didn't know what you were doing!!! Keep up the good work, consider yourself linked :) See ya in CommChat.

Name: "Michelle"
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Pacifica, CA
Time: 1996-12-31 19:59:00
Comments: Wow! Beautiful page! Excellent quotes! Read them all. Guess your dad's proud of you for a reason. Keep tinkering, I'll be back to see what you've added. Thanks.

Name: Guinevere
Website: New Camelot
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Minnesota
Time: 1996-12-30 16:10:00
Comments: your page is very nicely done

Name: Trips66
Website: trips66's page
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Tennessee
Time: 1996-12-29 23:48:00
Comments: Thanx for coming and visiting my page. I thought I'd be nice and return the favor. Great page you've got going by the way. See ya in Community Chat! :-) ---Trips66

Name: cR@Sh66
Website: cR@Sh66's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: umm...my mom ;-)
Time: 1996-12-29 23:03:00
Comments: hey summer. nice page. keep up the good work! see ya at community chat...laterz

Name: Dennis
Website: Garmr's Doghouse
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Dallas Tx
Time: 1996-12-29 02:04:00
Comments: Cool page........you did an excellent job for someone who doesn't know hyper text

Name: Sarah Lee
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Singapore
Time: 1996-12-27 21:33:00
Comments: Hi sweetie, I happen to know your dad,Confused...I'm 19 y/o. I saw your pic. and I think you look sweet and cute.Hope we will be friends. Send my regards to your dad. Love, Sarah.

Name: Crystal Blue Davis
Website: Crystal Blue's Multi-faceted Retreat
Referred by: From Geocities
From: San Francisco Bay Area,California, USA
Time: 1996-12-25 02:53:00
Comments: Glad to see you finally decided to get a page...those moving rainbow lines look familiar *SMILE*!!! See you in the 'Chats'!

Name: Often Confused (aka) TD Tommy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: California
Time: 1996-12-23 15:17:00
Comments: I like your home page little darling!!!